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"What?" I questioned as my eyes darted between Elias and the door."Why are you here? What's happening?" As surprised as I was, I should have seen it coming, I mean the drinks, him being unusually nice and Alexia's sudden interest in me. It was all a ploy to get me alone, you'd think that I would have been more careful after all I've been through. What I feared most was why? Why did he want me alone? Did he know something? Was Luca waiting behind a door, ready to take me back? I needed to get out of here.

"Right," I trailed off awkwardly, feeling the tension in the room start to rise."It was fun but I'll be on my way now." I headed for the door.Again, I tried to open the door and failed, turning the handles all in vain. I slowly turned to face him again, stumbling lightly as a wave of dizziness took over me.

"Did I forget to tell you that I got Alexia to drug you. Must have slipped my mind." He shrugged callously and my eyes widened in fear. I began to hyperventilate, holding on to the wall for stability. He drugged me, which meant I was vulnerable to whatever he had planned. I basically walked myself into his bed, God I was an idiot.

"Olivia." He said softly, suddenly next to me. "I'm not going to hurt you." He tried touching my arm but I flinched away from him.

"Don't, don't you dare touch me!" I yelled moving away from him. "Why would you do this to me?" I whispered.

"Olivia, I didn't roofie you. I didn't drug you to harm you, I am not like that." He said, defending himself, seemingly offended that I would even think that of him. Though, could you blame me? "The drug still allows you to think clearly it just prevents you from lying to me. I need you to be honest with me. " What the fuck kind of drug was that?

"Honesty." I scoffed, sitting down on a couch. "Ironic."

"Well, just answer these questions and we'll all be on our merry way." Elias quipped sarcastically as he sat down on the couch opposite me.

"Wait, a second." I whispered softly as a sudden realization dawned on me. "You got Aaliyah, your younger sister, a fifteen year old, to plan a house party filled with teenagers as well as gang members all so you could drug me and get me alone!" I seethed angrily, I didn't know why so angry. I mean what Aaliyah did with his sister was his own concern right? Right? Wrong! Liyah was just a teenager, she didn't need to be involved with all the violence that came with being associated with a gang and she was now a huge stumbling block in my plan to gain Elias' trust, I couldn't in good conscious put her in danger for my own personal gain. It had only been a short while but she'd grown on me and I saw her as the little sister I never got to have.

"This was the best way to distract you. " He replied simply as he sat down on a couch and took sip of the drink he was holding."Besides, I don't trust you remember. If my guts are right and you are trouble why would I make things easy for you? Why would I show you my weaknesses and vulnerabilities." I kept quiet, studying him as I racked my brain for a response.

"If you cared so much about your sister and thought I was a threat, why would you let Aaliyah be near me ?" I retorted angrily, although it was genuine question, it just didn't make any sense. Elias chuckled as he placed his drink down and got comfortable.

"Darling,I believe I'm the one asking questions. Who are you?" He asked, and I lifted a brow in response. Who am I? Seriously?

"Olivia Gray."

"How old are you?"


"Where in New York did you live?" I hesitated, I didn't want to answer the question. I saw what he was trying to do, he was trying to establish a link between Luca and I. My mouth dried as I racked my brain for a lie to tell, though the more I thought about lying, the more I began to sweat and shift uncomfortably in my seat.

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