Chapter 14

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Nishinoya had just stopped Minato from talking to whoever called. He didn’t want to risk it being his mother.

“I’m sorry, I thought it was Shoyo’s phone” Minato apologized and put the phone on the table beside the bed and picked up the almost identical one next to it. “Kid needs to remember to bring his phone”

Minato shook her head and left the room with Nishinoya following her. She got all the way to the living room again and turned around.

“Do you need something”? She asked. Nishinoya shook his head. There was a thumping sound and someone running down the hall.

“Good morning mommy”! Natsu said when she tackled her mother in a hug. “Good morning darling, how did you sleep”?

“I slept great”! She smiled brightly.

Nishinoya watched the little girl and noticed how much she resembled Hinata.

With her bouncy and energetic personality, her kind but mischievous smile and not to mention the hair, she was like the tinier girl version of Shoyo.

Nishinoya wondered where the siblings got their energetic ways.

Minato was kind and gentle, quietly motivated and hardworking. Hinata never talked about his dad, so that’s probably where they got that side.

Nishinoya thought to himself.

Where did HE get his energetic side from?

His dad had been like Yamaguchi and Minato, and his mother…

Am I going to be terrible like my mom”?

“Noya-san,will you watch TV with me”?! Natsu looked up at him with big pleading eyes. Nishinoya stared at her, the past thought in his head. He crouched down and smiled. “Sure”.

I refuse to be my mother”.

Minato almost awed at the scene in front of her. And then did when Natsu grabbed Nishinoya’s hand and pulled him into the living room.

“We’re going to watch pokemon”! The small child said excitedly and turned on the show.

Six year olds watch pokemon”?

“Look, that's my favorite character, Pikachu”! Nishinoya chuckled. “Mine too”. Natsu’s eyes grew. “You watch pokemon too”!? Noya nodded.

“When Shoyo said you were cool, he wasn’t kidding”! Noya blushed at that sentence.

Hinata thinks I’m cool”.

“Here’s your breakfast you lazy kids” MInato placed a plate for each of them on the coffee table. “Thank you”!

They sat on the couch for most of the morning into the early afternoon, bingeing pokemon.

Natsu had become comfortable with Nishinoya quite fast and now sat right next to him. “Isn’t this fun”? She asked innocently.

Noya heard those words ring in his head.

*“Isn’t this fun”? Little Noya asked, smiling at his dad. “We always have fun when I have spare time away from volleyball,” Yuuma said.

“And when mommy’s not here” Nishinoya said nervously.

The older man was quiet for a second. “That’s not true, we have fun with your mom too”.

Noya shook his head.

“No we don’t, she just gives me “lessons” when you’re playing”,

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