Chapter 25

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Why had he trusted Sugawara so easily? He supposed he was close to the setter.

Some players from the other teams walked past and waved. Nishinoya held onto Suga’s sleeve as they passed.

“They won’t hurt you” Sugawara assured him and walked into the bathroom.

Nishinoya took a deep breath and pulled off his sweater and shirt. Suga patiently watched him unwrap his upper body.

The bandages came down and Noya turned around, showing his friend the damage.

“Holy fu-”. Suga covered his mouth to keep any words from coming out. “You..”. He lightly touched the wounds.

Noya winced at the contact. “You went to Hinata’s house cause his mother is a nurse”. 

“Yeah”. The smaller boy turned back around. Sugawara lowered his head, covering his face. “Are you ok”? He waved him off.

“I’m fine” his voice cracked.

“You probably think I’m stupid for not telling anyone,” Nishinoya said.

“No”! He jumped at the setters voice. “I’m sorry” He wiped his eyes and smiled sadly.

“You’ve just become the bravest person I know, you went through all this and more while supporting the team and not expecting anything in return”.

Nishinoya smiled at his kind words. “Now let's hurry up and get to bed, ok”?


They quickly showered and were now heading back to the room.

"Are you going to tell Daichi"? Nishinoya asked, carrying his sweater.

"No, it’s your decision to tell the team or not". "Thanks". Suga laughed lightly.

"I'm going to take care of you as much as I can," he said. "You never showed me your arms but I hope you stop and realize you don't need to do that to feel better, there are so many people that will help you without a doubt".

Nishinoya stopped and nearly knocked Suga over with a hug. "I'll try".

"I know you will".


Noya pulled away and saw Tanaka standing there as if waiting to say something.

“I’ll leave you two” Suga pat the spiker on the shoulder when he passed to go into the room.

The two stood quietly in the dark hallway silently.

“Did you tell Suga”?

Nishinoya lifted his head to look at his friend. “Did you tell Suga what happened to you”? He asked.

The smaller boy nodded slowly. Ryu sighed, sounding frustrated. “So Sugawara can know but not me”?

No. Please don’t do this”.

“You know I would’ve helped you. Instead you went to Hinata for shelter, told Suga what happened before all of us, ignored my texts. I was worried about you! Even if I couldn't have helped with this situation, I could’ve helped in the long run. Instead you decided that not talking to me and blatantly lying to my face was a thing friends do”?

Tanaka stopped to wipe his cheeks as tears continued to fall.

Nishinoya tried not to cry himself while watching his friend come undone, spilling everything he thought.

“I know you went through a lot, but you said I was your best friend. How can I be your best friend when I don’t feel like I know you” Tanaka shook his head lightly.

“I’m sorry Noya”.

With his piece said, the spiker turned and went into the room quietly, leaving Nishinoya in the cold abandoned hallway.

The libero stood there, processing the one-sided conversation. He lifted his shaking arms and let out a stuttered breath.

He dropped to his knees, resting his hands on them while his mind berated him.

I’m a terrible friend. I don’t deserve anything! I should die for what I did! For what i’ve been doing. This wasn’t supposed to happen! I was supposed to keep it quiet, keep them unbothered but I had to ruin that like everything else”!

Noya slowly rose to his feet, feeling unsteady as he walked into the room.

He looked around at his team and held back ugly sobs. He got under his covers and faced the wall, an empty feeling starting to seep in.

I’m going to lose everything. I don’t want to. I DON”T WANT TO"!

Nishinoya felt like he was going to scream. He needs to.

He wanted to jump up and scream what was wrong with him.

He wanted his friends to stay.

He wanted them to know.

He wanted to stop being scared and spill everything, yelling it if he had to.

Or maybe run away from it all since he would lose them eventually. But neither of those things happened.

Noya just laid in bed, an empty shell of someone he used to know.

The minutes turned into hours that he laid there, forever staring at the blank wall in front of him and not knowing when he slipped into unconsciousness.
787 words

Writers block is a bitch

Happy late valentine's day tho😘

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