Chapter Twenty-Five -Is This Really a Second Chance?

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          Paisley's POV

I couldn't resist the reaction my body had at Zellian's touch. He was my second chance mate. The King of werewolves was my second chance mate.
The mate bond was strong. Any slight graze of our skin together felt like pure electricity that made my entire body tingle. It made everything inside of me burn with a fire. A fire that only his touch soothed. At the same time creating more burn.
My eyes were glued to Kane but he wasn't making a move. Even as Zellian trailed his hands under my shirt pressing soft kissed against my neck.
"S-Stop.. please." I whimpered, I felt defeated.
An unsavory sound left my mouth as he playfully hit my neck. I could see that Kane was in pain. He was feeling the pain of betrayal.My wolf was howling at our mate's touch. But I was in too much fear to douse in the pleasure of his touch.
The look on Kane's face was rage. Despair. He looked hurt. "Do you feel it, cousin?" Zellian boasted, his hand gliding over my breasts. My nipples hardened at his touch. Goosebumps climbing up my body and traveling up my neck. "Do you feel her enjoyment? Do you see how her body reacts to me?" His voice was full of.. victory.
    I cried out as he pinched my nipple, my knees buckling on me. His hold around me wasn't letting me get far. I squeezed my eyes closed. "Stop it." I cried.
    "Let her go Zellian or so help me god I'll rip you to pieces." Kane growled, advancing closer to us.
    "Oh no, I wouldn't do that." Zellian said cheerfully.
    At least forty of Zellian's men entered the room. Most of them were covered in blood. All of them waiting to be told to attack. They were ready to shed blood. "Unless you want to see her throat slit wide open, and yourselves next." He finished.
    "You wouldn't hurt her, she's your mate." Ace said, anger in his eyes.
    Kane took Ace's words into account and walked deathly closer. I cried out in pain as I felt Zellian's claw dig into my neck, the warm touch of blood drizzling down my neck. "Are you really.. really willing to risk that?" Zellian chuckled.
    Kane stopped right where he was, "what do you want from me, Zellian?!" Kane yelled.
    "I want your stupid degenerate ass to bow down and kiss my fucking feet." Zellian growled back.
    "I won't help you." Kane said harshly.
    "Then, I guess I'll be taking her until you decide to change your mind, cousin." Zellian said, almost happily.
   Happy that Kane didn't agree to bow to him right here and now. And why would he? Kane doesn't care about me. Not really. Yeah he's gotten calmer and more gentle with me, but he doesn't care. If it was between me and his own ego, his ego would win that unfair battle. I wouldn't even stand a chance in.
    Zellian was dragging me away, Kane advanced with a loud, threatening growl. "No!" He roared.
   The warriors moved in and before long Ace and Kane were surrounded. No matter how strong they were. They weren't going to make it with that many wolves on this at once. I tried to fight against Zellian as he lifted me up and walked me right out the door. Right to an unfamiliar SUV that was parked out front. He threw me into the backseat and before I could even get the door open he was already in the car and held me with a tight grip.
    "Do not make me put the child lock on." He grunted.
    "Why are you doing this?!" I yelled at him, tears evident in my eyes.
    I was hurting. My heart was hurting. My first mate didn't want me, and he's dead now. Soren is dead. The one guy that I truly liked. He's dead. And no I have a second chance mate who wants nothing more than to use me. He doesn't want me either. He's using me for his own gain.
    My heart ached. My mate doesn't want me.
    He grabbed my face as my tears spilled out and pooled down my cheeks. Falling flat onto my shirt. Leaving tiny damp spots in their place. "You chose the wrong man to mate with, sweetheart." His eyes held something that I couldn't recognize but it disappeared before I could even try to.
    "Kane chose me." I spit at him.
    He looked surprised at my words, "oh?" He questioned with a sly grin.
   I pulled away from him and moved on the far end of the seat. As far as I could get. Looking out the window as we drove. He growled at me, it sent a tremble through my body but I refused to look at him.
    I winced as his hand gripped my neck, forcing me to face him. "What do you mean, he chose you?" He questioned.
    "If you're really his cousin, then you should already know." I spit back at him. My gaze hard.
    "Enlighten me, I don't deal much into what that child does with his life. He pisses me off far too much." He grinned.
    My eyes were glued to his face. His hand was sending sparks throughout my body. His smell... god he smelled so insanely good. It was such a fresh scent. I couldn't place the smell of it. But god it smelled so good. Like.. a flower. It made me laugh out loud now that I was so focused on it.
    He stared at me confused. But I could only laugh. A man so dangerous.. so dominant. Smelled like a flower.
    "I was sold in the festival a few years ago, by my former alpha. Kane's father purchased me so that Kane and Ace could pick me. Kane chose me before Ace had the chance to. Ever since, I've been with Kane." I finally said once I managed to stop laughing.
    His confused gaze faded, "You're lying."
    I pulled his hand away from my throat since it had loosened. I turned slightly in the seat and pulled the back of my shirt down below my shoulder. Showing him the brand that they had given me that day. "It's the brand, you could check the numbers if you really want to. It will only lead you right to Kane's father. It was my branding number. Apparently I made news that day. I reached the highest bid in history. 950 thousand dollars. Three years ago."
   I snuck a look at his face, his eyes were extremely focused on the brand. "And you mated with him? Willingly?"
    I laughed, "Is anything that has to do with Kane done willingly?"
    I saw a hint of anger in his eyes but it disappeared just as quickly as he stared at me. But he said nothing.
    "Kane marked me the same day. It was a hunting game. Their father didn't realize that due to past events, I had severe issues regarding my wolf. I couldn't shift, I was a runt. The only reason he was interested in me was because of the way I look, he's made that pretty clear a few times. And because of the show I put on for everyone at the festival. Kane made it his mission to bring my wolf out." I answered his silent thoughts. I don't know why I was telling him this. I should be trying to be running for the hills. But being near him made me feel.. safe. Warm.
    Even though I knew he doesn't actually want me. He probably has a mate back home waiting for him. Exactly like Roman had. An entire family to go home to. And I was nothing but a burden to him.
    He still remained silent, "where are we going?" I questioned, trying to get a word out of him.
    "To my packlands. It's a long drive, so get some sleep. Also, I would advise that you do not speak to Kane or anyone else." He mumbled.
    I was really tired, even though Kane's bite healed me. It didn't heal the exhaustion in my body. I was bed ridden for I'm not even sure how long. Everything in me was tired.
    I laid my head back against the seat and shut my eyes. He doesn't want me reaching out to Kane or Ace. I know things had gotten better between Kane and I. But.. he was still Kane. I wasn't going to reach out to Kane. What would I be doing if I did? Giving him or myself a death sentence? Maybe this was my chance to escape him.

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