Chapter Fourteen- How Could You?

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         Elana's POV

My chest hurt. She was alive but she wasn’t the LeyLey I know. She was so… cold. And distant. I listened to more of that conversation than I should have. But what was I supposed to do? I watched Kody come in here, so of course I was going to get involved.

It has been two days since that night in Soren’s room. Kody has been off somewhere concocting a plan to get to Paisley. She hasn’t come out of her room at all. Kody slipped Soren a note telling us to have everyone meet in Soren’s bedroom tonight. He says he has a plan.

“Hey, babe, it’s going to be okay.” Violet cooes, kissing my neck. I hold her close.

“I am just worried; she hasn’t come out of that room in days. What if something happened?”
Violet kisses my cheek, rubbing my back. I lean into her touch and inhale her scent.
“We will be going to see Kody in a little bit, if you want we can go get the others and head there now.”

I jump up at her words. I throw on my clothes and quickly brush my hair. Violet giggles and wraps her arms around my waist. I kiss her lips softly.

“Ready?” Violet asks me and I nod.

She follows me out of the room and to Soren’s room. I knock and he answers the door. To my surprise almost everyone is already here. Jax, Jay, and Roman.

“You two got impatient too, huh?” Jax chuckles and I sigh.

“I am worried, and I want to see her.” I whine.

Soren paces nonstop back and forth.

“And what exactly makes you think we can trust this guy? He serves underneath Kane.” Roman says. He sits in the back of the room in a chair with his leg on the other.

“I don’t, but do you have any other plan?” Soren asks.

“Paisley trusts him, so that’s enough for me. You shouldn't be so negative, she’s your mate.” I defend, crossing my arms.

“She’s a runt.” Roman spits out, almost sounding disgusted.

“She isn’t a runt, she was born from alpha blood. She is still your mate regardless.” I snap at him, he glares at me. Causing me to lower my head in submission.

“Enough.” Soren says.

“We don’t know that we can trust him with everything, but to think about it. He is outnumbered, he’s obviously not stupid. Why would he betray us if he is already betraying Kane. I don’t know, I just feel like he isn’t too bad.” Jax says, and I nod.

“He is risking his own life, this is treason. And to Kane the punishment is probably far worse than just expelling from the pack. Nobody is stupid enough to just betray Kane for the fun of it.” Violet adds.

I nod and lean on her, “How can we believe this isn’t one big trap to have us all killed?” Roman asks.

“LeyLey wouldn’t do that, you saw how devastated she was. She protected all of us. That isn’t my LeyLey, she puts everyone before herself. She even put a pig like you before herself.” I growl at him. He growls at me.

He goes to say something but the opening of the door catches everyone’s attention. I watch as Kody shuts it quickly and locks it. He presses his back against the door and lets out a sigh of relief. “we don’t have a lot of time. We need to discuss now and the plan goes into effect immediately after.”

“What is going on?” I ask frantically.

He looks away from me and at Soren, I step in front of him and he looks at me. “It’s Paisley, she’s not doing great. Her wolf is causing her pain. It has Kane on edge. Now is the perfect time to get to him. He is in his office with his beta.”

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