Chapter Twenty-Eight -A True Mate's bond

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     Everything was going so good. Happiness had spread throughout my entire body. I felt like I could breathe again. Finally, after so long. Too long. My family, my friends, my mate. They were all here, all happy.
     Everyone had gotten settled in to their new rooms. Mya was especially happy she got a big room. They're all down on the second floor while Zellian and I are on the third. He asked if I had wanted my own room as well, wanting to make sure I was comfortable. The smile on his face when I had told him that there was no where else I'd rather be than with him, the smile was beautiful.
     Everyone had retired to bed, and Zellian took me out behind the pack house. Where he said he had a surprise for me. Which really surprised me but at the same time didn't. Since he sent Finley to do something for him and she was gone for a couple of hours. He had mind linked her ninety percent of the time she was gone. So I knew they were planning something.
     He held my hand as we walked down a path through the wooded area. As we got closer to what I assume is the destination. I could make out lights hanging from the trees. Little flames all over the ground from candles. We walked down a path lit up by string lights. There were rose petals surrounding a small blanket on the ground. There were pillows, flowers. A small table set up in the middle of the blanket with flowers, decorations and champagne glasses. A bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice. Everything was so beautiful. So freaking romantic. It brought tears to my eyes as he lead me to the center of it all and sat me down with him. He sat behind me, pulling my back against his chest and winding his arms around my midsection.
    I looked around at everything. The view was amazing. It was all set up near a small waterfall, the water was so clear. The moon casted a ray of light onto it making it shine as it splashed down with soothing sounds. The night was completely silent except for the water or the crickets chirping. A owl hooting in the distance. The sky was lit up with stars, very few clouds in the sky to block the shining dots.
    Zellian fixed us both a glass of champagne, placing one into my hand and taking a sip of his own. "Oh, Zellian are you trying to get me drunk?" I teased him.
   He laughed and shook his head, "I don't think I need to get you drunk." He teased back.
    I blushed and offered a smile, "Thank you, for all of this, Zellian."
    "What could you possibly mean?" He plays coy as if he doesn't know where any of this set up came from.
     I gesture all around us, "This."
    He kissed the side of my head, "I didn't want to leave you alone inside. Or I would have done all of this myself. But I gave Finley clear instructions of how I wanted everything. She was happy to do it. And I'm happy that you like it." He said softly, placing his chin on my shoulder.
   I held his arm that still lay against my waist. Looking at everything. "No one has ever done something like this before." I mumbled.
    "Well you better get used to it because I'll be doing stuff like this a lot. You deserve it." He whispered.
     I turned my head to look at him, "why don't you think I'm disgusting?" I asked the question that had been burning in my head for some time now.
    "What do you mean?" He asked confused, his brows scrunched inwards.
    "Everything, Zellian. You saved yourself for your mate.. for me. And I-"
    "Things are a lot easier for men than they are for women. The festival is not something I like to attend. But it's how our world works. I wish I was there that day. So I could have stopped it all. Prevent you from ever having to go through what you had to with Kane. His father. All of it. The only thing that disgusts me is what you went through. None of that was in your control, you did what you had to do to survive. Why would I see you as disgusting for that? I can't take any of that, but I can give you everything you deserve, Paisley." He said softly, his eyes laced with a seriousness that made my heart throb. "I vow to try my damned hardest to make you forget all of that, to give you anything and everything. Which will probably bite me in the ass one day." He chuckled.
   I kiss him, I kiss him because I could see that he means it. It's written all over his face. In his eyes. It was as if he were telling a story. But his words were full of truth. I kiss him because god.. I love this man already.
    He didn't hesitate to kiss me back. The kiss only broke because I turned around in his lap. But it immediately started back up again. He took my glass of champagne that I had completely forgotten I even had and set it on the table next to his. His arms found their way completely around me. Caging me into an abyss of warmth and comfort. He lifted my arms up to wrap them around his neck. I held them there tightly. Pulling him into me.
    Until I was tired of not feeling enough of his skin on mine and I tug on the bottom of his shirt. He removes his arms around me, pulling it over his hand and tossing it to the side. He tried to kiss me again but I placed a hand on his chest. He looked at me confused as my gaze was stuck on his.. very attractive body.
    He had a large scar on the side of his body, his rib cage, and I just wanted to ask what happened. Who did it. What's the story. But right now, it didn't matter. Nothing mattered but him and I in this moment.
    I ran my fingers over it, staring up into his eyes. They had darkened from their original color. Turning the color of onyx, so deep I could easily mistake it for black. I watched as his eyes were beginning to turn white just before he came back into control of his wolf.
    His arm around my pressed my body flush against his. Our lips finding their way back to each other. I was melting away in his mouth. The taste of him, the feeling of him. It was driving my entire body insane.
    I grind my hips down into him the moment I feel his erection poking away at me. Earning a grunt from him. His mouth found its way to my neck. Kissing, licking, sucking on it. I was sure it was going to leave a few marks but I couldn't care. I wanted his marks all over me.
   I leaned my neck against his lips. Causing a satisfactory growl to escape his mouth. His arms tightening around me. I grind myself against his erection. A moan leaving my lips. I knew that I had to no doubt be leaving a wet spot through my shorts. My shorts felt like they were soaking wet.
   "Fuck, Paisley." He gasped out, his hand tightening on my hip. "If we don't stop now I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself later." His eyes were squeezed shut as if trying to concentrate extremely hard.
    "I don't want you to stop, Zellian." I whispered, running my hand up and down his chest.
    Zellian's eyes flew open to look at me, to scan my face. "Let's go back to the room." He whispered.
    I smiled at him, "and let all of this go to waste? This is the perfect place. I could tell earlier how much thought and effort you were putting into this." I played around with the band of his pants.
   "You want to do this.. out here?" He questioned, humor in his eyes.
   I laughed as a blush rose to my face, "why not? This is perfect. This moment is perfect. You're perfect. I would do it anywhere as long as it were with you." I said softly.
    His eyes began to darken at my words but he smiled, running his hand up and down my back. "Your wish is my command, ratu saya."
    Zellian's lips leaned in to connect with mine but I stopped him, receiving a confused look. "But first, you're going to tell me what that means." I chuckled. Wanting nothing more than to kiss him.
   When I kiss him, it's like the whole world disappears. All I can feel is his lips on mine, and all I can hear is the sound of our breaths mingling. It's the moment when I know that I've found someone special, someone who makes me feel complete. A kiss is the most intimate thing that two people can share, and it's the one thing that I treasure the most. When I kiss him, I feel like I'm home, and I never want to leave.
     He smiled at me, "My queen." He whispered.
    His queen? That's what it means? He seemed to be reading my thoughts because he gave me a nod for my silent question. He seemed unsure about it by my reaction but a smile fell onto my lips. "I like it." I whispered back before leaning in to kiss him.
    He had a smile on his lips even as they were connected with mine. My heart was in the sky with joy.
     When I'm in his arms, I feel like I'm home. It's the one place where I can be completely myself, without any fear of judgment or rejection. I feel safe, protected, and loved, and I never want to leave. It's the moment when everything else fades away, and all that matters is the person in front of me. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, and I know that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. Being in his arms is the most comforting feeling in the world, and it's the one thing that can make all my worries disappear. When I'm with him, I feel like I can conquer anything, and I never want to let him go. I want to live in this moment, with him, for the rest of my life.
     When I'm around him I'm captivated, I feel like I'm under a spell. Everything else fades away, and all that matters is him. It's like he has some kind of magic that draws me in, and I can't help but be entranced. I find myself hanging on his every word, wanting to know everything about him. His smile, his laugh, his touch - everything about him is like a drug, and I can't get enough. Being captivated by him is the most exhilarating feeling in the world, and it's the one thing that can make me feel truly alive. I know that I'm lucky to have found someone who makes me feel this way, and I never want to let him go.
    Zellian lays my back against the blanket, his body completely over mine. I could feel every part of him on me and it felt like nothing else could compare. Nothing else could compare to his lips burning against my skin with passion. Or the electrical sparks running through my entire, begging for more.
    He helps me take my shirt off, placing soft kisses against the skin between my breasts. It made goosebumps run through my skin. He kissed all the way down to my belly button and back up to my neck. He grazed his canines across the sweet part of my neck, but he didn't bite down. He's being so slow and gentle it made me want to be on him and take at least a little control away from him.
   I connected our lips and pushed him up, climbing back into his lap. Reaching behind me to unclip my bra. Letting it slide down my arms and off of me. He pulled back to let his eyes travel. He seemed to think for a moment before he decided he didn't want to wait any longer either. His mouth connected with my nipple, taking it into his mouth to suck and lick on. I moaned at the feeling. If I thought I was turned on then. It was even more now. And I knew he could smell it. Smell every bit of arousal that was inside of my body.
     Zellian gave me a soft growl that felt as though it rattled throughout my body. Making my core tighten even more. "Mine." He said once he let go of my nipples.
     "I want you, Zellian." I whispered and that was his cue to lay me right back down onto my back.
    His hands finding their way to the waist band of my shorts, pulling everything down at once and leaving me completely naked and exposed underneath him. I didn't feel the need to cover myself as he looked down at me. Assessing every inch of my body. I could see the hungry look in his eyes. Like none of my insecurities mattered to him because they were gold in his eyes.
    His mouth connected to the skin right above my belly button. Traveling lower. Dangerously lower until he found his destination. The soft kisses against my skin were driving me into an oblivion of insanity. The moment his mouth connected to my aching sex, I knew all self composure I had was gone. Moans were coming out of my lips loud and fast. The sparks of the mate bond weren't sparing my most sensitive spot. And it only felt a million times better. Better than anything I've ever felt before.
    My release hit me fast. I couldn't hold it in or fight it away. Disappointment ran through me at the thought of it being over. But it was completely gone as he didn't stop. He seemed entranced by the taste of me. And the moment he opened his eyes to look at me. I knew it was the truth. His tongue was in me and on me, around me. Licking every inch of me. His fingers were dug into my hips as he held me still under his attacks. "Fuck." I moaned, my back arching right back up as my body was finding its release again.
     He didn't stop licking until all of my juices were gone. Making it impossible to not finish again. My disappointment turned into near excitement as I watched him take his pants off. Climbing on top of me instantly. He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. Sharing the taste of myself. "If you want me to stop, just tell me. Okay?" He whispered so incredibly softly it made me burn with love.
    I nod at him, rubbing his chest with a smile. I felt as he pressed the tip of his dick against my entrance. Taking a deep breath as he pushed into me. The feeling alone made me want to roll over and die. It was.. heaven. Pure bliss as it entered me fully.
    A moan escaped my lips before I could even think about stopping it. I felt full from him as he thrust in and out of me. A moan escaped his lips as he leaned down onto me. Holding his full weight up with one hand while the other explored my body. Leaving trails of sparks against my leg and side.
    "You feel so good, ratu saya." He moaned, thrusting into me faster than before. I could feel his cock throbbing inside of me. Aching for his own release.
    I wrapped my legs around him, offering him to go deeper and he took that opportunity to slowly harden his thrust. My moans were no doubt being heard by someone. But I couldn't find it in me to care. And I knew he couldn't either.
    "Zellian!" I moaned out as a release crept up on me out of nowhere. He growled at my calling of his name.
    "Say it again." He growled out.
    "Zellian!" I moaned even louder once my entire lower half tightened with release.
    His grip on me tightened and a moan escaped his lips, "holy shit." He moaned out. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips in between moans.
    He smiled down at me, pressing his lips to mine as he continued his thrusts. He slowed every now and then. Probably trying to prevent his own release. I felt selfish in this moment. Because everything inside of me thanked him for it. I never want this moment to end.
    I let myself be completely wrapped around his finger. And for once in my life I wasn't scared. I felt safe and secure. Everything inside of me knew that he would protect me and that I was safe with him. My body, my mind, my heart. Was all safe with him. It's like nothing can touch me, and all my worries disappear. I know that I can be vulnerable with him, and he will always be there to catch me if I fall. Being with him is like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold day - it's comforting and familiar, and I never want to leave. I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, and I know that everything is going to be okay. It's the most peaceful feeling in the world, and I'm grateful for it.
    I felt my release coming back to me. Quickly. Hugging onto me and refusing to let up. In that moment, I felt his canines extend just before they pierced right into the soft spot of my neck. At first the pain was almost unbearable. So much so that my nails were embedded into the skin on his back. Before I felt complete pleasure fill my entire body. Helping my release to wash me up into its waves. With a final thrust. He met his release as well. I felt his canines leaving my neck. Replaced by his tongue to lick up the blood. I shivered under him.
    I feel like I'm connected to him in a way that's hard to describe. It's like our souls are truly intertwined, and I can feel his presence surrounding me. His feelings, emotions, his soul. I know that he understands me on a level that no one else can, and I can be completely myself with him now. Being with him is like coming home after a long journey - it's familiar and comforting, and I know that I'm where I'm supposed to be. Where I was supposed to be from the very start. This feeling was like nothing else I've ever felt before. Zellian is my true soulmate. As I look into his eyes I see my future, and I know that we're meant to be together. It's the most incredible feeling in the world.
    Being wrapped up in his arms, laying here staring at each other. Our bodies completely intertwined together. This feeling.. this person. This person was my true destiny. Everything I have ever wanted. His eyes shined on me with pure love.
    And once I finally focused on his emotions that were invading my head. I knew that it really was nothing but love, acceptance. I was his and he was mine.
    I sat up quickly. My eyes darting down at him. He sat up as quick as I did, assessing me as if I were wounded. "What's wrong? Are you okay? I feel your sadness." He said quickly.
    "I want to mark you too." I whispered, tears brewing in my eyes.
    He blew out a breath, "Dammit Paisley, I thought something was wrong. You worried me." He mumbled before pulling me completely in his arms. "Mark me, ratu saya." He cooed gently. Pushing my hair to my back. Completely out of the way and out of mind.
    I let my canines extend from my mouth. He instinctively leaned his neck into me. And I let it happen. I pierced them right into their spot. He grunted at the feeling before it eased away. His hold on me was tight.
    The moment I felt my own rushing feeling, I knew it was time to pull out. And I did, doing the same thing that he had and licked away the blood until I watched the skin on his neck heal. Leaving my canine imprint in his skin. It was the only spot on his neck that was tattooed. And now, everything looked complete. It looked perfect.
    Zellian laid us back down and pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly against him. I laid my head on his chest. My head tilted up so I can see his face as he stared down at me. His happiness was almost overwhelming inside of me. Before I marked him, I could feel his feelings. But they only seemed half. Now.. they were so strong. I now felt complete. Like my life was fulfilled.
    "Oh, you feel complete with me?" He said with a grin.
    My face burned hot, "Hey! Don't read my thoughts!" I said as I gave him a playful slap on the chest.
    He burst into laughter and pulled me impossibly closer. So that now I was practically on top of him. "You better learn how to close that out. Keep thinking about how my body feels on yours and it's going to get you into a lot of trouble in the future." He teased again.
    My entire body felt like it was blushing, "Stop it!" I squealed, placing a hand over his mouth.
   His eyes were filled with humor, enjoyment. He was enjoying this way too much. "You're so beautiful." He mind linked me and I gasped.
    Completely forgotten that he could do that now. A bond between true mates was different from that of a chosen mate. A chosen mate can't feel as much as a true mate bond can. The mind link also felt unclear, almost foggy. But with a true mate, it felt soft and complete. Completely clear and.. heaven. The feelings with a chosen mate were hard to explain.. it feels rough or almost dirty. But this.. god this..
     "No I'm not." I whispered, removing my hand from his mouth.
    I could feel his disapproval in my stomach. "Don't ever say that, Paisley. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You have no idea how lucky I feel having you as my mate." He said so softly. It made my heart churn with happiness. So he isn't ashamed of me..?
    "Of course not, ratu saya. Just wait until you find out what I have planned." Zellian says, reading my thoughts once again.
    "Huh?" I asked, nervous of what he could possibly be planning.
   He smiled, "Shhh, just lay with me." He hummed, pulling my head back down to his chest.
     Once I was nestled into the most comfortable spot. I knew it was going to be impossible to stay awake. I wanted to melt into him. Stay like this for the rest of my days. I had already begun to fall asleep in his arms as his fingers traced patterns along my skin.
    He placed soft kisses on my head. Just before I fell into the abyss of sleep. I heard his thoughts.
    "I love you, Paisley."


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