Chapter 21

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The team had been walking out of the school together and heard Natsu yelling.

"Looks like your friend is waiting for you," Sugawara laughed.

"Nii-chan, tell Noya-san he has to sit with me this time"!

"Ok, Natsu"! Hinata yelled back. His sister just beamed for getting what she wanted.

"Bye everyone, see you bright and early tomorrow"! Daichi said.
Everyone said their goodbyes and left in different ways.

Nishinoya had climbed in the back seat with Natsu and Hinata in the front with his mother.

"How was school"? Minato asked as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"It was fine, kind of boring," Hinata answered.

"Hmm, Nishinoya"?

"Volleyball is usually the only interesting thing to happen at school, so boring" he answered.

"Wanna know what I did at school"!? Natsu asked. "Why don't you wait until we get home so you can show us your drawings," Minato suggested. "Ok mommy"!

"So, the team's supposed to go to Tokyo tomorrow," Hinata said. Minato was quiet for a moment, glancing back at Noya.

"Is that a good idea, to go to Tokyo right now"?

"I think it would help a little bit," Noya said. "I just don't want him to stay here alone," Hinata told her.

Minato sighed, knowing she wouldn't be able to stop Nishinoya from going with her son. "You guys can go, I'll do some laundry to see if we can find enough clothes for you, Nishinoya".

"Thank you".

They got home and Natsu pulled Nishinoya in the house, eager to show him her drawings.

She dumped her school bag on the living room floor and Noya watched her search through the papers.

Hinata joined the two of them and saw Natsu finally find her drawing.

"Look"! She shoved the paper into her brother's hands. "It's mommy, me, nii-chan and you, Noya-san"! Hinata smiled at his sister, complimenting her work.

"The teacher asked me who it was and I told her"!

"And what did you tell her"? Minato asked, curiously. "That he was Shoyo's friend of course"! Natsu beamed. Minato sighed with relief that she didn't say anything else.

"I love it" Hinata told her. Nishinoya quietly took the paper from Hinata. "Everything ok"?

"I never... does every kid draw these"? Noya asked.

"I think so? Why"? Hinata wondered. "And they bring them home"? "Yeah".

He didn't. He had brought one home only for it to be ripped up in his face. "My mom didn't like them".

"Oh sweetie, that's ok" Minato walked over and hugged him. "So what did you draw as a kid"? Hinata asked.

"No idea," Noya said. He gave the picture back to Natsu. "Thanks for including me". Natsu smiled and ambushed him with a hug.

"You're my friend now," she said. Nishinoya laughed. "You're my friend too".

"Alrighty, time to pack for Tokyo boys"!

Natsu ran to her room to play, while the other three were in Hinata's room.

Noya unpacked everything from his bag to make room for his clothes.

"Here's all the clothes you brought with you" Minato dropped the pile on Hinata's bed, where said redhead was sitting criss cross.

"If you need anymore clothes, Shoyo can lend you some, you already stole his favorite sweater anyway". She left the two boys to pack.

"Your favorite sweater"? Nishinoya questioned.

"Yeah, but I don't mind"! Hinata said quickly.

"Good, cause you're never getting it back until it stops smelling like you" Nishinoya smiled at him cutely.

Hinata blushed and busied himself with packing. "Is there anything else you think you'll need"? Nishinoya looked in his bag. "No, I should be fine, I'll just steal clothes from your bag if I need to".

"Great" Hinata zippered up his bag and threw it close to his door.

"I can't wait to see Kenma again"! He said. Noya placed his bag beside Hinata's and jumped on the bed.

"Keep talking about him and I might get jealous," he teased.

"Stop doing that"! Shoyo groaned and covered his face with his pillow. Nishinoya laughed at his expense and wrapped his arms around the redhead.

Hinata moved the pillow and smiled, cuddling up to his teammates chest. Hinata loved hugging Noya because he seemed to radiate heat.

"You're really warm," he said absentmindedly.

"I hope that's a good thing" Noya yawned. "Mhm" Hinata hummed and closed his eyes.



"Can you start calling me by my first name instead of my last name"? He mumbled sleepily. "I know you already do but you should continue"

"Sure, Shoyo" Noya laughed lightly. "But you have to call me Yuu". Hinata smiled against his chest.

"Ok, Yuu".

Nishinoya felt his heart beat faster at his first name from his crush. He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he held Hinata closer and fell asleep.
802 words

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