Chapter Seventeen- Unescapable Nightmares

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I moan against his lips as he pins me to the wall. His hands are touching all over my body but they never touch my core. His tongue finds its way into my mouth. It fights with mine for dominance. He grunts in satisfaction as he claims victory over my mouth. I wrap my arm arms around his neck. Pulling him as close to me as I can.

"Paisley, tell me to stop." He pleads, his eyes staring into mine.

"Please." Is all I could get out. My hand finds its way to the seam of his slacks. I was right, they are extremely tight.

His hand grabs mine as he stares into my eyes. "Paisley, You need to tell me to stop."

I let out a frustrated grunt. "What if I don't want you to stop? I want you to make me feel good. Please."
He swallows but wastes no time in touching me. He lets go of the hand I had teasing his V-line to put it underneath my top.

I tug at his shirt and he pulls it over his head, tossing it only god knows where and in this moment I don't care. The only thing I can focus on is his mouth against my neck and his hand tracing the skin of my stomach and sides.

"Please touch me." I beg, gripping the cloth of his pants.

He grunts and tightens his grip on me. "don't do that."

I do it again and his hand goes to the wall. His face is flushed and he squeezes his eyes closed. He needs a release just as bad as I do. I slowly glide my hand down the fabric of his pants. Right over his erect member. I feel him tense and a series of grunts escape his lips as I grab it through the fabric. I play with the tip through the fabric. He inhales sharply, "Fuck, Paisley, stop teasing me."

I use my other hand to trace his perfectly sculpted chest. His hand find it's way to my ass and grips it tightly. I continue rubbing him through his pants until he lifts me up and sets me down on the desk behind him.

His mouth connects with mine in a rough kiss. I gently bite his lip and tug, earning a grunt from him. I spread my legs for him as he lets his hands explore lower and lower. "Can I touch you?" He whispers in my ear. I nod and press my head into his neck.

"Please touch me." I beg, my body aches and pleads for his touch. The ache between my core honestly hurts. I need a release. I need him.

His hands slide right between my legs but they don't touch my core immediately. They tickle the skin between my thighs. I grip the fabric of his pants and pull his body between my legs. I can feel his hardened member pressed right into me. I grind my hips against him the best I can until he takes over.

"Take them off." He says in a soft demanding tone and I don't hesitate to take them off. Placing me bare bottom on the cold oak desk.

Soren pushes my back against the table, resting my head gently on it. He lifts my shirt up to my neck. I shiver as he places soft sweet kisses from my breasts to my core. He spreads my legs as wide as they can go and kisses all over my inner thighs. "You are so wet for me, my love." He smirks against my inner thigh.

"Soren." I whimper, putting my hand in his hair.

He places a kiss right on top of my exposed core. I tense biting my lip. His hands rub my thighs. I moan as his tongue slides right on my core. His tongue makes patterns on my slit. He takes me in his mouth. Sucking and licking right on my sensitive core. He gently grabs it right between his teeth, giving me a gentle tug. I wrap my hands in his hair.

My head is dizzy with pleasure. My stomach was tightened and I find myself gripping his hair. He doesn't seem to mind it as I pull at his hair. He continues lapping at my aching core.

My back arches as I feel him insert a finger into me. He massages my spot with his finger. I wouldn't doubt if people could hear me moaning. I am sure he is going to receive noise complaints.

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