Chapter 10

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"Mom, where's Natsu"? Hinata asked after his shower. Minato looked around for the small girl.

"I'm not sure".

They heard talking and went to find where it was coming from.

They came around the corner and saw Natsu sitting in front of Nishinoya's door talking and giggling. She knocked on the wall and laughed when she got a knock back.

She continued her story about how a girl fell into a puddle at her school today. "Natsu, you're not supposed to bother him"! Hinata yelled.

Natsu didn't understand why she was getting yelled at for talking.

"Shoyo"! Minato ran over and picked up the crying girl. "She was fine, it might help".

Hinata took his sister from his mom and hugged her. "I'm sorry, I just got overprotective". "It's ok," Natsu sniffed.

Minato heard something fall from in the room and rushed in.

She saw Nishinoya sitting in the corner with his ears covered, seemingly blocking out something she couldn't hear.

"Mom what happened"?

"It's nothing, go play with your sister to make her feel better". Hinata stuck his tongue out at Natsu, making her laugh. He brought her to her room and she forced him to have a tea party.


Nishinoya was listening to Hinata's sister tell him a story when he heard someone yell. "You're not supposed to be bothering him"! Why did that sound familiar?

"Yuu, you're not supposed to be bothering her! His dad grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the bedroom door.

His mother had gone in there half an hour ago and Nishinoya was worried. "But mommy's in there".

"I know but she likes to be alone for a little bit," Yuuma told his son. "And you ruined it"!

The door flew open and Kijo slapped her husband right there. In front of their kid. Kijo reached down and yanked on Nishinoya's arm.

"I specifically said don't bother me and what do I get? Your annoying son talking to me"!

She threw him in his room and slammed the door. Nishinoya picked himself up off the ground and felt his wrist hurting.

He went to tell his dad, but a slamming sound in the hallway told him not to. "He's our son"! Yuuma said.

"That sorry excuse of a person is all yours, he's nothing like me"! Kijo yelled.


Nishinoya stopped listening now.

"I'm sorry" Noya said and crawled into a corner, crying and covering his ears"

"Nishinoya" Noya opened his eyes and saw Hinata's mom, no Minato, crouched in front of him.

"Breathe Nishinoya, you have to breathe" She said. He gasped for air and Minato took his hand.

"Focus on my breathing, match it".

He focused on the rise and fall of her breathing and slowly but surely matched it with his own. "Good, there you go".

Noya didn't know how he felt about being touched but when Minato hugged him, he hugged her back like he was going to fall.

He began crying again and felt a hand in his hair. "You're ok, I've got you" She whispered.

"Everything will be ok" Yuuma said, wrapping Noya's arm with a wrap. "I've got you".

Feeling safer than he had in days, he fell asleep in Minato's arms.


Another morning.

Three days since Noya got to Hinata's house. Hinata was in a terrible mood.

His mother had told him that Nishinoya had a panic attack, most likely because of him yelling. Hinata just wants to see the boy.

Wants to tell him everythings ok. Wants to hold him.

Wants him to feel safe.

But he can't because Nishinoya didn't want him to yet. Yet.

There was some hope still left, sadly it got reduced down to a small amount after last night.

So Hinata went to school feeling like crap and wanting to cry. "Could this be my breaking point"?


The last bell of the day ended and Hinata dragged himself to the locker room.

He subconsciously changed into his volleyball clothes and then hauled himself to the gym.

"Come on guys, Seijoh will be here soon".

"I forgot about the practice match". Hinata rubbed his face and helped set everything up before Aoba Johsai arrived.

"We're here"! Tooru Oikawa announced as he flounced through the door.

"Shut it, Trashykawa" Hajime Iwaizumi scolded him.

"Iwa-chan, you see, you can't call me that today per our agreement" Oikawa smiled.

Iwaizumi scoffed and pushed his boyfriend in the door to let the rest of the team in.

"Thank you for coming," Karasuno bowed. "Aw, Tobio-chan is bowing for us" Oikawa said, amusingly.

"Isn't he the best boyfriend"?

Kageyama blushed and the team erupted into chaos. "You're dating Oikawa"! Tanaka yelled.

"Not just him" Iwaizumi stepped up too.

"What the hell" Daichi whispered to Suga, who smacked his chest. "As long as they're happy".

Yachi cried a little when she handed Yamaguchi 2000 yen and Ennoshita swore under his breath, giving him the same.

Hinata, Kinoshita, Narita and Tanaka congratulated the three.

Tsukishima was slightly confused.

How did the three of them even come to like each other. It would be like him dating Kuroo and Bokuto. Akaashi was fine but the other two, yikes.

"Yes, yes, big news," Oikawa said, enjoying the attention.

"And now we're getting to our game," Yahaba reminded them.

"Yeah, whatever".

The two teams got their jerseys on and picked a side of the net. Oikawa was up to serve first. Before he served, he noticed something.

"Where's your libero"? He called out.

Iwaizumi watched the whole team's expressions drop.

"He's sick," Daichi said.

Oikawa didn't like the sounds of that. He just threw the ball in the air and jumped to give it to the other team.
958 words

I don't know why I ship Iwaoikage I just do, ok?

Ok, next update will be tomorrow :)

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