Chapter Twenty-Three -What am I supposed to do?

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        It's been three weeks since I came back to Kane. He hasn't been as angry as he normally is. Everything has been.. good. The only time he's really angry is when it has something to do with pack work. And he's left most of it up to Andre and Deandre. So days and nights have been good between he and I. He's been gentle with me.
     He hasn't messed around with anyone. So I've been free of pain. He actually stuck by what he said. Remaining with just me. He even went out of his way to move any unmated females out of the pack house, away from he and I.
      I still haven't came to him with the truth about what happened or who my mate is. And to my knowledge, according to Ace. He hasn't done anything to any of them.
       Right now we are on the way into the town of an ally pack. There was a meeting of allied packs about the growing rogue problem. The rogues have gathered thousands in numbers. They've already wiped out four packs already. And the king is still doing nothing.
     Kane helped me out of the car once we arrived at the pack house of one of Kane's buddies. Ace was already waiting outside of his car for us. There were at least thirty cars in front of the pack house. Guards lay everywhere. This was a huge meeting. But it wasn't surprising since everyone is on edge with the amount of rogue attacks. And the king is doing absolutely nothing for anybody.
    I held onto Kane's arm as we all walked inside. Andre behind us, Ace beside me with his beta him. "They've been waiting for us." Ace said as we walked to the door.
    Guards opened it with a nod of respect and we went inside. Guided to the living room where at least fifteen alphas are with their mates and betas.
     "Good of you to come, Alpha Kane. Luna Paisley. " Alpha Noah smiled at us.
   Kane only nodded at him. Ignoring his extended hand. "Is everyone here?"
    "Yes, we were waiting on you." Noah said as he guided us over to a few chairs.
    I sat down and nodded a thanks to him. I've been feeling extremely sick lately. And I'm sure everyone could see it. Multiple eyes were on me but it was something I was used to. Especially during meetings with unmated males. They wouldn't challenge Kane's authority knowing the power he has. But they do find interest in me over the fact that I, of all females was chosen by the Alpha Kane himself.
     Kane pulled my chair as close to him as he could get. Crossing his arms over his chest. I smiled over at him and he punched my leg. Causing me to gasp. Earning a few more stares and dirty looks from other Lunas.
    "Alright, of course we all know why we are here. The recent rogue attacks are becoming more and more of a problem. With having wiped out six packs as of this morning." Noah speaks loudly.
    I take a glance around the room as multiple people exchanged a few words among each other. My eyes land on two pairs of eyes. My stomach dropped. Deep.. deep.. deep down.
    Kane must have felt my unease because from the corner of my eye, I could see his heard turn to where I was looking.
    Roman.. and Soren.
    I could feel Kane's anger rising. It hit me like a train. I look at Kane and grab his leg. His gaze was focused laser sharp on them.
    "Alpha Kane, I am aware that the rogue attacks are focused around your, and Alpha Ace's land still, correct?" Alpha Noah asked.
    Kane was still too focused on them to say anything. "That's correct, Alpha Noah. They've already hit three of our sectors and two of Alpha Ace's but most of their attention is on the pack a bit further down from us." I answer for Kane, squeezing his leg.
    Kane normally doesn't like me speaking during meetings. But I have to draw his attention away from them somehow. And it definitely worked because his gaze is on me now.
    "The Greyhound pack, yours, Alpha Trell?" Noah asks, turning his gaze to another alpha.
    The alpha nods, "They've already breached through twice now. My pack wouldn't even still be standing if Alpha Gregory wouldn't have stepped in to help." He answered, gesturing to another Alpha not far from him.
    Kane's gaze was burning into my face. I took a chance to look at him. "I didn't want you to be embarrassed if you didn't hear Alpha Noah." I mind linked him.
"Which one is it, Paisley?"  Kane pressed his voice pure hard as stone.
    My stomach completely dropped. No god no. Not here.. not now.. not ever. Please.
"The meeting-"
    "I don't give a single shit about this fucking meeting. Tell me who it is-"
    Both of our attentions were pulled away when both of our names were said. Oh dear god no please don't do this.
    "If flirting with each other is more important than this current meeting, perhaps you should leave." Roman uttered out. His cold stare boring into both of us.
      "Excuse me?" Kane uttered back. His anger rising even more.
     "You seem to be too occupied for this meeting so perhaps just leave." Roman repeated himself.
    Kane laughed. Hard. Loud. His arms tightening over his chest. "Kane.." I whispered.
    But nothing I could say would stop him now. Everyone was quiet. Looking between the two of us.
     "Are you so mad that I'm the one fucking your real mate and you can't stop imagining the taste of her in your mouth?" Kane laughed.
    My eyes snapped to Ace but he shook his head. Roman made it clear to Kane that he was my real mate. Ace didn't utter a word.
    "That useless bitch could go die. And actually, that's probably my brother imagining that of her." Roman laughed back.
    My eyes snapped to Kane as he stood. Roman stood up just as fast. Both of them baring their canines. I looked to Ace who remained in his seat. I grabbed Kane's arm.
    "Alright.. how about we calm this down." Noah suggested slowly.
   "How about they take it outside instead, I definitely wanna see this." Another alpha piped up with a laugh. Earning a few agreements.
    I glared at the alpha who opened his mouth.
   Roman laughed, "how about we do take this outside, Kane."
    I watched as he walked out the door. Kane began to follow behind him. Everyone else following Roman. I grabbed Kane's arm, "Kane don't-"
   My words were cut short when he clasped his hand around my throat. Cutting off oxygen. I grab his wrist, tears coming to my eyes.
    "Don't get in my way." He growled at me and let me go. I stumble back and would have hit the floor if Ace wouldn't caught me from behind.
   I practically ran out the door after him. Ace right behind me. My eyes widened in horror as I seen that instead of Roman standing in the middle of everyone, it was Soren. And he looked fully ready to rip Kane to pieces.
    But I knew better. Kane would rip him apart. With ease. I know Soren is strong but he doesn't stand a chance against Kane.
    Kane approached him with complete dominance. Determination.. anger.
    "Let her go, Kane. She doesn't want to be with you." Soren said, his canines elongating from his mouth.
    "After I'm done with you, your hand will be in your own fucking ass." Kane laughed.
    My eyes widened as I seen Roman charging at Kane. Full wolf form. I ran out of Ace's reach. Shoving Kane out of the way. Roman's attack full on me.
    I let out a groan as we slammed the ground at least fifteen feet away from everyone. Kane's eyes snapped to me as I screamed in pain at Roman's teeth in my shoulder.
    I kicked him off of me and shifted, charging right at him. I dodged under his attack and latched onto his hind leg. He growled and snapped at me. Catching the side of my neck. It took most of my strength just to shake him off.
    We walked around each other. Baring our teeth. My ears perched back on my head. His wolf was quite a deal bigger than mine. But smaller than Kane's. He charged at me first and I barely managed to dodge it. I launched myself onto him. Grabbing the nape of his neck. He growls in pain as it tears. Spitting blood onto my snout.
    He throws me off of him and against the ground and for a moment the wind was knocked out of me. I didn't have the time to dodge him this time as he latched his teeth into my stomach. I clawed and snapped at him, howling in pain as I could feel him crushing my ribs.
    "Roman stop!" I heard Soren yell.
    My eyes caught Kane's wolf. Right before he ripped Soren's head right from his body. I howled in pain as I watched Soren's body collapse. That's when all hell broke loose. Jax and Jay both launched at Kane. Roman's beta as well. That's when Ace jumped in.
    My attention was turned back to Roman as I felt his teeth dig into every part of me. I tried to crawl out from under him. But it was no use. There was nothing I could do. My body could no longer hold wolf form. I was shifting back.
     This is my end.

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