Chapter Four -My Comfort

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A hand rests on my shoulder, I look over at Soren. "I think i should get going.."

"You shouldn't walk alone, one of us will walk you home." Jax suggests.

I nod without thinking it through. I can feel the sadness taking over my body. "If you dont mind, thank you.."

Jax stands and offers me his hand but my hand is grabbed by Soren's rough hand. "I'll take her." He says.

Their eyes widen as they stare at Soren. I look around and try to understand the tension but the amount of energy already drained from me doesnt help my attention span.

Soren leads me out to the parking lot and to a greyish looking jeep. The jeep itself looks absolutely expensive. He opens the door for me but i feel the tears pouring down my cheeks. A sob escapes my lips.

Im pulled into Soren's chest quickly but gently. He makes soothing sounds as I cry into his chest. "She hates me.."

"Shh, I will have Violet speak to her." He cooes. Rubbing my back and placing his chin on top of my head despite his extremely tall frame.

I bury my face into his warm chest. We sat like this for moments on moments.

Once i compose my cries i pull my head away despite the pounding headache i have. I grab some of his shirt where my tears have stained it. "Im sorry.." I whisper.

He looks down at it and lifts me up into his jeep. "No need to apologize. Come on let's get you somewhere warm." Soren says gently.

"Thank you, could you drop me off at a hotel in town? I don't really want to go back to my alpha yet.."

"And leave you there?" He asks.

I nod, "i have money for a room."

He moves himself closer, the smell of his cologne makes me shiver in delight. I instinctively bury my face back into his chest and his arms come around me. His chin finding it's resting place on top of my head.

It's been a long time since i felt this way. Safe. Comfortable. I've never been this close with a boy before. I promised my father that i would save myself for my mate. But sometimes im left wondering if my mate is even out there. Most wolves find their mates at ate sixteen, when they first go into their shift. Im eighteen and still no mate-

"Wait, do you have a mate?" I blurt out.

He tenses against my body and pulls away. I dont have time to respond before he pushes my legs in and shuts the door.

It takes him a moment but he gets into the driver's seat and starts the engine. The only sound is a low hum in the air between us.

Most of the car ride was in pure silence. I could practically feel tye anger seeping through his skin and settling around the car.

"I lost my mate two years ago." He finally says.

"Oh my god.. Im so sorry. I was so insensitive-"

"It's fine. I rejected her."

My eyes widen at that. It's not common for mates to reject each other. A mate is something a wolf can't live without. Rare cases where only a handful of people have been able to walk away from a mate rejection alive. In other cases, the rejected mates die. Or they go insane. Thats how some rogues are created. Through the loss of a mate. Some are just born that way. The positions vary.

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