Chapter Twenty - I am Scared

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     The plane landed in roughly four hours. I ended up falling asleep halfway there. Once the plane landed I made my way to the doors. As I made it out of the door I called for a taxi. Giving over some cash for my destination.
   He gave me a strange look before beginning his drive. My stomach felt as if it were in knots. It was hurting like crazy. My wolf felt very uneasy.
    In about an hour we had finally made it to my destination. I looked at the familiar pack house. It was the biggest one I had ever seen or even been inside of. A fraction bigger than Kane's. It was very well taken care of, peaceful.
    It's a good thing Ace always granted me access into his pack lands or getting in would be hell. It was five in the morning now.
   I nodded a thanks to the taxi driver and grabbed my bag, heading for the door. I could see lights on through the kitchen window, someone was up. I let out a breath and knock on the door.
   Counting the seconds until the door was opened. I was met by a very tall frame. Tattooed arms all the way up to his neck. His eyes resembled Kane's except lighter in color, green.
    "Ace, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry it's early, I need your help." I pleaded.
   He stared at me and sighed, guiding me inside. "He's pissed."
    Ace leads me into the kitchen and sits me down. "Coffee?" He asks and I nod.
    He pours me a cup of coffee as I talk, "I didn't go against him, Ace. I swear. I swear on everything. I had just found out-"
   "I know, love. I've already spoken to him. I just got back from his pack. He doesn't believe that you had any partake in what they did. He's looking for you."
    "I left them, to come back. But I was too scared to face him alone, Ace. I didn't know what to do." I let the tears fill my eyes. They were real. I am scared, I'm terrified.
    He slides my cup over to me, "Who did you sleep with?" Ace asks me, my eyes widen. "He felt the pain of betrayal. I was there."
    I look down at my hands and let my tears fall, "I found my mate.. I know I shouldn't have. I just.. I just.. I just wanted to know what it would feel like. We didn't actually do anything! It didn't feel right. So I stopped. I rejected him and that was that. I felt horrible!" I cried.
   Ace sighed and handed me a paper towel before sitting next to me. "He's pretty pissed, Paisley."
   "I know, I screwed up. He's going to kill me."
   "I won't let him kill you." He said as he took a sip of his coffee.
    "I don't want Kane to hurt you.." I whisper, holding my mug in my hands.
   He stared at me for a moment, thinking about something. "I'll have Kane come here."
   My heartbeat quickens at his words. At least both of us would be safer here. Not surrounded by Kane's entire pack. I nod at Ace and set my mug down, rubbing my face. "I'm scared, Ace." I let the pain of leaving my friends take over. Sobs were escaping me before I could stop them.
   He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head gently. His hand rubbing my back softly. I rest my head against his chest. "I am so scared." I whisper, clutching onto his shirt.
    I watch as his eyes glaze over. He must be talking to Kane, I could feel a shift in energy regarding the pack. But I still couldn't feel anything specific.
    "He's on his way. You'll be fine, I'm not going to let him touch you." Ace said softly, combing my hair down.
   "I don't want him to go after my friends, they just wanted me to be safe. They were trying to look out for me." I said sadly.
    "There's nothing I can do for your friends, but I will try to keep him calm when he gets here."
   I nod into his chest, "I would have came back sooner but I was scared. I had just woken up the day before. I was in the hospital. They told me what they had done, but by then Kane had already cut me off from the pack connections. I was going to mindlink him or you but I was afraid he would find me and come to hurt my friends." I admitted and he nodded.
    "Maybe since you decided to come back, he might be a bit more calm. I wouldn't bet on it, but it's a maybe. I didn't tell him that you are here, just that I found you. He didn't exactly give me the opportunity to say anything before he told me he's coming and then blocked me out."
     That was about five minutes ago, if Kane took a car it would take him at least twenty minutes to get here. His pack lands aren't far from Ace's that's why I see Ace so much, because of the small distance. But if Kane shifted and ran here, he'd probably get here in ten. "Can I go shower?" I ask softly.
    "Are you going to run away?" He asks with a small smile on his face.
    "I think I'm in enough trouble as it is, don't worry. I won't be long, I just feel icky I haven't showered since I woke up in the hospital. I've been so stressed out." I admit and he nods.
    "You can use my bathroom." I nod back at him and grab my bag before heading up to his bedroom.
    It was on the top floor. My hands were trembling, I nearly dropped my bag twice. I look around Ace's room as I walk in, it was still as clean as ever. His bed was made and everything was neat. He takes care of himself and his things well. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water.
    I don't wait for it to heat up before I strip my clothes off and walk in. I grab his soap and his sponge, scrubbing away at my body. Hoping to get every possible scent off of me. I keep scrubbing until my skin was burning under the hot water, leaving it raw. I scrub away at my hair. Rinsing it under the water. A sigh escaped my lips as I willed myself out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around myself, another one to dry my hair.
    I stood in front of the mirror, staring at myself. I didn't recognize myself anymore. I still looked pretty much the same. I was skinnier than I used to be. I had small bags under my eyes and my skin looked more pale. My eyes traveled to the mark on my neck. Kane's mark. I still couldn't feel him. I was scared, undeniably afraid.
    I blew out a breath and dried myself off before slipping on a pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt. I use the brush sitting on the counter to brush through my wet hair-
    I was interrupted as I could feel the room shake. The vibration was intense. I felt the need to throw up. My body was shaking as a growl filled my ear.
    Kane is here.
    I left my stuff right where it was and ran all the way down the stairs. His smell filled my nostrils quickly as I made it to the first floor. I could feel his power before I even rounded the corner. Everything was blocked by Ace's back in front of me. "Calm down, Kane." Ace said, crossing his arms.
    "Where the fuck is she, Ace?" Kane's voice was loud, angry.
    "I'll get her once you calm the hell down."
    "Ace, so help me fucking god."
   By the sound of Kane's voice, I knew he was on the verge of losing control. I could hear his footsteps coming closer to Ace.
    I walked out into the open quickly. Kane's eyes landed on me fast. My knees felt weak. I stared at Kane, swallowing hard. He looked rough, he looked as if he hadn't slept. The anger in his features nearly covered all of that up.
     Before I could utter a word, Kane grabbed me by the neck. His canines were elongated. He was baring them at me. My feet were no longer on the floor as he held me. His eyes were switching from his green to gold rimmed eyes. I clawed at his hands, I couldn't breathe.
     I was dropped out of his hands as Ace intervened. I crumpled to the floor, clutching at my throat. Sucking in as much air as I possibly could. My head felt fuzzy and my chest felt tight. Kane went for Ace's throat.
    Ace quickly dodged away and grabbed Kane's arm. It was his turn for his canines to come out. "Calm. Down." Ace ordered.
    "I'm going to kill her." Kane seethed through his teeth.
    I backed away until my back hit the wall. I remained on the floor. My body was trembling in terror. Kane's eyes fell on me, looking away from his brother.
    My eyes were wide with fear, I couldn't help the tears that fell down my cheeks. "I didn't come back just to die!" I yelled.
    Kane held a dark grin on his face, "It seems like that's exactly what you came back to do."
    "I came back to be with you!" I yelled at him, tears streaking my cheeks.
    He let out a maniacal laugh, "that's why you slept with someone? Oh, you were out whoring around and decided they weren't good enough? So you come crawling back to me?"
    "Who was it?" He lowered his voice, holding his grin on his face. He slowly walked over to me. Kneeling in front of me a few feet away.
    I looked to Ace and he nodded at me. My eyes traveled back to Kane. "I found my mate. I wanted to know what it felt like.. My father... Before he died, he always told me to save myself for my mate. That's why I was a virgin when you met me. After he died, and after Max erased my memory. I could never really remember anything about my family. But I remembered my father telling me that. I found my mate, and I just wanted to know what it would feel like. But I didn't have sex with him. It didn't feel right. I rejected him and he accepted it. I never had the chance to get away until last night, I came here because I wanted Ace's help to talk to you."
    Kane only laughed, he reached his hand out towards my face. I shut my eyes quickly and waited for some kind of impact but he never hit me. His hand wrapped itself around my throat and yanked me forward so that our faces were barely an inch away from each other. "So then you wouldn't care if I killed him, do you?"
    "He has a family, I didn't know. He already chose a mate, they have a family together. He just used me. Shouldn't that make you happy?"
    "Happy? I told you that if you ever found your mate, I'd kill him. And you go out and fuck around on me. You expect me to give a damn that he has a family? Because I do not. I'll kill them too and not feel a damn thing about it." He laughed in my face.
     I knew I was going to regret this but I needed to take his attention away from that.  "Oh, so you're allowed to fuck whoever you want but god forbid another man's mouth touches my body, that's when you give a damn about me? You know you don't give a shit about me Kane, so why-"
   His hand around my throat tightened, it wasn't cutting off all of my air but it was preventing me from talking. "Your body belongs to me. I don't like the idea of you spreading your legs for anyone but me. You are mine. And I will kill anyone I have to, to ensure that."
   I glared into his eyes, "That's why you tried to fuck my best friend, huh? I know you knew exactly who she was. I grew up with her. You know everything about me. While I was too busy trying to comprehend why my old alpha would massacre my entire family and pack, you were out here swinging dick at my best friend. Don't sit here and pretend like you give a shit, Kane." I hissed at him.
    The grin he had on his face fell into anger, "You mean the same friend who tried to kill me? And poorly failed."
   Shit.. shit. "Don't act like that's the only girl you've fucked since I've been here. A new every goddamn week. I don't know why the hell you even keep me around-"
    "If you're so angry that I involve myself with other women, then why did you come back?" He grinned with amusement.
    "Because I want to be with you. Not every day is horrible with you, yeah there are some pretty shit days that I wouldn't mind stomping your face in. But there are good days that I can tolerate being around you. What the hell do I have out there? Nothing. Nobody. Yeah, they were my friends. Were. But that was years ago. I can't survive out there. At least with you I know how to survive. I know how things work. I know how you work and I don't mind it anymore. I came back to be with you. Regardless of what you do or who the hell you choose to be with."
    His smile once again faded, though he said nothing. Even as tears fell down my cheeks. He only stared at my face. Searching my face for any sign of lie. Something.
    "You keep me around for a reason. Perhaps I'm better than the whores you get with. Perhaps I'm stronger. Smarter. Faster. Something is making you keep me around. And if I'm wrong then kill me now, Kane. If you were looking for me just to kill me, knowing that I wasn't involved with what happened. Then do it. No one is going to stop you. Not me, not Ace, not Andre."
   I nod to each of them, Andre was standing off to the side. He knows better than to say anything when Kane is like this. Kane continued to only stare at me. No one said anything. They stood by, waiting. Watching.
    Kane did something I didn't expect him to do. Something I never would have expected. He kissed me. My eyes widened. I wanted to pull away but I let it happen. I kissed him back slowly. His hand on my throat remained there. Pulling me closer to him. I winced as it tightened. He gripped the sides of my throat. Not taking away any oxygen but establishing his dominance over me. I whimpered against his lips.
   After a moment he pulled away, letting my neck go as well. "Perhaps." Was all he said before he stood up and turned to Andre.
    "Get the car ready." He said to Andre.
   I look to Ace and he looked at me softly, "Do I need to come to make sure you don't kill her? Father wouldn't be happy." Ace said to Kane as Andre left.
    "Oh, I'm going to do worse than kill her." Kane grinned before lifting me off the ground, putting me on my feet.
    My stomach dropped at his words and I knew Ace could tell. "Why don't you stay here with her-"
    "No. She's coming home. You're free to tag along if you'd like, but don't get in my way." Kane said before he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.
   I lifted my head up to look at Ace with pleading eyes as Kane started walking towards the door. He rubbed his chin and grabbed his things from the counter and followed us out. His eyes glazed over on the walk to Kane's car.
    "Get in." Kane said, setting me down roughly and opening the door.
   I looked at Ace nervously and he nodded, but before I had the chance to get in. Kane shoved me, hitting my head on the car in the process. I wince, holding my head. Kane climbed in next to me and shut the door.
   I looked forward. This car was all too familiar. The two front seats were closed off by a tinted window. It was for privacy. You can't hear or see anything back here while you're up there. "I'm sorry.." I whispered.
    "For?" He asked, glancing out of the window as the car started pulling out.
   "I know you're angry with me. I swear I didn't have anything to do with it. They didn't know what they were doing either. They were just worried about me. I grew up with them.. They care about me-"
   "Regardless of what you say to me, I will find them and kill them." He said, I felt the bile rising in my throat.
    I know how Kane likes to kill, he likes to make his victims suffer first. "I'll do whatever you want me to do, I swear. Just please, Kane please don't hurt them. They were looking out for me exactly how you would look out for Ace if something happened to him."
    He looks at me, "I wouldn't need to. Ace can take care of himself. Regardless, I will find them-"
   I was shaking again, I was still shaking even as I grabbed his hand. My eyes pleading into his. "Please, Kane. I am begging you. They don't matter. You know you could easily kill them."
   He laughed and shook his head, "I think you should be more worried about yourself right now, Sweet Pea. I will worry about your little mate and your friends later."
   I need to do something. I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb over to him. He stared at me as I do. Before I can even touch him he grabs me by the throat. My eyes stare into his. "Can I touch you?" I whisper.
    He stared at me for a moment before he nodded and let me go. Crossing his arms over his chest. I climbed on top of him, straddling him. He readjusted himself so I could put my legs on both sides of him. I press my lips to the mark on his neck, my mark. He inhaled sharply, his hand finding its way to my ass.
    I kissed up and down his neck before kissing back up to his ear. "I only want you, none of them matter." I whisper softly.
    He turns his head to look at me, a devilish grin on his face that made my stomach turn in fear. "Show me how much you want me then."
    "I already plan to." I said back.
    I tug his shirt up his chest, he takes it off swiftly. Throwing it behind my head. His eyes boring into mine. I return my kisses back to his neck but before I could trail them down he grabbed the back on my neck and brought my face up. Pressing our lips together.
    I was more than surprised. Kane never kissed me. He didn't like that kind of intimacy. He said it disgusts him. From the very beginning he told me to never try to kiss him. How much he hated it. He would do it occasionally. But only once, and it was only during sex. And on his good days. So you can just about imagine how little it ever happened.
    I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him harder. Letting my fingers entangle themselves into his hair. I grind myself against him. His hand that was on my ass finds its way up my back. Pressing my chest against his own. I would be lying if I said his mouth didn't taste good. He may be a very cruel person but he has very good hygiene. His mouth tasted like peppermints. He would often chew on peppermints.
   I bring my hands back to his face and pull him closer to my lips. His teeth latched onto my bottom lip. I whimpered as the taste of blood fell into my mouth. He smiled against my lips. Pushing his tongue into my mouth.
   I grind my hips harder against him, causing him to moan into my mouth. I let his tongue tangle with mine. His hand gripped my back hard. I couldn't help the yelp of pain escape my lips.
   He took the hand that had my throat away and rapped his hand on my shirt. Ripping it right down the middle. Exposing my bare breasts. He pulled back to assess my body. As if he were looking for something.
    Kane leaned up, pushing me upwards as if to get a better view. His hand connected with my breast tightly. I whimpered as he squeezed my nipple. Hard. My hand instinctively reached up to grab his wrist. Buckling my chest closer to his hand. "Kane!" I cried out as he gripped it harder.
    "Take off your clothes. I want to see your body." He growled, letting me go.
    I stood up and pulled my shorts down, removing my shirt as well. His eyes traveled all over my body. His eyes were filled with hunger. I wanted to cover myself. I wanted the look out of his eyes.
    My eyes widened as his hand grabbed my vagina. He gripped it tightly. I squeezed my legs together but it didn't loosen his grip. My knees gave out. Causing me to fall forward into his lap. Tears were prickling my eyes and falling from my cheeks. "That hurts.." I whimpered. He leaned forward, his eyes staring into mine.
    "This is mine. This body is mine. Nobody else can have it but me." He growled out, his eyes laced with anger. His voice laced with poison. "And I will kill anyone who looks at it. Touches it."
   I grip his wrist, squeezing my eyes closed. "O-Ow.." I whimper.
    "Say it." He growled at me.
   I knew what he wanted me to say but his tight grip on me was making it hard for me to speak. "Ow!" I yelped at he gripped harder.
   He growled at me, "Say it."
    "Y-Yes sir.. my- ow! My body belongs to you, alpha Kane." I whisper, tears were finding their way through my squeezed eyes.
   "Good girl." He said and let me go. I held myself and wiped my eyes.
    Before he could say anything else, the car came to a stop. We were here.. back at the pack house. I grabbed my clothes but before I could slip my shorts on he grinned at me. "We are not finished."
   "Yes sir." I whisper softly, lowering my head to him. "I.. my shirt is ripped."
   He looked at the torn cloth in my hand and back at me. "Here." He growled, not pleased. Despite the fact he was the one who ripped it.
   Kane grabbed his shirt from behind me and handed it to me. Climbing out of the car as I tossed it onto my body. Letting it dangle to my mid thighs.
    "Thank you." I mumbled as I got out of the car and shut the door.
    He says nothing and grabs my arm. Dragging me into the pack house. Andre and Ace were following swiftly behind us. He was moving so fast I could barely keep up with him. I kept tripping on my own feet.
    "Make yourself comfortable." He called to Ace as he dragged me upstairs.
    "Do not hurt her, Kane." Ace called back, his voice was hard. I looked back at him and offered him a soft smile.
    I knew he could see the fear in my eyes. He nodded his head at me. Letting me know that if I need him to just mindlink him.
    Kane shoved me into the bedroom and slammed the door. Locking it behind him. I wrung my hands in front of myself. "Kane.." I whisper.
    "Show me how much you want me." He said, walking over to the bed and laying his back against the headboard. His arms over his bare chest.
    I slowly take my clothes off, leaving them in a pile on the floor before I walked over to him. He uncrossed his ankles as I climb into his lap. Continue my attack of soft kisses along his neck and down his chest. All the way down to the hem of his pants. He watched me closely and carefully. An emotion that I couldn't decipher swarming in his eyes.
    I softly drug my nails just under his pants. Teasing the area. He let out a soft grunt and uncrossed his arms. His hand going into my hair. I slowly kissed back up his neck as I was unbuttoning his pants. Slipping my hand under his boxers. I grip him in my hands, rubbing him at a decent pace. He leaned me up and took his pants off, kicking them to the floor.
   Kane yanked my hand away so that my vagina was grinding against him. One hand was on my ass, grinding me against him. His other hand pulled my face to his. Kissing me. Again. I sucked on his bottom lip as I moved my hips back and forth, quickening the grind.
   He moaned against my lips, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I rubbed his chest, pressing my bare chest into his own.
    Once I pulled from the kiss I sat up, reaching my arm back to push his member into me. I winced but kept sliding myself down on him. He let out a grunt and gripped my ass with both hands. I bounced myself up and down at a quick pace. I couldn't help the moans that left my mouth.
    His moans filled my ear. His hands were exploring up and down my body as I continued my movements. "Good girl, just keep riding me like that." He growled, slapping my ass hard.
  I yelped but kept going. I should've kept quiet because the look in his eyes told me he liked the reaction. Which led to him doing it a few more times. My cheek was burning.
    I leaned down to press my lips to his neck, his hand found itself to the back of my head. Gripping my hair surprisingly softly. I allowed my canines to elongate fully before I bit right down on the side of his neck. On the spot where my mark was already laying. He grunted in discomfort before moans replaced the sounds in the air.
    Before I could lick away the blood he flipped us over so that he was on top of me. I didn't have time to process anything before he was back in me. I moaned and gripped onto his back. He didn't even flinch as my nails instinctively dug into his back.
    Kane picked up his pace, leaning down onto me. His arms on either side of me so his full weight wasn't completely on my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed me back, softly. His pace slowed a bit. I moaned against his lips.
   One of his arms reached under me to hold the back of my head. His other hand lifted my leg up. Hitting impossibly deeper into me. I gripped onto his side. The smell of blood was in the air and I couldn't tell if it was mine or his.
    His lips found their way to my neck as he kissed along my mark. I whimpered against him, holding his face into my neck. "Bite me, please Kane."
    He growled and I didn't have time to inhale before his teeth sank into my neck. I clung onto him as hard as I could as pain coursed through me. But soon my body filled with an unbelievable amount of pleasure. It left my body trembling as my release came crashing down and engulfing me.
    "Fuck, you feel so good." He growled. "You're so fucking wet, baby."
    "Harder, please." I whimper out.
    I was lying to myself. I hate Kane. But this.. this felt good. He felt good. I couldn't deny that I was enjoying this. He has never been so gentle with me before. It felt good, extremely good. It felt... almost safe.
    He did exactly as I had asked and hardened his thrusts. I moaned out as it hit deep inside of me. I winced as it slammed into the back of my wall. His lips were back on my neck and kissing my mark.
   His moans were in my ear, they were deep and low. His pace quickened unbelievably faster, he was close. I held onto him until his peak of pleasure was over and he slowed down before coming to a complete stop. I catch my breath as he rolls over.
   Kane lays with his arms behind his head. Letting out a breath before he got up and walked to the bathroom. I roll onto my side and close my eyes. Easing my heart rate. I couldn't tell if there was something wrong with me.
    I enjoyed that. I had never enjoyed it before. But.. I enjoyed this time.
   I jumped out of my thoughts as I felt something touch me. My eyes snap to Kane who stared down at me. I looked at his hand, he had a wet rag. The look from earlier was back in his eyes. Why is he looking at me like that? What is that?
   I stared at him as he spread my legs and wiped me up. My eyes were wide. I was lost and confused. Kane has never done this before. He has never kissed me like he did tonight. He hasn't marked me since the first day. He's never been gentle like this. He's never cleaned me up afterwards.
    I've never seen that look in his eyes before. I couldn't help the tremor in my heart causing it to beat fast. He leaned over me once he finished and placed a kiss against my lips.
     Only leaving me more confused.
    I watched as he disappeared back into the bathroom, returning a few minutes later. He climbed into bed and tugged me against him. His head nestled into my neck. "Mine." He growled in my ear. It made me shiver.
   I turned around in his arms to face him. He looked down at me. His eyes boring into mine. "I'm yours, Kane." I whispered to him.
   He leaned down and kissed me softly. "All mine."
    "It's hard to say when you're busy with other women."
   The words escaped my lips before I could even stop them. I had no idea where they came from.
     "Are you asking me to stop seeing other women?" He asked with a devious grin.
    I turned back over so my back was facing him. He yanked me back into his body. "It would be nice to know that you wanted only me too." I mumbled.
   He smiled against the back of my neck, biting his teeth down gently. I wince and turn over to look at him. "Kane, I'm serious! If you don't want just me then say that! Don't just play with me like that! That's just cruel." I whimper.
   He closed his eyes, his grin remained on his lips. "I'm fine with just you, so shut up and lay with me."
    "I have to get up." I mumbled, "I have chores to do."
    He growled and yanked me back down into him, his arms completely wrapped around me. "Not anymore."

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