Chapter Thirty - I Love You, Raja Saya

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Kelon held up his promise to me and took me to the doctor that next day, where Zellian also tagged along since he knew what I was planning. The doctor ran some tests; urine, blood, and did an ultrasound. I wasn't pregnant. So much relief had spread through my entire body when he came back with the news. I knew Zellian was relieved as well.
It's been a month since. Everything was perfect. Things had been going exceptionally well. Everyone was happy, so much was happening. Things between Zellian and I were perfect. Kody and Kelon had found their mates, sisters to be exact. Marissa and Isabella. Kelon mated to Marissa and Kody to Isabella. Who were from a pack that is in close ties with Zellian. Alex found himself a girlfriend in the pack. Who had lost her mate in a rogue attack a few years ago. Apparently she was already pregnant. Which truly did not surprise me since I knew Alex and his perverted brain.
Mya had found herself a boy that she swears every day is going to be her mate one day. And once all the guys found out, they all chased this boy around the pack house. At one point they finally caught him, or at least Kody did once they had cornered him. While Kody proceeded to hang this poor teenage kid upside down by his ankles while Mya was screaming in horror as Kelon, Kody, Alex, and even Corin were cheering at their success. While the rest of us sat around laughing. Even Zellian was amused.
Violet had proposed to Elana a few weeks ago, and of course Elana said yes to her. They picked up jobs doing stuff around the pack house and in town. To earn money towards their wedding even though Zellian offered to cover the expenses. I was more than happy for them when they told everyone the news. Elana asked me to be her maid of honor and as funny as it is, Alex to be her bridesmaid. Even asked what size dress he fits in. Which definitely earned her a smack behind the head. Violet asked Finley and Kody. And they appointed Mya as the flower girl. They gave Kelon the duty of ring bearer. What really made my heart jump for joy was that they asked Zellian to be their officiant. To which he was more than happy to accept.
My life finally felt like my life again. I was happier than I've ever been. And even happier today since today is the big day. Today is the day that Zellian is introducing me to the world that I was his mate and queen. He expressed the idea about a week or two ago. The idea of it scared the hell out of me because in the beginning i was so focused on us, that I completely forgot that it was a process that was necessary. It's bigger than just a ceremony. The whole world will know my name. I'll be meeting all of Zellian's closest friends, his family. He said he was okay with waiting until I was ready. Truth is I was ready from the start but it's something huge that I desperately wanted to be prepared for. I want everything to look perfect. Especially since I would be meeting his mother and father and I desperately wanted them to like me. Finley and Zellian both assured me that they would love me. But I was so very.. very nervous.
Zellian was ecstatic when I told him last night after a heated night of diving into each other. His happiness and joy sent sparks of joy of my own. I didn't realize the effect that my wanting to wait was having on him. He expressed to me that he was worried I was embarrassed of him. To me the idea was completely barbaric because who in their right mind would feel embarrassed of him. He was a pure goddess, the epitome of beautiful. He was smart, funny, strong. He had every good quality that people dreamed of. Zellian was the prince that every little girl dreams of growing up and marrying. Even though the idea had me completely confused, I reassured him of why I was so nervous. Telling him that it was something huge. And how I was the one who didn't feel worthy of him. And being nervous about meeting his family.
But today was the day. The day that the whole world would know that I am Zellian's, and he is mine.
I sat in front of the mirror in my dress as Finley, Elana, and Violet all helped me with my hair and makeup. Maya, Isabella, and Marissa were trying to decide which shoes to go with. Zellian has been gone all morning. As well as all the guys. Apparently they were working on getting the ballroom set up for the ceremony that was in less than an hour.
"I'm done!" Finley cheered as she set down her makeup brush, moving out of my way to look at myself on the vanity. I didn't recognize myself.
I haven't recognized myself in awhile now. Since I've been with Zellian, I look healthier. I am healthier. My cheeks were no longer sunken in. My skin was no longer deathly pale. I no longer had sad eyes with bags under them. My weight was back to normal, if not a little extra on me. I looked.. good. I've felt so much better about myself and I have everyone to thank for that. Especially Zellian, who constantly complimented me or scolded me whenever I said something negative about myself and reassured me that I was beautiful.
"We're done too!" Elana and Violet cheered.
"We've got the shoes!" The others cheered excitedly.
They were all dressed in gowns, each of a different color. Their colors matched with their mates. Elana and Violet wore purple gowns. Finley wore a soft orange. Malissa and Isabella were both wearing green. Mya wearing pink.
They slipped my heels on my feet and helped me to stand up. I moved the chair out of my way and slipped on my elbow high gloves that matched my dress. I assessed my entire body in the mirror. The dress was custom made. Apparently Zellian had already got to work on having it made when he first brought up the idea of the ceremony. He hasn't seen it yet, said he didn't want it to be bad luck. But he gave it to me last night. I didn't see it until early this morning when the girls forced me to wake up at barely six to go shopping for the big day, per Zellian's request apparently. They made me buy all kinds of stuff. New makeup, brushes, heels to go with my dress tonight. Though they couldn't make up their mind between four pairs, so we got them all.
We all went out and got our nails and toes done, got massages, spa treatments. Finley even convinced me to try a mud bath. To which I was extremely hesitant about at first. But it was surprisingly soothing. After the whole outing, I felt like a true princess. I felt.. relieved. Zellian told Finley to make today as special as possible, no matter the cost. And that's what she did, taking 'no matter the cost' a little too seriously. She spent well over six figures on today. So that we could all have a good outing for the day.
I spun around in my dress, looking at myself from every angle. The dress was a mostly white, with gold floral patterns. It was bouncy and a little uncomfortable around the waist but it fit really well. The gloves matched perfectly. My heels were white with gold patterns as well. My hair was half up, half down and curled. I smiled at myself, extremely happy with the outcome.
All the girls looked at each other and let out a squeal at the same time. All hugging onto me. Careful not to mess up my makeup or my hair.
"Are you ready?" Finley asked with a soft smile.
I returned that smile and nodded, "Yeah, is everyone else ready?"
"Ready to drop dead at how gorgeous you look? Oh must fucking definitely!" Mya chirped with a grin.
I laughed, "Yeah, the guys have been waiting downstairs for like twenty minutes now." Finley grinned.
"Kelon said that Zellian has been pacing for nearly an hour straight." Marissa giggled, everyone else giggling with her.
I smiled down at the floor, "You guys go first. I want to take a few breaths first."
They all gave me an understanding nod and look of reassurance before heading out. I took a few deep breaths. Fixing my jewelry in the mirror quite a few times. Continuing to breathe in and out before finally willing myself out the door of Zellian and I's bedroom.
I stared at the elevator as if it were my worst enemy as I struggled to get my dress in it just before it closed on me. Letting out a sigh, followed by inhaling sharply right as the door opened.
I struggled my way out and looked around. I could hear laughter and talking coming from the living room so I followed it. To find everyone in here.
Everyone's eyes turned to me once they sensed me. I felt extremely nervous now. If I was going to be this nervous in a room with just my friends. My nerves shot at just the thought of how I was going to feel in a room full of hundreds of people.
My eyes met Zellian's and I instantly felt safe. His eyes were filled with so much love, passion. He was staring at me as if I were the only thing in the world that mattered. As if I were the most captivating thing he had ever seen. I couldn't deny that I looked at him the same way. He looked amazing. He wore a beige tuxedo with a white undershirt. The folds of his tuxedo were black which matched the bow tie he was wearing. He had a white pin on the side of his suit that matched the hairpiece in my hair. His pants were the same beige color as his tuxedo and it fit in all the right places. They fit slim against his defined body. His face was freshly shaved and his hair was done neatly. The tattoos that peaked from the neck of his tuxedo made me want to kiss them. He looked breathtaking.
I walked right into his arms and he didn't hesitate to hold me. Lifting me up into his arms. I melted in his touch. As his lips connected with mine. I smiled against his lips. Feeling complete and utter happiness. Everything was perfect.. he as perfect. We were perfect.
"Ah!" Finley squealed at us, "You're going to smudge the makeup!"
Zellian set me down on my feet and held his hands up in innocence with a coy grin on his face before he pulled me back against his body. "Let's go, everyone is waiting." Zellian said softly. "We'll be taking a separate car." He added in, walking me to the front door, his hand in mine.
He walked me over to a limo that was running and a man sitting in the drivers seat on his phone. Zellian tapped the glass and then opened the door for me, climbing in. I know he ballroom isn't far from here, it was walking distance but I was extremely glad he wasn't going to have me walk all the way there in these killer heels. He knocked on the tinted glass separating us from the man in the front. And the car started moving.
Zellian slid his hand underneath my dress to rub my leg gently. "Stop looking so nervous. You look.. mesmerizing, ratu saya."
    I blushed at his words and smiled, "thank you. You look amazing, Zellian. And unless you want wine, champagne or whatever drink is going to be there to end up all over you. You better not let me embarrass myself." I point an accusing finger at him. Thanks to Finley I picked up on that habit. That has gotten me into a very.. intimate predicament quite a few times. Apparently I'm not allowed to point fingers at him.
    He smirked at me, sliding his hand up higher until he came into contact with my core. The fabric of my panties not doing any justice of protecting me. I gasped and grabbed his arm with wide eyes, "Zellian! The driver!" I gasped at him.
    The smirk only grew wider. More snarky. He pressed a kiss to my neck. "I can feel your tension, let me relieve it for you, my love." He whispered.
    "But the driver.." I mumbled quietly, the more he kissed on my mark. The less I began to care.
    "You'll just have to be quiet for me then. Show me how well you can handle it." He said huskily. Pulling my panties to the side. Touching his fingers to my slit.
   A low, hungry growl escaped his lips. "You're so wet for me baby." Zellian hummed.
   I moaned out as he slipped two fingers into me, finding their way to my sweet spot and flicking into it. Using his thumb to massage my clit at the same time.
    It felt heavenly. Right now I didn't care about being quiet. I did try to save myself at least a little bit of dignity and press my lips into his to have at least some muffle. He kissed my lips with hunger. A soft, gentle hunger.
    I moaned against his lips as my release came and washed over me. He groaned as I tightened around his finger. His thoughts entering my mind. He was doing it on purpose.
"I would give anything to watch you squirm in pleasure underneath me while I tie you up. Make you beg me for more. God I want to fuck every single one of your holes until you can't take it anymore."
    My heart was racing, it made him laugh a genuine laugh. I watched as he pulled his fingers out of me and put them right into his mouth. His eyes staring deep into mine. "Zellian!" I whine, pushing his chest playfully.
    "I can't wait until I can rip this dress off of you." He smiles, kissing me softly. I could feel his emotions heightening. Telling me that he was progressively getting more and more turned on. His hands started exploring back under my dress.
    "Patience, I have a surprise for you tonight." I said, holding his hand to stop him.
    He blew out a breath, "This is the moment where I truly have no patience. I'm going to spend the entire night thinking of ripping that dress off of your body.. fucking your pretty little pussy until you squirt for me." He gave a hearty moan and threw his head back in exasperation.
   I kissed his cheek and nodded at him, "Let's get this night over with then." I giggled and he laughed. Climbing out of the car and holding his hand out for me. I took it and accepted his help with getting my dress out of the car as well.
    "I know we went over a few things but I want to make sure you remember. You do not bow to anyone, they are to bow to you. Some will kiss your hand. Your right hand, so if they ask for it, remember your right. I would prefer that you stay by my side the entire night, if possible. I know today is your day, and all of the attention is going to be on you but I still don't particularly like you being stared at by an uncountable number of unmated males." He went on as we walked towards the door, stopping before just going inside.
    I chuckled nervously, "Yeah, please don't leave me by myself in there. I might pass out."
    He kisses me softly, "You'll be amazing, they will all love you as much as I do." He said softly.
   His words made me blush but before I could say anything back, he opened the doors. Holding out his arm for me which I gratefully hold especially in the case of if my knees were to give out on me. Thankfully, Zellian has more than enough strength to hold us both up. Probably as well as a elephant at the same time. I've tested his patience quite a few times, on purpose. Whenever I get bored, I make one of the guys train with me. And Zellian likes to watch me kick ass. Until I started challenging him, shortening his span of patience until he would one on one me. And I lost miserably every single time. He would have me pinned in under a minute. He's fast, strong, and extremely well coordinated. I smiled at the memories.
    Everyone's eyes were on us. And I mean.. absolutely everyone. People had stopped their conversations into complete silence to watch us. Bowing their heads down in respect. There were at least.. at least four hundred people. Families, mates, friends, their children who all followed their parents and bowed their heads.
   I looked up at Zellian who smiled down at me lovingly as he lead me over to a table in the very front of the room. I had to hand it to the guys. They did so exceptionally well with the ballroom. The decorations were beautiful. Everything was set up so.. oh my god.
    The tables were lined up symmetrically, all decorated with candles, flowers, champagne glasses with neatly folded napkins. All of the tables and chairs were filled with neatly dressed people. There were ribbons hanging from the ceiling, white balloons floated up to the ceiling. There were flowers everywhere. Such beautiful white flowers.. they were my favorite flowers. Everywhere.
    Zellian sat me down, pulling his chair right next to me. Kelon and the others all sitting at our table as well. I smiled at them and they smiled back.
    Zellian looked at me as people began making a line to approach me. My eyes widened instantly at how long it was becoming. Couple after couple approached us, giving a respectful nod to Zellian before either bowing to me or kissing my gloved hand. Sharing respectful words with me before moving to the next person.
    Everyone spoke to me with respect, I received many looks of admiration and happiness. I didn't expect everyone to be so open to having me as their queen. It made my heart jump with joy. Zellian held my free hand, rubbing soothing circles on it. He occasionally mind linked me to make sure I was okay whenever he felt my anxiety start to go up. That escalated into him practically sitting in my chair with me. Just to hold me close. I could occasionally feel his discomfort with unmated males staring at me for a little too long. That was when I reassured him, placing a firm hand on his leg or leaning into him when their stares were becoming a bit too much. Letting him know that I was his. I received a thank you kiss on my head every time.
Soon came time for the ceremony to truly begin. Silas led me onto the stage, where Silas' father and mother walked onto the stage as well. His father held a dagger while his mother held a long white ribbon.
A series of words had been shared by Silas and his parents. They talked about the history of the kingdom. The lineage, the former rulers. It was all such beautiful words. Silas held me close as they all spoke.
"As former King." Nicholas speaks, followed by Mary and then Nicholas again. "And as former queen. We announce you, Paisley May Calista, Queen of werewolves." They say in unison.
    Nicholas asks for my hand after receiving a nod of approval from Zellian. He removes my gloves and slices the palm of my hand and does the same to Zellian. He connects our hands while Mary twines the ribbon around our hands and arms.
     "Dan hingga kini, permulaan yang baru. Permaisuri baru. Masa depan yang baru." Everyone said in unison.
     Leaving me completely in awe and silence. The only thing I could do was smile at Zellian who smiled back at me. This moment felt surreal to me. Such little time ago, I was a prisoner, a slave. Abused and mistreated. Now I have people lining up to meet me. I am treated with so much respect. I am truly loved and cherished. And it was all because of this man. I will protect this man with everything in me. He brought back the person I used to be and made me better.
     Mary removes the ribbon from our arms. Bowing alongside Nicholas. I smile at them with graciousness.
    Zellian pulled me in close. My body completely against his chest. His arm wrapped tightly around my waist. "To the new queen!" He yelled at them, raising his fist in the air.
    "To the new queen!" Everyone yelled back in unison, all raising their fists.
    I looked up at him. My eyes glued to the happiness that painted his face with such a beautiful smile. A smile that made every worry, every fear inside of me just disappear.. this man was my everything. I can't believe I was ever lucky enough to have him as my mate. I never thought I would find someone like him, but here he is. Staring down at me with soft, loving eyes. Holding me like I am everything precious and dear to him.
     Zellian leans down and pressed his lips to mine. I return the soft kiss, putting my hands on his cheeks. His hands held a firm grip on my hips.
    Everyone was cheering around us. It made me laugh. Their enthusiasm made me beyond happy. They were happy to accept me as their queen.
     Zellian stared into my eyes, "Hello, my beautiful queen."
    Tears of happiness filled my eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Pulling him into me. "I love you, Raja Saya." I whispered in his ear.
    Zellian pulled back so fast it surprised me. His eyes were wide, unbelieving of what he just heard. As if he could have been hearing things.
   "What did you say?" He said in a low voice.
   "I said I love you, Raja Saya." I repeated, smiling at him.
    I chanted those words in my head for the longest time. Waiting for the absolute perfect time to say it. What better time to say how I felt than right now. In this very moment. Where everything was perfect.
     His eyes softened as he looked at me, "Do you know what that means.. Paisley?"
    I hopped onto my toes and pressed my lips into his, he returned it slightly hesitant. "It means exactly how it came out. I love you, my king."
    He stared into my eyes a smile forming on his lips. It was the biggest smile I had ever seen come from him. It made my heart jump with joy. "I love you, Paisley." He whispered.
    "And I love you, raja saya." I whispered back.

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