Chapter Eight - Help Me

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(Hey my babies!! I just wanna say a few things, i have the next few chapters already written out i just haven't had time to post them Im so busy with my classes and im currently working full time! Im trying my best and i will do some editing but I hope everyone is doing okay and I love you guys so so much!!!)

I'm not sure how long the plane ride was, hours is all i know. At some point my butt went numb. The girl ended up falling asleep on me.

I stare out the window if the bunk room we were brought to. And by "we" i mean all of the females.

The smell of wet stone and morning dew fills my nostrils. The sun is just beginning to rise over the trees. The alpha never called for me like Beta Scott said. Though we arrived pretty late. I hadn't got much sleep last night. I couldn't stop my racing mind. Im still drowned by questions.

Where is Ellie? Is she truly safe? Is she happy? Does she know I love her? Will I ever see her again? -

Im pulled out of my thoughts by the opening of a door. I lock eyes with Beta Scott as he stares at me with a surprised look.

"Ah, you're already awake. The alpha and the heirs will see you now."

The heirs? I only nod and follow him out of the door. We weren't given anything to wear so im still in the same clothes as before.

"Beta Scott.' I say.

He looks over at me as we walk, "Call me Scott and yes?"

"What is our fate? Will we all die?" I ask sternly.

"Only the ones who wrong us. You will be safe."

"How can you know that?" I ask.

Scott opens a set of double doors. He chooses not to answer and gently pushes me inside. I go to grab the door knob but a loud deep voice stops me.

"Sit. We have things to discuss." The voice says.

I feel my heartbeat quicken, it slams against my chest. I turn to see three grown men dressed in casual fancy suits. I feel very underdressed.

I do as told and sit in the only chair left which happens to me in the middle of the two men.

"What is your name?" The older, grumpier looking man asks.

"Paisley Castalvo." I answer, too afraid he might literally snap my head off of my neck.

"You're much more beautiful up close." He says, not sparing a single smile or hint of amusement to ease the tension.

"Thank you." I say and look down at my shoes.

"Look at me when i speak. We have things to discuss."

My eyes snap to his and he keeps talking, "I paid good money for you. I almost lost you. Quite frankly I'm surprised that alpha of yours put you up there. I seen you take down that grown man in place of your little friend. She seemed to be the better match."

My chest begins to ache at his words, "you're obviously a very serious business man so why don't you cut to the chase?" I snap at him.

"Careful, im not afraid to beat that attitude out of you myself. But alright, Kane."

One of the men next to me readjusts himself in his chair, "I'd bang her."

The older man, that I've yet to learn his name, smirks as if almost proud.

"First of all, despite the fact i was sold doesn't make me a play toy. It was my choice. You won't be banging me, ever."

Kane grins, "I don't need your consent. I love a challenge."

I go to stand but his hand wraps around my shoulder blade and slams me back into my chair. I wince at the strength in his grip.

"Ace." The older man says and my attention goes to the other man next to me who looks uninterested in everything.

"Yes, father?" Ace says.

Kane grips my face and makes me look him in the eyes, "yeah you heard right. He is our father."

"So that's what he meant by heirs." I mumble incoherently to myself.

"I call dibs on this one dad." Kane says, touching my hair. I cringe away from him.

"She doesn't have a wold." Ace states, making me feel small and weak.

I watch the color drain from the alpha's face as it slowly changes to red. The anger taking over his form. "You don't have a wolf?" He growls at me.

"I was in an accident at a young age. Went through a lot of trauma that set my shift date off course. I had to go through a lot of treatments just to be stable enough to speak. They wiped my brain of the trauma, leaving my wolf."

"I'll get that wolf out of her." Kane says smugly. I look over to see that his wolf has surfaced. His canines are elongated and his eyes are animal-like.

The alpha grins, an amused look on his face. I think i like it more when he didn't smile. "Looks like his wolf is fond of you. That's a first."

I back away with tears in my eyes. His animalistic form stalks towards me.

"Looks like you belong to him now. Get her boy." The alpha says and I scream.

(Oh no! Poor Paisley :(

She's trying to stay strong but everything seems to be going downhill fast :(

What do you guys think will happen?

How do you guys feel about the mysterious alpha and his two sons?

I'll post pictures of Ace and Kane below (maybe!) But i might leave it up to your imagination.

I can't wait to do some character development, don't hate me for ittt!! You guys are going to be coming at me nonstop hehe :3

Let me know what you guys think so far!)

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