Chapter Fifteen - Wait, This Wasn't supposed to Happen

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Soren's POV

I stare at her pale face as she lays for the fourth day in this hospital bed. I sent the others home for the night so I can have my time with her. She hasn't showed any signs of life or movement. The doctors have looked over her. She has fractured ribs, a pinched spine and a lot of organ issues. They said that things with her wolf are rough. The inside of her head is like a warzone. She's in a coma, created by her wolf and her body trying to protect her.

Her arms and legs are restrained in case she wakes up hostile, but they don't think she will wake up any time soon. She was put on tubes to eat and to breathe. The wolfsbane was washed out of her system so it isn't the wolfsbane keeping her under.

This is what I was afraid of. I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to handle it. Her body will shut down soon. Her wolf is strong, she has alpha blood inside of her. There is no doubt she won't be able to fight for control once her wolf decides to wake up. Her wolf feels more than she does. And what Roman wants I can guarantee that it will push it over the edge.

Elana is right. In no universe would Roman ever deserve Paisley. Hell, I don't even think I deserve her. She is too good for this world. I don't understand what kind of sick joke the moon goddess is trying to play with me.

"How are you holding up?" Jax asks.

I look back at him as he enters the room, shutting the door softly. He sits in the chair next to me. Right beside Paisley's bed. "How do you think?" I ask, it comes out a little more defensive than I had anticipated.

"She will be okay." He tries to say reassuringly. But we both know that isn't true.

"She is mated to my brother, the same brother who got my mate pregnant. I just can't win. I found Paisley and I lost her right after. I searched high and low for her every single day. And when I finally find her in hopes of telling her how I feel. I find out she is mated to my brother. She is in a coma because I told her that her parents were technically killed because of her existence. She may never wake up. And even if she does wake up, the chances of it being actually her and not her wolf are slim to none." I cant help it, it comes out of my mouth so fast. I needed to get it out.

"You are right. That does suck. But why are you so willing to give up now? A small chance is still a chance. I have seen the way she looks at you. Despite the fact she has met her mate. She even gave you her first kiss man. There is still a chance that she comes back. It may be small, but she is a fighter. I am just as scared as you are. I don't want to lose her either. But right now, we have to stay positive for her. He is rejecting her, and when she wakes up and he does reject her. You need to be there for her. She is going to need you." Jax says, placing a rough hand on my shoulder.

I will admit, Jax is probably the biggest pain in my ass. But he is a damn good beta. I am proud to call him my beta. Jay as well, he is calmer than Jax though. I don't tell him enough, but I appreciate the things he does for me. Even though Jax always complained about the stacks on stacks of paperwork, he always got it done.

I look at her soft face. She looks so peaceful. But I know she is anything except peaceful in her mind. I hate that I can't protect her from this. "His rejection is going to kill her. He wants to do it as soon as she wakes up."

Jax's eyes widen. I haven't told anyone much about the situation. Just enough to know she isn't doing too good. "He can't reject her. Even he isn't stupid enough... He is trying to kill her. Her body isn't going to be able to handle it."

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