Chapter Sixteen- It Has To Be This Way

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There was a very strong pain in my chest, in my stomach. It felt as if the wind was knocked out of me. My throat was scratchy and burning. My wolf was yelping inside of my head. My heart felt like it had truly shattered.

All of my life, all I have ever wanted was my mate. Now I know I will never be able to fulfil the promise I made to my father. To save myself for only my mate and stand by him.

The things I heard about Roman are horrible. And I can't just ignore it. Roman took Soren's mate from him and waved it In his face. I can't assume it's a lie because they didn't know I could hear them. I didn't just do it for Soren. I did it because I Roman isn't the type of mate I want.

Soren stares at my feet. I hold eyes with Roman who stands completely still. His eyes are filled with pain, Anger and betrayal. "No... Paisley stop it." Ellie pleads. "Look I know Roman is like the biggest douchebag. But he is your mate. You don't get a second chance!"

I smile softly, trying my best to ignore the hole in my chest that seems to leave me out of breath. "I heard everything that was said about him. Everything. Things I would have had to endure finding out on my own. I had heard a few thing about him while being mated to Kane. His pack is known for hurting people. His foundation is based on power. He is a lot like Kane, maybe not exactly but I can see it in his eyes. He is hungry for power. I had to endure that kind of pain for almost three years. He and I would never have worked anyway."
"He can change... He-"

"He is who he is. He has chosen a mate, a Luna. I respect it." I say.

"Look just take it back! You just woke up, you aren't thinking straight right now-"

"Look, Ellie. I am thinking fine. As a matter of fact, my wolf is the one who gave me the go for it. The wolf is the one who feels the closest to the bond. You know it is something when the wolf wants to reject their mate. It just has to be this way." I say softly, looking away from everyone.

I remove any wires or tubes connected to me. My head snaps to the door as it slams shut. Roman left. I felt an ache in my chest. "Could you guys give me some time alone with my brother, Robert, and Alex?" I ask.

"Alex isn't allowed-" Soren tries to say but Ellie and violet pull him out of the room. Everyone leaves, Kody is the last person to give me a look before leaving and shutting the door softly.

Its quiet for a few minutes. I could hear everyone's breathing and the far off clicking of doors. I sit down and look at my hands. Emile sits next to me and pulls me into a hug. "Dad would understand."

"are you okay, Paisley?" Alex asks.

"Do they know?" I ask.

Alex sighs and nods, "Yes. They were angry at first-"

"Still angry." Emile corrects.

"But we listened to what he had to say. I still don't see him as a man. But as a beta myself I can understand the loyalty he had in following his alpha. I would have done the same thing." Robert says and I stare at him.

"So much has happened... My life couldn't get worse." I say, my body is leaned up against Emile. He rubs my arm.

"Never say that. Paisley you need to leave here." Alex says.

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore." I glare at him but he only rolls his eyes.

"I'm telling you this as a friend. Your friends have royally fucked up. I have only met Kane once and his father twice. Those two are not the ones to fuck with. But even worse, his brother is a lot more powerful than them both. That man had me pissing my pants."

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