Chapter Twenty-Four -A Sworn Enemy

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She's been out cold for two weeks now. Her body was healing so slowly. I had her transferred back to my pack lands into my hospital. I've been meeting multiple times a week with Noah. He's aware that I won't leave her side so he comes here. And whenever I have to leave the room, Ace stays with her. And when Ace can't, Andre and his mate do.
Apparently the Olsen brothers, father has taken control of their packs after their deaths. I personally sought to it that their body parts were delivered to his doorstep. I regret nothing that was done. Not only did they try to sneak me from behind. But Paisley was severely hurt because of it. She lost our baby and nearly her life as well.
   If I had known that she was pregnant, I never would have allowed her to join me for the meeting. I would have left her at the pack with Andre to protect her and gone on my own. I should have known. She had been sick for about a week and a half. Throwing up, not sleeping, her appetite had grown. She was gaining weight. She was developing some mood swings that made me want to fuck them completely out of her. Her constant need to use the bathroom. Her smell was different than what I was accustomed to. I should have known.
     She must have missed her birth control. She always took it regularly but there were a few days where I noticed she hadn't. It slipped both of our minds. That was when she first came back after they had taken her. I should have known. It should have came to me sooner. This news was going to break her. She had found a family for Emil last week and she was completely heartbroken letting him go. They assured her that she was allowed to see him whenever she wanted to, but it still crushed her. She was attached to him. This was only going to break her heart even more.
    The way she cared for Emil, it was as if that was her own child. Emil was equally attached to her. The only one who could soothe him of his cries was her. He would cry and cry for her. And once he latched onto her, he wouldn't let her go. She would constantly, multiple times a day beg me to see him.
    "What are you thinking about?" Ace questioned, looking at me from his phone.
    I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at my computer. "It's going to kill her to find out that she was pregnant." I mumbled.
    Fidgeting with papers on my desk until they were all in a semi neat stack. Ace stared at me, "It's going to hurt her, yeah."
     "I don't want her knowing." I said, coming to my own conclusion.
    Ace looked at me with a disapproving look, "so you'd rather she hate you if she finds out on her own? Over the fact you did not tell her?" He questioned me with a raised eyebrow.
    "It's better than watching her wolf go into a frenzy of pain. She will blame herself. Anywhere she goes, she would be constantly reminded of it. Looks from my pack wolves. Seeing Emil and knowing that she had to give him up and then losing her own baby, it would be too much for her." I said, picking at the corner of my stack of papers.
    I haven't been able to focus on pack work. It's begun to pile up. Andre has worked day and night to keep it at a pace. Even though he's busy with his own baby. His mate had her baby nearly two weeks ago. He said he doesn't mind working because he understands the stress I'm under given Paisley's condition.
    "Whatever you deem best, but I'll warn you now. She'll be pissed if she finds out-"
    The door opened with a slam and my eyes snapped to the door. I stood immediately to attack until I realized it was Andre. He was covered in sweat as if he had been running for hours straight. "A-Alpha." He choked out.
    "Why are you not with Paisley?!" I growled at him.
    "Deandre is with her.." he takes a big gasp of air. He must have ran all the way from the pack hospital. "Paisley.. she's awake."
    That was all I needed to know and I was out the door. "We'll drive there." Ace said as he was right beside me.
    I climbed into the passenger seat of his car and he started it immediately. Andre barely having enough time to climb into the back before he spun out of the driveway.
    He floored it the entire way there. Cutting a ten minute drive down to barely five minutes. My mind was racing with thoughts. She was awake. She was alive.
   I slammed the car door shut and took off in a sprint to the door. Barging in and nearly knocking over someone passing by. I walked into her room to find Deandre standing in the corner watching as the doctor was checking her. Her eyes found me slowly, looking away from the doctor.
   "I need you to squeeze my hand as hard as you can, can you do that for me, Luna?" The doctor said, taking her pale hand into his.
    I watched as her hand tightened slightly around his. The doctor smile and laid her hand back in its place. "Good, very good. You're still weak, which is to be expected. But your wounds are healing nicely." He spoke to her softly.
   Her hand reached out for me and I approached her, sitting next to her on the bed. Taking her hand into mine. She smiled so softly. Her eyes looked undeniably exhausted. "Can I go home?" She asked with a hoarse voice. It sounded so painful.
    "You should be finished healing in a matter of days. I believe that is up to the Alpha. I'll give you two a moment." The doctor said, nodding his head to me and leaving the room with Ace, Andre, and Deandre with him. He's probably informing them that she is not allowed to know.
    "Can I go home?" She asked me softly.
    "How are you feeling?" I ask her.
    "I'm a little weak but I'm okay." She answered, reaching out for the cup of water on the table next to us. I pick it up and hand it over to her. Helping her bring it to her lips.
    "Perhaps it's better if you stay here." I said, setting the cup down once she was done.
    "I really hate hospitals." She chuckled softly. Her eyes were sad.
    "Alright, can you walk?" I ask, she tries to sit up but doesn't achieve it until I put my arm around her and help her.
    With my assist she managed to get to her feet. Holding my arm to keep herself upright. But it didn't do much justice when her legs gave out from underneath her.
    I managed to catch her just before her knees hit the ground. "I'm okay, just a little wobbly." She smiled softly.
    "Would like to take a shower before we go?" I ask and she nods.
   I walk her to the bathroom off to the side, setting her down on the seat in the shower and stripping her from her gown. Turning the water on. She shivered as the cold water hit her. But seemed to stop once the water warmed on her skin. I stripped my clothes off after mind linking Andre to go back to the pack house to get us some clothes.
   I lift her up and set her in my lap, sitting under the water. She placed her arm on my shoulder. Leaning her head against me. I grab the sponge and the soap I had left here for when I stayed with her.
   Dousing the sponge in soap and scrubbing her body. Ever so slowly the smell of death left her body. She turned in my lap so that she was straddling me. Her pussy pressed hard against my cock that was now throbbing. I scrubbed away at her back. I kissed her neck. Causing her to shiver.
   She pushed her hair out of the way and leaned her neck against my mouth. I knew what she wanted and I didn't have any objections. I sink my canines into the her neck. Feeling my aura seep into her. She moaned against my shoulder. Her fingers dug into my back. I wound my arms around her waist, pulling her closer into me-
    The door burst open fast. A growl escaped my lips as I pulled away from her neck. "Kane, get dressed. Now." Ace said, his tone was hard and serious. Andre right behind him.
    I stood up with Paisley's legs wrapped around my waist, shielding her bare body from their eyes. "What the fuck is it?" I growled out.
   "It's Zellian. He's here. We're completely surrounded." Andre said quickly.
    My head snapped to him quickly, "what?"
   I felt Paisley tense in my arms. I gripped her back tightly. Wrapping a towel around her.
    "What the fuck happened?" I growled at Andre, turning to him.
    "I haven't seen him, but every border is completely overrun. We are caged in. It started with rogue. My guess is that he wants to wipe the pack out." Ace cut in. I growled.
    "Out." I spat at them and they shut the door behind them. Andre left our clothes on the counter.
    I set Paisley on her feet and she quickly dried herself. Her hair was still dripping as she threw on her clothes. Her long sleeve shirt was becoming damp from her hair. I helped her put on my jacket. Thanks to my bite, she was healed now. But I could tell she was still weak.
   I threw my shirt on as she was slipping on her socks. She followed me out of the bathroom. Ace and Andre both here. "Have either of you seen him?" I ask quickly.
    "No, but I can sense him. He's somewhere. He's already left you a pretty bloody message." Ace answered.
    "Andre, take Paisley back to the pack house. I want her under complete protection." I ordered him, pushing Paisley over to him.
    "Is your mate somewhere safe?" She asked Andre concerned.
    He smiled at her softly, "she's out of town visiting her family right now. She's safe and so is the baby."
    "She had the baby?!" Paisley squeaked in happiness.
   "Not the time." I growled, "Go. If anything happens to her Andre."
   "Nothing will happen to her, I'll protect her with my life." He gave me a respectful nod.
    Pulling her out of the door. Ace followed close by me as we made our way out as well. Once we made it out. Andre was in wolf form with Paisley on his back. They made their way in the direction of the pack house. I mind link some of my best warriors to meet them there.
    I look at Ace and he nods his head and we both take off in a run, following his scent. His scent was everywhere. His wolves were closing in more into the borders. We've tried tracking his scent all over. But it was everywhere, it just kept leading me in a circle. Ace was having the same issues holding his scent. I have multiple of my best trackers searching for him but they can't find him.
    We make our way back to the scene he left for me. Multiple of my mind ripped to pieces and laid out to spell my name. Blood covered the ground everywhere.
    I mind link Andre to check in, "Andre?"
    Moments pass by in complete silence and my eyes snap to Ace. My blood ran cold. The pack house wasn't far from here. Maybe a five minute run. I took off in a fast run, Ace following right next to me. He must have came to the same realization.
    Andre wouldn't not answer me unless something was wrong.
    I slammed through the door, "Paisley!" I yelled as loud as I could.
    I could smell him. It was reeking the entire building. My stomach dropped the moment I stepped into the living room where his scent was the strongest.
    A growl escaped my lips. Andre was nearly unconscious and being held by Zellian's beta. But what made my blood really run cold was Zellian.
   He had Paisley in his arms. Her eyes were filled with fear and tears. She seemed unharmed. From where I was standing and what I could see. There wasn't a scratch on her.
    "Let her go, Zellian." I growled, moving in on him.
    He stood up with his arm wrapped around her, holding her hands by her sides. He pressed an extended claw to her throat. A devilish grin on his face.
   I stopped in place, "I don't think so, Kane. I've grown tired of your disloyalty."
    "What the fuck do you want. Zellian." I growled at him.
     "It was quite my surprise when Alpha Olsen reached out to my father. Claiming that you killed both of his sons, asking me to get involved. And of course, it interested me. You always did have a problem listening, cousin." He chuckled at me.
    "So you've come to what, scold me for killing off two pathetic alphas?" I laughed humorlessly.
    "Oh, I don't give a shit about them. My only interest is beating you into submission, little cousin." As he spoke, his arm around Paisley tightened. I could feel the pain he was causing in her ribs.
   She looked at me with fear. "You said you wouldn't hurt them." She choked out in between breaths.
    I stared at her confused. Everything in me burned like fire as he pressed his lips to her neck. She squeezed her eyes closed. As he dragged his teeth along her neck. I could feel it.
    The pain of betrayal. She was.. she..
    "Mate." Zellian uttered from her neck. His eyes staring right into me with a smirk playing on his lips.
    There was absolutely no way. There was no way that he.. of all people was Paisley's second chance mate. A second chance mate was rare. But out of all the chances. It was him.
    No no no.

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