Chapter Three -Mates & Distance

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It's been two days at the festival already. We've attended all the fights so far. Met with a lot of alphas and betas. My wolf Hiraeth has been on edge since we got here. I try to ignore it, I talked to Alpha Max about it and he suggested we go running together a few times to let her out to see if that would help but unfortunately it hasnt and she wont tell me what's up.

Elana and I usually sneak away every night to go hang out somewhere. There were a few times we almost got caught. If we get caught by anybody we would be in huge trouble. If a rogue or someone else finds us, our lives could be in trouble. But if our alpha catches us, thats a new kind of trouble.

Tomorrow is said to be a really big day, apparently there's going to be a six on one fight. I heard the one sides fight is just a regular warrior against six rogues. Ive been hearing rumors that the most powerful pack around brought in only 2 warriors to fight. While most every alpha or rogue brings in at least twenty to forty of their best fighters. That just makes me wonder what these warriors are capable of to go against six rogues at a time.

"Shhh!" Elana laughed as she tugged me through the woods.

I laughed with her and chased right behind her. We snuck out once again. She told me that her wolf has been going absolutely crazy all day. She kept suggesting we go out tonight. This time she wanted to go into town. And instead of going straight through town we've decided to go through the woods.

We let the trees whip past us as we run in human form. The cool night air touching the exposed skin of my legs and arms.

She stops us right on the tree line separating the town from the trees. A huge smile on her face as she looks at me, "where should we go?"

At the same time she asks that i hear her stomach rumble. I laugh as her cheeks redden in embarrassment. "How about we go down to that diner, Mike's. I heard a rogue talking about it. She said they had the best burgers. My treat."

I feel pretty bad because since we got here i haven't been eating much and I only recently, as in earlier today found out that Elana stopped eating when she found out I wasn't. Ive tried to tell her that my appetite has been nonexistent but she insists on me eating anyway.

She gives me a sad look, "will you eat too?"

I give her a small smile, "Ellie.."

"You can't keep starving yourself, nothing will happen to us. You're worrying over nothing! Come on, I've got a good feeling about this."

Before I have time to object she's already pulling me along in the direction of the diner which happens to be only a block away from here.

Once we make it to the doors she looks around nervously. Not making a move to go inside, "ellie?"

She meets my eyes, but then they suddenly dart inside of the building before she barges inside. Her eyes search the medium filled diner.

She seems out of it so I touch her shoulder and she tenses and looks at me, "u-um.. Lets sit."

I nod, "i think you should sit. You look really pale."

She sits down in a booth. I look in the direction she was looking in to find a table filled with people. By the looks of them they are definitely wealthy pack members. I look at Ellie who is staring intently at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

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