Chapter Five -Am I Dead?

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Quickly I turn over and just as im about to answer it, the call ends. I sit up slowly. Becoming aware to the heavy arm over me.

Slowly i remove the attached limb from my side. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed and checking my phone. I have twelve missed calls. Three from Alpha Max and the rest are from Alex.

I go through the texts I've received from Beta Alex.

"Answer my calls. Paisley where are you? Paisley. The alpha is going to send out a search party for you. You're late. Paisley please text back. Paisley nobody has seen you since yesterday. I swear to god Paisley when i see you I'm going to have your ass. Answer my fucking calls Paisley."

I cringe at the amount of texts he sent. Im so dead when i get back. I hurry up and find my clothes, checking to see if I woke Soren up.

He is still sound asleep, laying on his stomach with the pillow squeezed to his face. I can't help the smile that forms on my lips at how peaceful he looks while he sleeps.

I throw on my clothes and slowly make my way out of the room. It's seven thirty already, im thirty minutes late from meeting up with Alpha Max. I completely forgot that I had stuff to do today.

Soren and I stayed up late last night just talking. I learned anlot about him and in return I told him about myself. Last night was honestly great.

I decide to shift into my wolf and run straight to my hotel room. It would have taken a lot longer if I ran in human form. Besides, i needed to let Hiraeth out.

I wrap my arms around myself and into the elevator before anyone sees my bare form. My clothes got ripped to shreds when i shifted.

Just as I go to enter my bedroom im grabbed by the arm and shoved inside. "Where the hell have you been??" Alex demands, his eyes filled with anger.

I attempt to cover my bare body and stand my ground. "I went out earlier this morning. Hiraeth has been going crazy so I let her take over. My phone died and we lost track of time." I bluff.

He glares at me, "you're lying. You have the smell of a male wolf all over you."

I roll my eyes, "Alex I came across some rogues and a few wolves from another pack helped me out. Now get out so I can put some clothes on!"

He turns around but makes no effort to leave. I submit and find an outfit to wear. Its a simple read shirt with a pair of white jean shorts with overalls and some sandals. "Im only thirty minutes late. Ill talk to Alpha-"

"He has been on my ASS. because of you. Not even Elana knew where you were." He growls at me.

If he talked to Ellie then that means she came back home last night. I sigh in relief to know she was safe.

"You haven't got any sleep have you? Do you have any idea how furious Alpha Max is? You left unsupervised last night. You could have woke me up you ungrateful mutt." His yelling and speech goes on for I dont even know how long.

I cross my arms and squeeze my phone to my chest. Just as he goes to start yelling again i receive a text that makes me smile.

He growls at me and grabs my arm tightly, it no doubt is going to leave a bruise. "The festival starts in ten minutes. Its going to take double that to get there. Its already eight-thirty lets go. And you are taking the blame for this."

I trip as he drags me all the way to his truck and he shoves me into the passenger seat.

Alex sends glares my way probably the entire drive there. I actually ended up falling asleep on the way there.

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