Chapter Twenty-One - What's New, Baby?

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                        Kane's POV
      I couldn't help but watch her sleep. She had fallen asleep in my arms this morning. I couldn't sleep. She was back but I still couldn't bring myself to close my eyes. It's been hours. But my eyes were glued to her face. This morning was unlike any time that I had ever been with her.
     I couldn't tell if she was lying through her teeth last night, there was a truth set in her eyes. But by the look on her face I knew she wasn't sure if she knew it were true or not. Her body reacted to me differently this time. I couldn't help but just keep kissing her. She was soft and warm. She tasted so sweet. I couldn't help myself. She said she wants me. It was driving me insane.
    What is this girl doing to me? She has never reacted the way she did. She always acted according to my commands. But she took her own lead this time. Does she truly want me or is she trying to mess with my head?
"Are you awake, alpha?" Andre mindlinks me.
   I look down at Paisley, she's still sleeping. She looked so tired last night.
"What is it?" I growl through the mindlink.
   "I did as you asked, I found it." Andre replied back quickly.
   I grin and slip out from underneath her, she rolls onto her stomach. Nestling her head into the pillow. I grabbed some clothes and threw them on quickly before heading out of the door. Closing it softly. Normally I wouldn't give a damn if I woke her up, but now.. I don't know. I want her to sleep.
    I walked down to my office where Andre was waiting with some files in hand. He follows behind me inside. Placing the files on my desk in front of me as I sit down.
   I opened the files and went through it quickly. I smiled as I read through everything. "A little game of hide and go seek, I see."
    I lifted my eyes as the door opened. Ace walked in and closed the door. Looking at me not pleased. "So?" He asks.
    "Yes?" I questioned.
    "What exactly was so important last night that Andre had to get up and start researching?" Ace asked with an expecting look.
    I'm not fond of the relationship he has with Paisley, but even from the start I couldn't pull her away from him. She always has a warming smile when she's with him. Not the fake one she uses with everyone. I've heard the way she talks when she's with him. How excited she gets talking about things she enjoys. I can't talk to her the way he does. I don't want her to feel completely closed off. But I still don't like it. I know he will likely tell her what I'm up to. I don't particularly care, but it would still be a hassle.
   "I found out where they're hiding. Apparently Soren and Roman are showing no signs of distress or anything. As reported. But his sister, Violet left at the same time as Elana did. And reaching back with Paisley's former alpha, Max, he is without a beta as of yesterday. Paisley's plane that landed in your territory last night only had a one way route. They're in Detroit, Michigan. Where Max's beta, Alex Martin, was also seen. With Paisley. Before she left." I grinned at him.
    There was only one flight that landed here last night. So it was relatively easy to track where Paisley came from.
   "What do you plan on doing with this information, Kane?"
    "I'm going to kill them all, and considering she never has contact outside of our packs. She may never find out."
    "Oh, she will find out. And when she does, she will be devastated. If you enjoy her as much as you did last night, enough to kiss her. Then I suggest you keep that information and leave it where it is and do nothing. Or you may never see that side of her again."
   I thought about it for a moment. Anger coursed through me quickly. He was right. Paisley was starting to warm up to me. At least that is if she isn't trying to deceive me. I don't want her to stop. And if I kill them, she's likely to go back into the state she was before.
    "Do you know who her mate is?" I ask Ace.
   He shakes his head, "I didn't ask."
   "I want you to find out."
    "Could be Alpha Soren." Andre said slowly.
    I eyed Andre, waiting for him to continue but he doesn't. "Why is that?"
     "I'm not sure, it was honestly a guess. When they were here. I couldn't help but notice the way she looked at him. But she also shared that same look with Alpha Roman, as well. It could be one of them, which one is beyond me."
     "It's Soren." I growled. He was the one who touched her. I just know it.
    Paisley wouldn't have just given herself up to a man. Even if he were her mate. I have no information that tells me that Paisley knew Roman before the festival. But she did know Soren, in fact. Word spread about just how hard Soren was trying to find Paisley since she's been here. But then again, I couldn't help but think about it harder. That day. In my meeting room. How Roman reacted when he found out that I've mated with Paisley.
    I grin, "Her mate is Roman."
    "But she slept with Soren?"
"She assured me that she didn't sleep with anyone, regardless of who it was. And I fully believe her. Things probably just escalated, but it ended so quickly. Ten minutes at most. Which isn't really enough time for sex." Ace cut in, his tone was truthful.
He was right. The pain of betrayal barely last ten minutes. Maybe even less. And anyone who had a decent head on their shoulders would of course want to take their time with her. She was absolutely delicious and equally good in bed. Her body so sweet and tight. Innocent. An absolutely beautiful woman, pure natural beauty. Either she really didn't have sex with anyone or they finish rather fast. Which I can't completely blame her.
I let my thoughts travel to her. Her body. Her soft lips on my skin. Her hands roaming my body. Her warm little mouth wrapped around my cock. Her soft little moans while I'm fucking her. God she had such a pretty moan. The way her body reacts to me. On command. The way her body submits to me turns me on so goddamn much.
My pants had grown fairly tight in the waist as my erection grew. Just thinking about her sends undeniable need through me. "Ace, I want you to take her out today. I'll send her down shortly, figure out who her mate is."
He stares at me disapprovingly, "Just ask her yourself, Kane."
"She will not tell me, no matter how hard I try to press. She isn't going to slip up to me." I grunt in dissatisfaction. Perhaps I could give her a little punishment. Encouragement to tell me.
I close my eyes as the thoughts invade my mind. Oh the things I would do to her. It wasn't that bad of an idea, actually.
"Don't have hope that she would tell me, either. Her trust in me only runs so deep. She is probably to wary of someone getting hurt. You know she cares for people." Ace said, crossing his arms.
He was right. She is too loving of a person. It doesn't matter if she barely knows someone, she'd lay her life down to protect them. Her heart is far too big for the world we live in. She is strong, but she trusts too easy and she cares too deeply. It is going to be her downfall.
It is partly the reason I am so hard on her amongst anyone else. I don't like seeing her hurt. But in this world, it's hurt or be hurt. No one feels true remorse. She has to be strong. I won't always be around to protect her from everyone.
I give him a nod and stand up from my chair, "Try anyway." I said before I left the room.
Walking with determination up to our bedroom. Once I open the door I find her right where I left her. Still sleeping soundly. I climb in next to her and caress her bare back. Marveling at how soft and warm her skin was. It was without any form of imperfection. Except for the scar behind her neck. I assessed it further as I moved her hair away from the back of her neck. She moved ever so slightly but stayed asleep. Hugging the pillow tightly to her.
The scar ran from her ear and across the back of her neck. The sight of it always makes me angry. It happened while I was away. She stayed behind since she was sick. She had caught a bad cold, her body was overworked. And it left no energy for her to heal herself. She could barely hold herself up, so I allowed her to stay here. On bed rest like the doctor had suggested. But according to others, she still did more than her fair share of chores and even trained while she was sick. Making it even worse on her.
A few of the other female warriors advanced on her, and despite being sick, she managed to fight them off. They never gave her an opportunity to shift, if she even could in the condition she was in. She fought of five very well trained warriors. But not without a few wounds. This one was the worst of them all. It left her partially deaf in the ear that was damaged. And once she finally healed and was cured of her sickness, it left behind this scar.
Their goal was to kill her. They waited until I was gone and she was weakened. Paisley managed to kill two of the females. But she was far too weak to keep fighting. Finally a few of my closest male warriors stepped in and stopped them from killing her. And then they contacted me. Where I immediately came home, finding Paisley unconscious in the pack hospital. Her cold had worsened into pneumonia over the time that I was gone. She was in there for weeks. And as for the female warriors well.. they got it easy.
      I kissed the scar on the back of her neck. Her body shivered in response and I couldn't help the smirk on my lips. Submission..
   I peel my clothes from my body to match her vulnerability. Pressing the warmth of my body into hers. I softly run my hands up and down her body. Starting from her hair down to her ass. I pull the blanket completely off of her and assess her body further. Placing soft kisses against her back while I massage her ass with my hand.
    I let my hand travel down lower between her legs. Softly touching her warm core. Rubbing her core with a circular motion. Earning myself a soft.. so very soft grunt from her. I could smell the arousal in her body rising as I touched her. Her pussy was growing wet at my touch.
    I watch her eyes slowly open and her eyes shoot to me, her heart beat quickening. I spread her legs a little wider so I could slip some fingers into her. She moves them open for me. Her eyes never leaving mine.
    Paisley clutched the pillow close to her face. No doubt to hide the small blush on her cheeks. But I seen it. She gasped into her pillow as I slipped two fingers into her. Her juices coating my fingers instantly.
    God she smells so unbelievably delicious. "Good morning, love." I grinned to her.
    She mumbled a 'good morning' back to me, her words muffled by her pillow. "Someone is very turned on." I chuckle as I kiss one of her ass cheeks.
    She gave me a nod and closed her tired eyes, letting out a moan as I pumped my fingers in and out of her. I knew she was getting close to her release. The way she tightened around my fingers. I could feel her core throbbing with need. I could smell it.
     Just before she met her release I pulled my fingers out of her. Her eyes snapped open to look at me with sheer disapproval. Surprise.
   I give her a soft bite on her ass and earn myself a gasp. "Don't think I've forgotten already. Someone needs a punishment." I grinned at her.
    Her eyes widened in fear and.. lust. "But-"
    I interrupt her sentence as I yank her pillow away from her. She sits up quickly as I get off of the bed and make my way over to our closet. Opening a drawer and retrieving a few pleasantries.
     At this point I don't give a damn about getting any information out of her. I just want to hear her scream for me. I want to see her tiny little body trembling. Aching for me.
     I bring the bag from the closet and place it on the bed. Digging in and grabbing some rope.  I lean over her on the side of the bed. Her eyes are wide. The exhaustion in her eyes was gone and now they showed nothing but fear.
    "Turn back over and ass up." I order her and she hesitantly turns over. Getting into position. I marvel at how amazing her ass looks arched into the air.
  I pull her arms down towards her legs and bind her wrists to her ankles. Forcing her head to lay against the bed. I tug them to make sure they aren't cutting off her circulation but tight enough so she won't be able to escape out of them. She gives them a tug but immediately stills once my hand collides against her ass.
    I pull a blindfold from the bag and put it over her eyes. Leaving her in nothing but darkness. "Kane." She whimpered as I teasingly drug my hand up her pussy all the way to her ass.
     "What is it?" I ask, musingly.
     "What are you going to do to me?" She whispered, her voice a shaky.
     "Something I have been wanting to do for far too long." I chuckled before reaching into the bag, pulling out some lube and a glass butt plug.
    I pour some of the lube straight onto her asshole. Massaging it in with my finger before I slowly insert my thumb into her ass. She cried out into the bed. Squirming around, trying her hardest to free herself from her binds. I grab her hip with my free hand to keep her from falling over. "O-Ow!" She whined as I pushed my thumb in as far as I could.
     Anal is not something I do with her a lot. Most of the time I am too caught up in fucking her tight little pussy or her sexy mouth to even think about it. But oh damn when I do think about it. Her ass remains her most sensitive place. Despite the amount of times that I have fucked her in her tight little ass.
    I pull her ass open with my thumb, earning a scream from her as it stretches at my will. Thanks to the lube and my finger gaping her open, the butt plug slipped into a nice fit once my thumb was out. She cried out in pain as I moved it in and out of her. Watching her hole open and close around it. I massaged her ass with my hands. Watching it move with my movements.
    She moaned out as I stuck my fingers into her wet pussy. Massaging her sweet spot. She wiggled around in anticipation as her release grew near. A low hearty chuckle escaped my lips as I pull out once she tightens around my fingers once again.
    She gasps out in frustration. "Kane!" She cries out, her voice begging me.
    "You're not allowed to cum until I allow it." I growl at her and she wiggled her ass at me.
    I gave her a hard slap and she jerks forward, yelping out in pain. I stuck my fingers back into her and continued my movements while rubbing her clit with my thumb. She moaned out, loud, and it was like music to my ears.
    Just as she tightened once more, I pulled out of her. She growled out in frustration and tugged her arms. Fighting against the restraints. All I could do was chuckle. She was completely under my power.
    I leaned next to her and pulled the blindfold off of her. My smirk was too powerful to fight as I stare at her defeated eyes. They were teary and full of need. I almost gave in right then and there.
    I untied her wrists and let her free of her restraints. Only to tie her arms above her head to the headboard. She looked at me expectingly. Opening her legs up for me.
    I climbed on top of her, sticking my fingers back into her. Moving them at an intense pace against her sweet spot. Her legs squeezed against my waist. And as if clockwork. She tightened around my fingers.
    I pulled them out. She throws her head back in frustration. My eyes never left hers. They were pleading to me. "Kane.." her voice was begging. Pleading. Submitting. "Please, I need you." She cried out, buckling her hips up so that it grinds against my erect dick.
    Those words.. those words were enough for me to snap the rope from her wrists. Breaking her free of her restraint. Her hands instantly found me. Scratching at my skin to pull me closer to her. Everything inside of me was telling me to fuck her. To fuck her slow. To fuck her hard. Fast.
    My eyes widened in surprise as she pulled my face to hers and kissed me. Everything inside of me eased away. My entire body felt light. God her mouth tastes so fucking good. So soft and sweet. I let myself douse into her mouth. She wraps her tongue around mine and fights my mouth for control. Her movements were soft but filled with determination.
    I couldn't hold back any longer. I needed to be inside of her. I need to feel her release around my throbbing cock. I push the head of my cock into her until I was all the way in. She moaned out in pleasure as it hit her wall. I could feel the butt plug moving as I thrust in and out of her. It didn't go unnoticed by her because she winced in pain.
    "Cum for me." I couldn't help the moan that escaped my own lips as I pulled all but the tip out and shoved it back in. Causing her to tighten around me as she released.
    She held onto me as if she needed the support or she would float away. I pulled up the butt plug from her ass and replaced it with my cock. Earning a whimper in pain from Paisley who squeezed her eyes shut. Tears leaking out of her eyes.
    "Relax, baby." I whispered to her as I pushed all the way in.
    A moan escaped my lips at the tightness of her sweet ass. I slid my arm underneath her to hold the back of her neck. While I used the other to support myself up so I wasn't pressing my full weight into her small frame.
    Her body was tense as I pumped in and out of her. And I knew it was only hurting her more. She was trying her hardest to relax. I kiss her softly, receiving her lips back.
    I felt the tension slowly leaving her. Soon her cries of pain turned into moans of pleasure. Her grip on me never wavered so I knew that she was still in a little pain. I leaned down and took her nipple into my mouth. Sucking and nibbling on it gently.
    My dick was throbbing and I was getting close. In a sudden movement I pulled out of her ass and right into her pussy. She gasped and moans escaped her quickly. Moans of relief and pleasure. She wrapped her legs around me and that.. holy fuck.
    I grip the back of her neck tightly as I release into her. A series of moans leaving my lips. She allowed me to lay on her as I regained composure. Her nails drawing patterns on my back. It was a soothing action. I buried my face into her neck, pulling her body as tight to mine as possible.
I kissed her neck, earning a shiver from her. Paisley's gaze was right on my face. I stared right back at her. Her gaze was soft and warm. My heart sped up as she smiled at me.
I pulled out of her and stood up from the bed, throwing my clothes back on and fixing my hair. "Get dressed, Ace is taking you out today." I said to her and her eyes looked surprised.
"Are you coming too?"
"No, I have things to take care of. Paperwork to sort through." I answered.
My act of trying to get information out of her didn't exactly go as planned. But it felt damned good.
"Oh." She said it almost disappointed.
I pull my wallet out of my pants pocket, tossing my credit card onto the bed next to her. "Get something nice." I mumbled while I walked towards the door.
"Are you going to be busy tonight?" Her words left me standing with my hand on the door knob.
I looked at her, "Why?"
She looked at the floor. It pissed me off more than words could describe. I gave her a warning growl, she knew what it meant because her eyes snapped up to mine instantly.
"I.. I wanted to spend some time with you." Her voice was shy. It made me want to kiss that shyness away. But I stay put.
"I'll see what I can do." I said before I left.
She had a soft look in her eyes at my words. My heart was still racing. This girl has broke me. Undeniably broke me.
Can I really deny it any longer?
I can't show her that I care. It will only lead to my own downfall. She will be the death of me.
She was the only good thing left in this world. And I was the one thing evil in her life. Yet I can't be away from this girl. How did a girl so small.. so beautiful.. manage to get me wrapped around her finger.

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