Chapter Seven - I'll Be Okay

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After everything that had gone on I managed to convince them to let me go back to the festival where an angry Alpha and beta wait for me.

"Paisley, we need to discuss something." Alpha Max says.

Elana growls lowly and a quick growl back from him and she whimpers back but still holds onto my arm. I nod to Violet and violet pulls Ellie close.

"I think i already know where this is going." I say softly, sneaking a glance at Elana who watches closely.

"In private, Paisley. Follow me." He says and turns away, not giving me a chance to object.

I dont follow him. "That's an order, Paisley." He says dangerously low.

I lower my head and follow behind him, Elana and the others try to follow but a few of our wolves and Alex blocks their way.

Alpha Max leads me into a small building and shuts the door. I notice a few other people in here and then it hits me. This is a registration building. Its for trading werewolves or anything honestly. We are getting multiple stares and i shrink down.

"Paisley i never wanted it to come down to this." He says lowly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I turn my head away, "you're looking out for the pack, right? Yeah.. I understand. Im taking one for the team." I mumble.

"You're a very strong girl-"

I shake my head, "im not. I barely won that fight-"

"Im not talking physically, im talking about mentally. You have a very strong heart,  Paisley."

"Can we get this over with? I'm not in the mood for small talk." I say softly.

He sighs and nods, pulling me in close for a hug but i dont find the strength inside of me to return the gesture.

I hide my face from the lustful stares im getting from other men in the room.

Im brought to a desk where im then tagged. It basically just means that im entered into the database as being sold. Once someone places the highest bid on me, my code gets marked down and thats how they keep track of who is who. Its sort of like a tattoo but it's burned into the skin. In my case, my brand is placed on my back shoulder blade.

I wince as the cloth of my jacket rubs against the fresh brand on my back. Its been about two hours since I got registered, i haven't said anything to be honest. I haven't seen Elana or anybody else.

But i know Ellie is safe and that sends a wave of relief through me knowing that they'll take care of her. I just know they're good people. Especially Soren who is really sweet and Violet of course.

Im hoping I'll be able to say bye to them before i have to go.

Im pulled from my thoughts as the scratchy voice follows through the intercom. I dont even listen to what he has to say. I already know what's starting.

I watch as groups of people are lined up according to their brand numbers and the biddings start. Code Ae407, bid four thousand. Code Af305, bid nine thousand.

The bidding continues on until its my turn to go up. Im nudged inbetween a large guy and a frail looking woman. The woman looks as though she hasnt had a meal or a shower in weeks.

Im the third in line and slowly i watch as everyone places their bids on the first two.

"You look like you might pass out." The guy next to me says. I look up at his defined face. He offers a sweet, non-threatening smile. Though his size is definitely intimidating. Hes not fat, he has to be at least six foot seven and pure muscle.

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