Chapter 6

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Hinata was one of the last ones to arrive at Morning practice. He changed quickly and ran to the gym.

"Glad you could make it" Daichi said as he entered the gym. "Care to tell us what made you late"?

"Come on Daichi, he's only 5 minutes late" Sugawara reasoned.

"I didn't get much sleep last night" Hinata said truthfully.

Kinoshita touched his shoulder. "How many hours did you get"? He asked, concerned.

"Three" he said. "But I'm fine, I just want to play"!

Daichi sighed. "Alright let's get practice started"!

"Shouldn't we wait for Noya"? Asahi said.

Everyone paused and turned to their captain. "He'll come eventually" he shrugged.

Hinata was already running off to get a volleyball, not noticing the stare from a fellow teammate.

"He probably slept in" Tsukishima said to Suga. "He did receive quite a lot of Ushijima's spikes".

"Come on Tsukki! Let's practice together" Yamaguchi tore his eyes from Hinata and his weird behaviour and smiled at him.

"Sure Tadashi". The duo walked away to practice, leaving worried Suga behind.

"Nishinoya was always the one they could count on to be at practice, he never misses' unless he's really sick".

"Everything's fine, Suga," Ennoshita said. "Look, Tanaka's not worried and he's Noya's best friend".

Sure enough, the winged spiker was spiking the sets Kageyama sent him, still yelling as they hit the ground.

The platinum haired setter nodded. He shouldn't be worried but he was.

The car ride home last night was... well there was definitely something wrong.

"No standing around, get to practicing"! Daichi ordered. He turned and saw Suga's face. He didn't like that look.

"Koushi". Suga glanced up at his first name. "He's fine," Daichi assured him.

"Ok," Suga said, not convinced. "Let's just practice".

Hinata slammed every set he was tossed to the ground, with no satisfaction. Usually there'd be a boy shorter than him, receiving the ball.

"I'm going to receive the ball," Hinata said, startling Kageyama.

"What do you mean dumbass, receiving isn't done with your face"! "That's why I'm going to practice, idiot"! He yelled back.

The setter watched as Hinata ducked under the net to the other side. "I guess I'll serve to you-" Kageyama was interrupted by Hinata.

"No, I want spikes," he said, determined.

"Everytime you've tried, it hits your face, what makes you think this time will be different"? Tsukishima questioned coldly.

"Fine"! Hinata said, frustrated. "I'll start with serves but I'm receiving spikes during afternoon practice".

Everyone was confused at his behaviour. Hinata hated receives and adored spikes.
"It's time for class Hinata".

The spiker barely even registered that Kageyama was talking to him.

"What"? He looked up and saw the first years waiting for him. "Yeah, let's go".

He walked beside Kageyama and Yachi, who looked more nervous than usual.

"Are you ok, Yachi"? He asked. The blonde squeaked in surprise. "Oh yeah! I'm fine! Thanks for asking"!

"You must be worried about Nishinoya right"? She asked. Hinata paled.

"Why would you think that"?!

Kageyama gave him a look like "Are you dumb"? Yachi tilted her head and Tsukishima scoffed. Hinata turned to Yamaguchi, who remained quiet.

"Why"? "Cause you like him" Yams said and hid behind his tall boyfriend.

"You guys," Hinata hid his red face with his hands.

"I think you would be so cute together" Yachi commented. Yamaguchi agreed, while the other two rolled their eyes.

"Don't pretend you hate romance, you two"! Hinata said. "You're dating Yams," Yachi pointed at Tsukishima.

"And you're dating two people"! Kageyama fiddled his fingers. "Would you look at that, we're at our class, bye"!

He ducked into the classroom before he was asked questions.

"Whatever" Tsukki said, before he and Yamaguchi left with Yachi to their respective classrooms.

Hinata walked in and took his seat. He stared at his desk, zoned out until the teacher came in to start class.

"I wonder how Noya's doing". Hinata thought. Probably bad considering everything...

Hinata laid his head on his desk.

He didn't want to think about it. Looking up at the board, he saw no other option and began to take notes for seemingly the first time.

Kageyama glanced at his friend and saw him writing. "Oh hell no, you're not beating me". He took out his notebook as well and copied the notes.
723 words

Why is school a thing? It's pointless. Save me from despair

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