Chapter Ten - Future and Misery

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Paisley's POV

      It's been two years. A little over two years since the festival. But two years since that day. I never would have imagined that this is the life people would have to live due to the Festival. I miss my friends the most. My freedom, a life without suffering and misery.

I stare at the old painting of the alpha and his children in front of me. The alpha is a cruel man but nothing like his son Kane. Who i was forced to be with. He's ruthless and cares for nothing but power and himself.

Some days arent too bad, some are worse than others. But some days are okay, they're livable. Just like everyone Kane has his good days and his bad. More bad than good. But some days i do get a break from his constant anger. His violent and impulsive side.

I wince as Kody catches a knot in my hair. Kody and Mya have been the best things about my life here. They're my best friends. Kody has been looking out for me and Mya since we got here. Mya is the little girl who clung to me at the festival. She came from a small pack, her parents gave her up for the money. They were abusive, as was her alpha. So she was beyond terrified. She didn't speak for months. But she did follow me around everywhere but i was alright with it. It showed me that she felt safe with me.

As she lays in my lap i comb my fingers through my hair as Kody brushes me. "Have you ate today, Mya?" I ask.

She nods her head, "i ate some lunch and some breakfast after i did my chores."

I lean my back against Kody's chest. He whacks me on the head lightly with the brush. "Im not done!" He squeals.

I laugh and sit back up for him to finish put my hair into a ponytail. He smooths out all of the lumps and puts the hair tie in.

He gently bops Mya on the nose with the brush and she giggles. "Now I'm done."

I smile and lean back against his chest. Kody is like a brother to me. We've never gotten into a single argument. He's one of Kane's frontline fighters. He trains all day, gets a break at dinner and then trains for the rest of the night. He spends his days off with me and Mya. Well when Mya isn't doing chores or training.

I spend many of my days with Kane. I have to follow him to meetings and whatnot. Im not allowed to leave unless he's with me. I can't leave the pack house. He keeps me under tight watch.

He is extremely overprotective, I once watched him tear the limbs off of a man because he complimented the dress I was wearing. He is the one who bought the dress for me. Kane can be very impulsive and it doesn’t help that his wolf is the exact same. A perfect match from the moon goddess I guess.

I check my watch,”I should go check to see if dinner is ready, Kane will be home soon.” I say, Kody nods to me.

“Do you think he’s still angry? Should I come with you?” He asks.

Yesterday I accidentally tripped over one of the maid’s kids and I was bringing Kane his food and I spilled it into his lap. He had a few burns on his stomach and his.. you know. He beat the child until I intervened. He was beyond pissed and I took the rest of the beating for the child and my own. I am still sore, my ribs ache whenever I move. “possibly, but don’t worry. I’ll be more careful this time. Just watch over Mya. He said he had things to discuss with me after dinner.”

“That can’t be good, you think he’s going to ask you to teach him the CanCan?” Kody jokes.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “If only. I think he has a meeting outside of the states. He talked about it briefly yesterday morning.”

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