Chapter 27

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Lunch rolled around, the same time as yesterday, and Yachi had miraculously gotten Nishinoya out of bed, saying sometime along the lines of “it's bad for his health” or whatever.

Yachi didn’t seem to care that Noya didn’t bother changing out of the same clothes he’d worn to bed and just continued to drag him downstairs.

Ending up in the kitchen with the managers again, they offered him their kind and caring words to boost his spirits.

“We appreciate your help, Noya-kun” Eri said as they finished setting things up.

“Yachi said I need something to occupy my mind so you're welcome,” Noya replied.

They all took their food and settled at the same table as yesterday. Looking at their plates, you’d see Yuike’s was the fullest and Noya’s being the scarcest.

“Are you not hungry”? Kiyoko asked, glancing worriedly at the libero.

“Not really,” he lied.

Hinata came flying out of the doors with the other players, to run up the hill to where the managers table was. “YUU”! He back hugged his crush.

“I noticed you didn’t get out of bed and I was super worried! Are you ok? Do you need anything”?!

Nishinoya gently pushed Hinata away. “Calm down, I’m fine”.

Everyone knows Hinata has come to doubt anyone who says those two words together.

“Well I better go get something to eat then…” Hinata hesitantly left Nishinoya.

“You picked a good one” Kahori commented with a wink, causing Noya to go pink in the cheeks.

“He really cares about you” Mako added.

Nishinoya watched his crush run around, talking to everyone he could.

Maybe Shoyo did care for him because he wanted to.

Suddenly, Noya didn’t feel like as much of a burden as before. 

Nishinoya found himself watching a Karasuno vs Nekoma practice match from his spot beside Takeda.

The game went relatively slow, due to both sides dragging out the rallies. Though it eventually ended with Nekoma winning 25-20.

While Karasuno was dealing out their punishment, Noya somehow ended up with Kenma sitting beside him.

He was extremely confused as to why the setter was beside him. “Hi”? Noya said.

“Shoyo’s worried about you,” Kenma said blatantly. “Something about a fight with your number 5”.

Nishinoya sighed and looked at his best friend, who looked about ready to cry or punch something.

“He said he didn’t know me anymore after something I did,” Nishinoya explained. “It’s not like he’s wrong, I haven’t told anyone but Sugawara what happened”.

“Maybe tell him then” Noya turned to Kenma who was now tapping his phone which materialized in his hands.

“Do you think that’d fix things”? The setter just nodded.

Noya supposed he could tell both Tanaka and Shoyo what happened. But what if they thought it was stupid?

Or thought he deserved it?

Or if he wasn’t worth their time anymore?

He knows Hinata and Tanaka aren’t those kinds of people but his head kept him from thinking rational thoughts and kept him spiraling down, deep into the darkness all day until he was face to face with the confrontation he did not want at the moment.

“Take your time”. Nishinoya shook his hands to relieve the stress that vibrated his bones.


Great, his eyes were already welling up with tears. He took a deep breath to ground himself and started again.

“I’m not sure how to start this conversation so I’m sorry for keeping things away from you, Ryu” Nishinoya looked at Tanaka like he was pleading to stay.

“No I’m sorry, what I said last night wasn’t what you needed, I should've been supportive like Hinata” Tanaka said.

“If I wasn’t so in my head, I would’ve told you both earlier”.

“But you want to tell us now, right”? Shoyo asked.

“Yeah, um”. The two taller boys waited for Noya to find the words patiently.

“You know I have depression,” Nishinoya said, gesturing to Hinata who nodded. “Well it developed from my mother hitting me. She used my father and I as her own personal punching bags. She’s hated me since I was born and I have no idea why”.

Hinata stepped forward and pulled Noya, who was now sobbing, into his arms.

Tanaka joined them, none of them caring that they were in the middle of the hallway.

They lowered to the floor and held Noya tight.

“My father left,” he cried. “He promised he would come back for me”!

“Shh, it's ok” Hinata whispered.

“We’ve got you,” Tanaka added, gently rubbing his friends back to comfort him.

“Please don’t leave me” Noya whimpered.

“We aren’t going anywhere”.
782 words

I'm back guys!!!

My writing feels like it's getting worse but I still hope you enjoy it

This chapter was kind of a vent chapter🤭

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