Chapter Twenty-Seven -A Family Reuinion

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We arrived at the house in about seven hours. The plane ride was long compared to the twenty minute car drive. It was almost ten in the morning. A little too early for liking after having a horrible sleep. The only thing that made it enjoyable was the fact that Zellian held me the entire way. Rubbing soft patterns on my skin, kissing my hair or my forehead.
My nerves were sky rocketed once we finally pulled into the driveway of the house. I could see that Kelon was equally as nervous. I could tell he wasn't one hundred percent sure that it was really his brother. But he had hope and I was happy for that.
I knocked on the door, after a few minutes it was opened by Alex who immediately wrapped me in a hug. He looked different, I wasn't sure if it was a good different or a bad different. Just different. "I didn't tell them, they're all awake watching television." Alex said, earning a growl from Zellian after he kissed my head.
Alex's eyes widened once he recognized the aura around Zellian. "Uh.. shithead, what the hell is happening."
"Good things, I'll leave it at that. Are they angry with me?" I mumbled.
"No, anything I tried to tell them it went over their heads. They're just lost without you."
"Violet hates me, I'm sure of it."
"She doesn't blame you at all, she's angry with Kane." Alex reassured. "Come in, I'm tired of standing around." He said, yanking me inside.
When he let me go, Zellian pulled me into him. A deadly glare being stabbed right at Alex who tries his absolute best to ignore it as he leads us to the living room. I look behind us to find Kelon practically hiding. He wasn't ready.
I don't try to push him to come in just yet, "surprise." Alex says, catching everyone's attention.
That's when everyone's eyes find me. And if their eyeballs were connected to their heads, they would be rolling around on the floor right now. Elana launched herself at me. Kody and Mya along with her. Violet shot me a soft smile from the couch as she ate a bowl of cereal. To which I returned the smile.
"Oh my god, you're alive. You're actually alive. And you're here.. you came back." Elana cried, tears in her eyes.
I hug them all tightly as they're all latched onto me. "I'm okay. I'm actually here for a specific reason though."
They all pulled away enough to listen to my reasons. "Kody, you had a brother right? What was his name?" I turn my gaze to him.
He nods, surprised by my question. "Kelon, why?"
"Well.. there's someone I want you to say hi to." I smile, reaching my arm around the corner. Grabbing hold of Kelon's sleeve and pulling him out into the open.
With them standing next to each other, the resemblance was uncanny. They were twins, but they might as well be twins. They looked so much alike. I was stupid to not see it the moment I seen Kelon. Both of their eyes were wide. "Kelon..?" Kody said, his voice low.
Kelon wrapped his brother up into a hug. They embraced each other. It brought tears to my eyes. I looked over at Zellian and he smiled at me, pulling me to him. "Who is he?" Mya asked, staring Zellian down. As if trying to square him up.
My eyes shot to Violet who watched the situation. Violet smiled at me as if she knew. She nodded at me to say it. "His name is Zellian, he's my.. second chance mate." I said hesitantly. I still felt guilty. I couldn't help it.
"Does that mean.. Kane?" Elana asked with wide eyes.
I looked to Zellian and he answered for me, "Kane isn't getting his hands on her. She's mine-"
"Are you an idiot? You don't actually expect to believe that Kane would just hand her over to you. He's obsessed with her. He's demented and he's not afraid to kill. You're fucking stupid to believe that Kane can run around alive and not-"
I cleared my throat, "Elana.." I mumbled. She has no idea who Zellian is.
"No, I'm serious. Someone needs to kill Kane already. After everything he's done to you, Violet, Soren, Kody, Mya. And thousands of other people. He needs to die." She spit out angrily.
"And who better to do it than the king himself?" Zellian's eyes glimmered triumphantly. His aura was seeping around the room. Almost suffocating. I had to admit, it was godly attractive.
Her eyes widened as she stared at him. Before she bowed her head. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't trying to be disrespectful! It's just the truth, Kane will never stop unless he's dead."
Zellian looked at me and I nodded, letting him know that she means no harm. "It is fine. But do refrain from raising your voice at me again."
"Yes, king." She mumbled and it was as if her head was no longer stuck in a bow once she raised it.
"Is he holding you hostage?" Mya whisper shouted. Making me laugh.
"Technically yes, but it's a good kind of hostage situation." I laughed, earning a grin from Zellian.
"Where is Kane now?" Alex asked.
"I've sent him off to do something, but he will be showing up soon enough. I have warriors waiting for him all over my land." Zellian answered. I instinctively held onto Zellian.
He rubbed my back as reassurance that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. And it made me feel better.
I take a glance over and Kelon and Kody who were talking off in the corner. Kelon and Kody both gave me thank you smiles. "I assume you'll be coming back with us, Kody?"
"With permission from the Alpha, Mya as well." Kody said softly. He had true happiness in his voice.
"Duh! You're not leaving me behind asshole!" Mya pointed a finger at her.
"Perhaps I should introduce everyone." I chuckle, ignoring her cursing. "Everyone this is Finley and her mate Corin, Zellian's delta. That's Kelon, as you already know. Zellian's beta." I smile as they all gave friendly smiles to each other.
Elana offered her hand to Zellian, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Elana and that's my mate, Violet. I'm pretty much Paisley's sister." She pointed to Violet who got up to introduce herself.
I smiled at Elana, "No, she is my sister. Not from the same mother or father, but still my sister. I grew up with her." I added in.
"That's Alex as you've probably already guessed." I point at Alex who's attention was on the television.
I grab a pillow off the couch and chunk it right at his head, forcing his head to fly forward at the impact. "Paisley, unless you want me to remind you why I was the one left to babysit your ass. I suggest you kiss my ass." He grunted, trying to suppress a grin.
"You couldn't kick my ass even if I had ten of them old man." I grin back.
He laughed, "Given you were trained by Kane himself. I'll take your word on that one."
"What's wrong are you scared?" I teased, throwing another pillow that he manages to catch before it smacked him right in the face.
"Of your little ass? Please! I'm just too lazy to get up and wipe the floor with you." He chuckled at me.
I laughed and turned to Zellian who was now talking to Kelon and Kody in the corner. Finley smiled at me, "Ask him. I can see it on our face."
I hate how good she is at reading people and situations. I want to ask Zellian if they can come with us.. but that isn't my place. Things have only been right between Zellian and I for such little time.
"Just ask him, I'll go distract Kelon and Kody." She smiled pulling me over to Zellian.
"Paisley wants to talk to you." Finley grins at me.
"Would you like to go outside?" Zellian asks softly and I nod.
He takes my hand and pulls me outside by the car. "Are you alright?" He asks so softly. It gave me butterflies.
"I tried to tell Finley that I don't really have the place to ask anything of you." I mumbled.
"Whatever you want, I'll do it, my love." He said even softer. Caressing my cheek.
I instinctively leaned into his touch. Reaching my hand up to hold his. "I don't want to leave them behind again. And I want to be with you. I know I wouldn't be able to just visit them. You're too busy with whatever kings do, I think. And I'm worried that-"
"They can take place in my pack." He said with a smile before I even had the chance to ask my question. He must have seen the look on my face because he laughs. "Finley isn't the only one that's good at reading people."
I stared at the ground nervously, "I don't know how I can repay you, Zellian."
He went silent for a moment, "I know how."
My heart began racing in my chest, the aura around him grew thick. I looked up at him, just to see the look in his eyes that I still couldn't decipher. "What is it?" I whispered.
His hands found their way to my hips, pulling my body completely up against his. I tensed as his lips connected with the spot on my neck that he's supposed to mark. He dragged his canines against it. His hands on my hips tightening. As if he were trying to restrain himself. "You'll let me remove that disgraceful mark from your neck and replace it with mine." He uttered. So.. very.. very quietly.
It sent a fire through my body. I wanted it. I wanted him. I wanted more than anything to feel him.. All of him. "Yes, Zellian, I would do that regardless of if I owed you or not. God yes." I whispered out. Leaning into his mouth.
He smiled against my neck, "Not here. And that was the answer I have been wanting to here for awhile now." He said softly. "You don't owe me anything, love. But I want to mark you right. When we get back."
He turned my head to meet his eyes, the look was clear now. It was delight. Happiness. True, unadulterated happiness. My heart jumped at it. "Let's leave, right now. Because for the love of god I want you, so freaking bad."
I watched his eyes turn dark for a split moment before the soft green color came back. He blew out a breath and pulled me impossibly closer. "Don't say that, I have a hard enough time trying to control myself with you." He chuckled breathlessly.
I blushed against his chest. Running my hands under his shirt. He tensed at my touch, but soon I felt everything in him relax. The sparks were so strong. So gratifying. "What did you mean by 'do it right'?" I asked softly.
Running my finger over his toned stomach. I marveled over the touch of him. His arm wrapped around me tightened, "I will do everything right for you. Take you out for the day, take you shopping, a walk. A picnic. Whatever you want to do. Take you to dinner when the day starts to get late. Bring you home, to our kingdom. Make you feel loved, special. Show you how much you mean to me." He said so softly.
I didn't realize I was crying. The tears came far too fast and fell far too quickly. No one has ever treated me like that or said something so goddamn sweet like this. "Hey, hey don't cry." He whispered, holding my face in his hands.
I shook my head, "I don't deserve you."
He smiled ever so softly, "You are deserving of so much, Paisley. I cannot begin to-"
"How's it going?" Finley chirped, skipping down the stairs. Everyone following behind.
"What did you do?" Finley squeals, snatching me away from Zellian to wrap me up in her arms. "You made her cry!"
"Im okay, Finley." I chuckled, remembering the last time this exact situation happened in the kitchen.
"What did he say? Do you want me to kick his ass because I will!" She squinted her eyes at Zellian. While Zellian smiled with humor in his eyes.
I leaned in next to her ear, "He was being sweet. I'm just not used to that." I whispered and she gave me an understanding look.
She faced Zellian and pointed a finger at his face, "You're off the hook for now, but I warn you. I'll beat your ass you fucknugget."
Zellian chuckled, "Noted."
"You can tell them." I smiled at Zellian and he nodded.
Everyone's eyes were on us. Staring at us confused. "I've informed Paisley here that I would like to accept you all into my pack." He said to them. Loud enough so that even Alex, Violet, and Elana who were sitting on the stairs could hear.
Mya cheered, "Hell yeah!" High-fiving Kody.
Elana and Violet held a look and I could instantly tell that there was something wrong. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Kane killed Soren and Roman, he wants me dead, Paisley. Mainly me, out of all of us. For what I did to him. Violet doesn't want to go near him, nor bring me anywhere near him either." Elana spoke, holding Violet close.
Before I even had the chance to speak, Zellian spoke first. "Kane won't be an issue. His focus will be on me. She still has his mark so he can feel what happens between Paisley and I. He'll try to kill me and he will lose. He's tried many times before, even when we were younger. I've always won. You'll be surrounded by my warriors in my kingdom. You are exposed here, he knows you're here. You would be safer under my care." He spoke in a serious tone. I latched onto his side. Receiving a smile from him and a reassuring arm around my back.
I watched both of their eyes glaze over, communicating with each other. I leaned my head against Zellian and he rubbed my back gently. I turned my gaze to Alex, "You're coming too, you know."
He gave me a look of disapproval, "Paisley-"
"Unless you want me to show you just how bad of an ass kicking I can give you, I suggest you pipe down. I'm not going to leave you here." I argue with him.
"You're not gonna leave it alone, huh?"
"I thought you said he was your former alphas beta?" Zellian questioned.
"Alex was-"
"You can tell him." Alex grinned.
"It's a really long story, can I tell you later?" I ask softly and he nods.
"We'll go." Violet said to me with a soft smile.
I smiled widely, "Thank god, I was really hoping I wouldn't have to make Kody and Alex drag you guys." I joked and they both laughed.
"I think Alex learned his lesson from fucking with me." Elana laughed, "He got a kick right to the nuts for eating my entire bowl of cereal."
"I'm still sore." Alex grunted, elbowing her.
I laughed and ran over to them, falling into their laps. Hugging them both. They both giggled and hugged me back. "You seem so much happier, Paisley. I can't tell you how happy that makes me." Elana said, hugging me tight.
"Alex told us you went back to him to protect us, and that you couldn't stomach the thought of Kane coming to find us." Violet said softly.
I smiled at her, "I know what Kane would do to me. But what he would have done to you all.. I couldn't just sit by and wait for it to happen." I said softly, rubbing both of their hands.
"You've got to stop doing shit like that. Stop putting everyone before yourself. You're going to get yourself killed one day." Elana scolded with sad eyes.
I smiled at her, "What kind of person would I be if I sat by knowing people would get hurt? I'm not that person, and you know that."
"Yeah, I know but I fucking hate it." She grumbled, "so when are we leaving."
I snuck a look at Zellian who smirked, he spoke before I did. "Right now."
"Zellian and I have things to tend to." I chuckle.
Elana and Violet shared a triumphant look, both of them letting out an 'ooooooo' sound. A blush quickly covered my cheeks, I put my hands over their mouths. "Hush!" I said flustered.
They giggle against my hand, still sharing their gossipy look. I sigh and let them go, "everyone go pack your stuff I guess." I chuckle, standing up and returning back next to Zellian.
He gives Finley, Corin, and Kelon a look. Telling them to go help and they all disappear inside. Leaving Zellian and I alone. He grabbed my hand and brought me to the SUV. Lifting me into it and climbing in behind me. He pulls me into his lap. Placing my knees on either side of him.
He grinned at me, "fancy meeting you here, love."
I laughed, "You come here often?"
That earned me a laugh back from him. He had such a gorgeous smile. It made his entire face light up. It made his eyes shine. God he was so.. beautiful. So godly attractive.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked as if he were insecure of me staring at him.
I smiled and brought a hand up to his face, rubbing his cheek. He leaned into my touch. "Because you make me happy. Happier than I've been in a long.. long time, Zellian." I whispered, staring at every inch of his face.
I touched the small scar that ran through his eyebrow. "What happened right here?" I asked softly.
He chuckled and held the hand I had touching the scar. "Kane thought he had one upped me a few years ago. By catching me from behind. But I had grown used to his trickery. So I knew it was coming. He managed to get a hit on me, but he ended up much worse. The scar on his chest was from me."
I know what scar he was talking about. Kane has large claw marks. It was obvious that it was a severe attack. A direct land. The claw marks were huge. Kane wouldn't talk about it, I only asked once. If Kane wasn't as strong as he is, that wound would have possibly been enough to end his life. Compared to the small scar on Zellian's eyebrow, it was absolutely nothing. "Do you have any more?"
The question seemed to surprise him. He went completely quiet, just stared at me. I smile softly, "If you're worried that it'll bother me. I promise you I'm the last person to judge." I reassured.
I slowly removed my shirt from my body, turning in his lap to show him the extent of my back and all the scars that lay on my skin. I have them nearly everywhere but my back was the worst of it. Zellian's grip on my hip tightened. I turned my head so that I could see him and the look in his eyes scared me. It was pure anger. His eyes were glued to my back. Assessing every scar that laid there.
It made me severely insecure in this moment. My heart was racing. The only thing I could think of now is that he finds me disgusting.
My eyes widened as he pressed a kiss to the back of my shoulder. I put my shirt back on and turned back around in his lap. He had a look of.. something. In his eyes. I couldn't tell if it was disgust, disapproval.. or what. But it made me even nervous.
"I have a fair share of scars." I chuckled nervously, desperate to get rid of the silence between us.
"I will never.. never lay my hands on you." He whispered, putting a hand on my cheek. Pressing a gentle kiss on my lips. "I will never force any kind of touch on you." He said softly as he pulled back.
I smile, "So is that starting as of now, and you threatening to kill me is in the past?" I tease and he hold a look of regret.
"That was before I knew you." He grunted uncomfortably.
I chuckled, "You still barely know me."
He nodded his head to the side, "There was quite a few conversations I've listened in on while you were with Kelon or Finley. I just wanted to know what kind of person you were." He mumbled, glancing into my eyes.
I smiled at him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. I thought I would be done after that kiss but I wasn't. I couldn't be. His lips drew me in. His words. His gentleness. His energy. Everything had me craving more of him. "I guess it's only fair since I had Finley telling me things about you too." I chuckled when I managed to pull back to catch my breath.
He smiled and pressed his lips back into mine. His arms wound themselves around me, pulling me into and in the process, grinding my lower half against him. The feeling made a moan escape my lips. But it didn't stop there, my core was aching now. Aching to feel him. I was progressively getting more and more turned on.
He must have smelled it because his hands gripped my hips, grinding me against him. I moaned against his mouth. Wrapping my arms around his neck to pull his mouth more into my own. His tongue licking over my lips, asking for entrance. I give into it immediately.
"Fuck." He groaned as I started grinding myself against him. I could feel him. His erection hard in his pants.
His kisses moved down my neck. Causing me to shiver in delight. I intertwined my fingers into his soft hair. There was a wetness down below being snagged by the breeze. But the heat from his body made it feel far too good.
Just from grinding, I could already feel a release surfacing from my body. It made my entire body shiver. I craved more. All of him.
I felt his canines drag over the skin of my neck. The feeling of it made me want to lay down, take all of him right now. His love, his mark, his body. All of him. He had hesitance behind it, as though trying to control himself. I smiled and leaned my neck into him.
"Paisley.." he grunted, squeezing my hips tightly into his. My core against him.
"Yes, Zellian?" I whispered, burying my face into his neck and inhaling my scent. He instinctively did the same thing in my neck.
The trunk of the SUV opened. A gasp escaped my lips as Finley, Violet, and Elana were all grinning at me. "Shut the hell up!" I point a finger at them.
Zellian chuckled against my neck, but before he could make a remark, Finley spoke up. "You're gonna have to stay there so you might as well not even get up. There's nine of us and only eight seats. So someone is gonna have to sit on someone's lap." Finley grinned triumphantly.
I looked at Zellian and he smirked, "Better get comfortable, ratu saya." He said, speaking in the same language that Kane speaks.
I looked at him and he smirked, "What does that mean?"
He didn't answer, just wrapped his arms around my back. So he's secretive about the language as well? I look at Finley who had a look of soft happiness, relief. I look back at Zellian who was staring at me with pure admiration.
I was too embarrassed to say anything else. We just stared at each other and that was fine with me. I was enchanted by his eyes.
By the time everyone was done and the vehicle was all packed up, it was almost reaching noon.
We made it back to Zellian's pack in another nine hours. It was nine at night now. The plane ride was fun. Everyone laughed, told stories and got to know each other. Kelon and Kody were practically inseparable at this point. I was extremely happy for them. Kody was truly happy now. And it's been something I've wanted to see for awhile now. He deserves to be truly happy. Mya was happy too and I could see that. She was happy talking with everyone, she wasn't being shy at all. It put all of my worries and my fears behind me. Seeing everyone happy and enjoying themselves. There was no way I could thank Zellian enough for this. For this happiness, peace of mind.
Everyone enjoyed being around each other and making new friends. Zellian talked with Alex, and Alex told him everything that happened and why he was no longer beta anymore. Zellian asked quite a few questions, about Alpha Max, what happened at the festival. Everyone put their input in. Everyone that knew what happened.
Zellian held me in his arms the entire time. Refusing to let me go no matter what. He would rub soothing patterns on my skin if the conversation was getting to be a bit much for me. And he'd change the topic. I don't want to hide anything from him, so whatever question they couldn't answer I answered for him.
At some point on the plane, towards the last couple of hours of it. Zellian and I moved to a more private part of the plan and talked among ourselves. He told me a lot about himself, and in return I answered whatever questions he had. No matter how big or small it was. And in return he had done the same. He told me about how he came into the King position when he was seventeen, which was eight years ago. His father no longer wanted to be King. He wanted to spend more time with his mate, Zellian's mother. Now they travel the world together.
I felt so connected to him. Even as he held me in his arms or rubbing my legs as they laid across his lap. Playing with my hair or rubbing my face. Running his fingers through my hair. Every little thing he did made me feel so.. so special. So wanted.
I was undeniably falling for him. He was all that I want, that I need.

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