Twenty Nine

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"Come on, Olivia, Elias said you had to stay here until you were fully recovered." Adam argued for the hundredth time and I responded with an eye-roll.

"I don't care what Elias said or says anymore, I'm doing what I want to do." I shouted back at him, struggling to put on my shoes. Jonathon and Elias looked at each other hopelessly, unsure of what to do.

"Olivia, please don't make me force you to stay here." Adam begged and I stood up abruptly.

"Force me?" I laughed, "force me." I repeated again with a head shake. "What are you going to do? Lock me in his room? Make me wait for him like some sort of a slave?" He didn't respond and I used this as an opportunity to take my bag from his hand. "Thought so." I muttered, turning on my heal to leave Elias' home and return to that of my grandparents. Neither Adam nor Jonathon made much of an effort to stop me and instead followed me silently.

"Olivia!" Aaliyah exclaimed when she saw me from her position on the porch, she ran towards me, enveloping me in a tight hug. I winced at the impact, she was unknowingly crushing my broken arm. She took a step back, a bewildered expression on her face when she gasped in realization. "What happened to you?"


"There was a bit of an accident during skiing, she had to remain in the hospital for awhile which is why we're back so late." Adam lied effortlessly and I forced a smile, nodding in agreement.

"Oh, wow, I'm so sorry." She said softly, helping into my home. "Wait, where's my brother?" She asked, looking back to see that it was only Adam, Jonathon and I.

"He needed to stay back and do some administrative work." I responded quickly and Adam gave me a quick nod in approval, not that I cared for it anyway.

My grandparents were in shock when they saw the state I was in and pined after my every beck and call before I eventually told them I just needed some rest. They stood up, immediately rushing to help me up the stairs only leaving when I was settled in my bed. I looked out my window into Elias' room, a few stray tears escaping my eyes as I thought of him and how, for all I knew, he was probably already dead. I hated him for leaving me, I hated him for not saying goodbye and I hated him because I cared so fucking much about him despite him being the asshole that he was. I felt the edge of my bed dip as Adam came to sit next to me. I made sure my back was turned towards him, I was angry at him for being here instead of being out there with Elias.

"Liv," He began, placing a gently arm on my leg.

"It's Olivia to you." I reprimanded and I heard him sigh.

"Please don't be angry with me or with Elias. You know he has to do this. He would've gone on this trip whether you were here or not. You're important to him but he-"

"What exactly are you trying to say to me right now Adam?" I said with hostile tone as I sat up in bed.

"No, what I mean-"

"No, Adam, what are you saying? That I'm not important enough for Elias to reconsider risking his life? Or that he has priorities other than me? Or perhaps, you're trying to tell me that unlike Elias, you actually think I'm important and that unlike him  you'd actually listen to me." My words were harsh and venomous and Adam contorted his face, trying not to show his pain and anger.

"No, that's not -"

"Well, get this Adam, unlike Elias, your sitting here pining over me, while he's out there risking his life to save that of others. So yes, Elias might not listen to me or think that I'm not important but unlike you he's not a fucking coward."

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