Chapter Eleven - Is it Really You?

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I shake out the ache between my legs and pull myself out of bed. I look over at the other side of the bed to see it empty. An uneasy feeling is stirring inside of me as I check the time. My wolf is going crazy in my head. It is almost noon, two hours early. Kane didn't wake me up... that's weird. All the times I have accidentally slept in and didn't have his breakfast waiting he would flip out on me.

I hurry and do my morning business and throw on a quick outfit. I look through my closet for a simple turtleneck sweater and a leather skirt. I fix my hair up into a high ponytail that glides down my back. Making sure I get all the lumps out. I slip on a pair of black heels and grab my coat.

The weather is beginning to get cold outside, I don't need my coat considering I have the skin of a werewolf. I am practically a walking furnace. I still want to wear a coat to preserve the warmth.

By the time I walk downstairs it is already ten thirty, which means Kane must be busy. I decide to skip breakfast today and head down to the living room to find It empty. I check the kitchen to find it empty as well.

I mind-link Kody, "where are you? It's so quiet."

"I am on my way back inside. Kane sent everyone off, all of his best guards are posted everywhere. He really is taking this meeting extremely serious. He called in his beta."

At that I felt part of me tense. Kane never even takes his beta with us on our meeting trips. It's always only us who go. Andre, Kane's beta is hardly ever even at the pack house, he handles paperwork downtown in an office. He has his own house and mate. He is the opposite of Kane. Kane is vengeful, angry, and destructive. Whereas Andre is more laid back, sweet, and rational. He can be brutal but his demeanor is gentle. When I first met Andre, it was a surprise how gentle he was with me. He showed me around, helped me train. He helped me with a lot, it was a surprise to me meeting Kane and the type of person he is and then he has a beta like Andre. He is a lot different from the kind of betas I have known, like Alex. For what I have come to learn about Andre he is very faithful to his mate, they are adorable. She is actually pregnant and due any day now. They are having a little girl.

I come out of my thoughts as Kody approaches me, Andre is right behind him, shutting the front door. He greets me with a good morning and I offer one back.

"Alpha Kane should be back soon, the alpha arrived early. We were actually coming to wake you. He met with the alpha earlier at the airport. They are on their way back. He wants you to look through some papers in his personal office. He needs sector thirty." Andre explains, I nod and head off to do that.

They both follow behind me and up to the bedroom, I let them in and head to the office door on the other side of the room. I have rarely ever come in here. He keeps his most personal things here. I type in the code to his desk and open the drawer of papers. I search through all of them.

I grunt as my butt starts going numb and my ankle goes all tingly. I have been searching for twenty minutes. Kody and Andre both helping. He has so much unorganized papers it makes my head hurt. I notice a file with my name on it. It's really thick and I am filled with the want to look through it. I go to grab it but a voice stops me and makes me look up.

"I think I found it." Kody says, holding three thick files in his hands and quickly flipping through them. Andre grabs them and nods his head a few times.

"Paisley, I need you to listen to me. Stay near me if you know what's good for you..." He says, his voice lowered. I stare at him and he keeps talking. "Just trust me. The alpha is angry." He hands over the files to me.

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