Chapter Two -I Trust You

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(Picture above is Paisley)

I woke up with a start, the light of the sun shining on my face through the window of the hotel room. Turning over I notice that Elana isn't here. That's strange.

I rub my eyes and sit up, looking around for her but she's nowhere. I check our bathroom and its empty except for a few of our products. There's a note left by my phone on the nightstand.

Dear LeyLey,

Its me, Ellie. Don't worry, I wont be here when you wake up. Alpha Max said that we should leave you to sleep. I went out to look around. You didn't go to bed until late last night so get your beauty rest! I'll be out shopping. Alex stayed behind to keep an eye on you, super creepy if you ask me. He's such a weirdo but you should be safe. I love you.

I smile at her sweet nickname for me and her gorgeous handwriting. The fact she went out shopping doesn't even surprise me.

It's ten in the morning, he let me sleep in for three extra hours. Thats odd..

I know what you must be thinking, thats normal. Well for Alpha Max, its not normal. Hes the early bird type, everyone is required to be awake and dressed in his presence before eight in the morning. He doesn't normally let anyone sleep in, not even himself.

The door opening catches my attention, my heads snaps up to see Alex with half his body through the door. He stares at me, "you're awake."

I nod, "yeah, just need to get dressed. Where did Alpha Max go?" Trying to pick me suitcase up but fail.

He shuts the door and lifts it up with one arm. I'd probably be impressed if he hadn't done it just to catch my attention. "He went out to the festival grounds with Alpha Cain."

"Oh, okay. Elana let me know you stayed behind to keep me safe. Thank you."

He grins, "well of course."

I chuckle nervously and grab my outfit for the day. "Im going to go change then go out to meet up with Elana."

I move to go around him to get to the bathroom but he blocks my path. "Why don't I join you then." He offers.

I almost gag out loud. "Alex, I'm not in the mood for your shenanigans today. Please excuse me."

Alex chuckles, "i dont know why you try to resist me. I mean look at me." His hand comes around my back and tugs me against his chest.

I resist the urge to throw up and push him away, "Alex go to hell. Ive told you not one, not two, hell not even three times that I am not interested. You're not my type. You know I am saving myself for my mate. Why would i ever waste myself for someone like you. Drop it because I am so tired of being nice and acting like you touching all over me doesnt bother me when in reality. The smell of your cheap cologne and the utter thought of you touching me makes me sick. Leave me alone." I go off.

Not only do my eyes widen in surprise but his as well. "What makes you think you even have a mate?"

"Everyone has a mate.." I whisper, the thought of not having a mate makes my chest ache with pain.

He steps close once again, an evil grin on his face. "I wouldn't be worrying about a mate, sweet cheeks."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well after tonight, you'll belong to some poor bastard who decides he wants to waste his time on you." He laughs.

My eyes widen, "w-what?"

"Are you that naive? Stupid? The alpha is selling you to whatever fucked up guy decides he wants to bid on your pretty little head."

Tears fill my eyes, "get out of my room."

"What? Did realization finally hit you? You think he actually cares for you? You're nothing but a burden on his shoulders ever since you got here."

"I said get out!" I yell, pushing him towards the door but he barely budges.

"Awe, did I hit a weak spot? You actually thought Max loves you? You actually-"

"Thats enough." A deep voice says behind us.

Alex tenses up and turns to the door, "alpha Max." He greets.

"What is going on here? I heard yelling." Alpha Max asks.

"Paisley started freaking out, just trying to calm her down of course."

I go to object but Alpha Max nods, "go to your room. I need to have a talk with her." He says and i look down at my feet even as the door opens and closes. Signaling Alex's absence.

"Alpha.." I say in respect.

I flinch as his hand touches my cheek, raising my face to meet his eyes. "Are you alright?"

I nod, "yes I am okay.."

"Would you like to tell me what happened? The truth, that is."

"Alex came in here, I thanked him for staying behind to make sure I was safe. I told him i was going to the bathroom to change into day clothes and he kept blocking my path after proceeding to try to get in my pants. I had enough and said my mind, that including I wasnt interested and that I'm saving myself for my mate. He didn't like it and started insulting me."

Alpha Max nods, "thank you for being honest with me."

"If you're so thankful then be honest with me, are you really selling me off? Elana too? What he said, what Alex said-"

He sighs and gestures toward the bed, i obey and sit down. Still holding my clothes in my hand. "Paisley, I heard everything Alex said and I will deal with him. And to your question, no."

"Then why would he say that? Why are we here??" I almost yell, a low growl from him makes me submit to his authority.

"I am an alpha, Paisley. You're here in case i need you. I won't sell you off unless im out of options. If there's any way i can find my way out of this. You'll be coming back home."

Tears start to fill my eyes. There's one question on my mind that i already know the answer to but i ask it anyway. "And if there's no way out?"

He frowns and rests his hand ontop of my head. "I'll make sure you're taken care of properly Paisley.. You know i care for you deeply."

I pull away from his touch and head to the bathroom, stopping before i shut the door. "If anything happens to Elana I'll never forgive you."

I shut the door. Leaning against it until i hear a sigh and the bedroom door shut.

I sink down to the floor and close my eyes, resting my head against it.

(Hey guys, super sorry for the short chapters. I promise the book will get better. Im just super busy all the time and I'm currently taking a hiatus from my first book "Deeper Than The Truth" you should definitely go check it out. I wont stay on hiatus for long I just need time to think of some stuff. Im currently dealing with a real pain in the butt of a writer's block.

Again, this book will get better and the chapters will get more interesting. It's just there's not much to learn from the first few chapters. But once things finally take off im sure you guys will love it. Let me know what you guys think and stuff like that!)

(1278 words)

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