Chapter 29

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"Did you hear that everyone's going on a run today"?

That was the first thing Hinata said to Noya when he bounced over.

"Yeah, exciting right?! Nishinoya beamed.

"Yeah"! Hinata matched his excited energy. "Wanna partner up"?

Noya nodded and linked arms with the red head. "You ask me to be your partner anytime and I'd say yes" he said, hoping Shoyo would get the hint.

"Ok cool"! Was the answer he got back as the taller boy ran off to get food.

Nishinoya blinked after him for a moment before face palming. "Take the freaking hint" he mumbled.

Sighing, the libero ran to catch up with his crush. 
"Everyone must partner up, stay together and stick to the path," Ukai explained. "And absolutely no running off to make out" he added loudly for everyone to hear.

There were snickers and quiet comments before the coaches sent them off on their way.

"See you at the end bro"! Tanaka said, slapping Noya's shoulder, not as hard as he usually would.

"Not if I get there first"! He retorted. "Come on, I want to beat Kageyama"! Hinata yelled.

"Not going to happen, slow poke"! The setter took off running with Yamaguchi beside him, who was regretting going with him and also mad that his boyfriend got snatched up by Nekoma and Fukurodani's captains.

"Let's go" Nishinoya took Hinata's hand and smiled at him. Shoyo let himself enjoy Noya smiling at him, only for his trace to get broken when the second year took off running, dragging him behind him.

He gained his footing and even started skipping, making Yuu laugh.

"You're gonna get tired that way" Noya chuckled. "It's worth it" Hinata grinned.

Nishinoya shook his head, still smiling. "Bet you I can run faster" he commented. "No way" Hinata countered.

"Only one way to find out"! The libero dashed forward suddenly.

Shoyo stopped, took a deep breath in and ran after his crush.
Caught up in their bliss, Nishinoya and Hinata ran past Tanaka and Kageyama, who were shocked by the energy the two had.

It's like it bounced between them.

Eventually they finally collapsed on the grass, back at Fukurodani. "That...was... fun" Hinata said, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah.." Noya was equally tired from trying to outrun the first year.

"Woah look at the cool clouds"! Hinata exclaimed, looking up to the sky. He fell down on his back, promptly taking Noya down with him.

He reached over and interlocked their fingers, gently rubbing his thumb over the older boy's knuckles.

They laid in silence. In their own little world, each other's company is enough for them.

Nishinoya turned his head at some point and watched as Shoyo searched the sky for something that he wouldn't find.

The red head turned as he felt the other staring at him.

And maybe it was the heat or dehydration, or the fact the Hinata was glowing brighter than the sun, that made Noya prop himself up on his elbow before leaning down to touch his lips to Hinata's.

The decoy gasped but soon melted into the kiss, closing his eyes and pushing himself up to meet Noya half way.

The kiss was loving, bordering heated as they kissed all their energy and oxygen away.

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