Chapter Six -Smile For Me

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I woke up to the sound of growls. Whoever this was, they were not happy. There's multiple pains running through my entire body. What is bothering me the most is the aching that doesn't seem to want to end.

I try to force my eyes open but to no luck. Slowly the voices traveling around me begin to come together.

"What do you mean she can't come with me?" An angry voice says. I know this voice but i can't seem to put my finger on it. The fuzziness in my mind is making me drowsy.

"You're welcome to go, but i cannot let her leave with you." Another voice replies.

"You're using her. Im not just going to leave her with you. You've always taken advantage of her because she believes sve owes you. She deserves to be happy."

Elana? I let my eyes flutter open.

"The doctor isn't even sure if she will wake up. She took a lot of damage in that fight. The fight you were supposed to be in. That fight-"

"You set her up to die in that fight." The words come out of my mouth all croaky.

"Paisley?! Paisley you're okay!!" Elana touches my Face and my arms.

A cough escapes my lips but i manage to force a smile and turn my head to Alpha Max who is staring at me with wide eyes. "That was the whole plan, was it not? You knew Ellie would never stand a chance in that fight. You needed her to be killed. Im banking that even you put money down on her losing so you'd receive compensation for the loss of her. You just never banked on me jumping in." I say, a flash of guilt and anger crosses his eyes.

"I was doing what i needed to do, not only did you cost me half of my profit. You've cost me a lot of my credits. You're lucky you're still breathing, the Council wanted you dead. Guess who took you out from under the bus you decided to dive headfirst into, Paisley. What the hell were you thinking?-"

"Don't give me that you coward. You should have known I'd be willing to die for Elana any day. You set her up with a fully trained FUCKING WARRIOR." I growl.

He growls back, "I am you alpha and you will speak to me with respect!"

"You're no fucking alpha. An alpha doesn't turn his back on his pack and set them up just to die. Elana doesn't fight-"

"Do you really want to get on my bad side?" He growls, his alpha aura seeping through his voice.

"Alpha, she's stubborn. There's no point." Alex contributes.

I never realized he was here. I take this chance to look around the room. Soren, Violet, and even Jax is here.

"Glad to see you're still breathing." Jax grins with a wave.

"Glad to see you're still in a joking mood." He laughs at my comment.

"It's an attractive quality of mine." He says with a smirk.

Its my turn to laugh, i slowly sit up. Gripping my ribs. "Where am i?" I watch as Alex and Max leave the room.

"In the medical ward, after the fight the Council was going to kill you. You were barely breathing. Nobody thought you'd be able to pull through at the last minute. Apparently they were intrigued. Alpha Max talked to them, lost a lot of his credits from the festival to convince them to let you go because you belong to his pack.. You've been in here for two days." Elana explains sadly.

I hold her hand, "two days? I thought i wasnt supposed to wake up?"

"You weren't, Paisley. Your heart was punctured in the fight. Your ribs were completely shattered. You really took a lot of damage. I've been studying medicine lately and even im baffled. The doctors couldn't get you to respond to anything. Not even your wolf was detectable. Yet you healed really fast."

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