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I twirled the necklace through my fingers, every once in awhile glancing around my room nervously. It had been three days since I had found the necklace and the question of how it got here had been plaguing my mind ever since. I hadn't been able to sleep properly either, the house suddenly feeling very big and lonesome and I wanted nothing more than to be held in someone's arm and told that everything would be ok. My grandparents had long since returned from their vacation but were currently out preparing for my grandfather's big showcase, Jonathon accompanying them, while Amelia was out on a grocery run. I thought of Adam but I felt too guilty to call him, seeing as I initially just wanted to use him to gain information.Being here alone, left me isolated with my thoughts and paranoia, and this stupid necklace that was like a parasite, eating away at any rational thought that entered my brain. My first instinct was Elias, but he hated Luca, he wouldn't help him get back the one thing he wanted. So, who was it? Was Luca here? Even if he was, how did he find the necklace, I threw it out into a running stream weeks ago.

"Olivia." I heard a pounding on my bedroom door and I instinctively reached for an umbrella.

"Who is it?" I called, my grip on the umbrella tightening.

"It's me, Adam." Adam spoke as he opened the door slighlty, his head popping into view. I let out a discreet sigh of relief, dropping the umbrella to the floor, luckily he hadn't noticed it.

"You look miserable." He observed as he stared at me. I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the crude statement. I walked over to a mirror, trying to fix my hair. Well, he wasn't wrong. I did look terrible.My eyes were red and puffy from crying and my face was pale with fear. "Are you ok?" He asked standing behind me. Through the reflection of the mirror, I could see his eyes trail along the length of my body, not in a sexual way, it was more a manner of concern as if he was looking for any evidence of harm, though he'd find plenty. If he did notice the bruises, he didn't mention it which I was grateful for. "I need to go to London for something, seeing as you've never been, I thought you'd like to join me." He suggested, I gave him a smile. It was a good idea, and the perfect distraction.

"Sure, let me just shower and change." I answered. Adam nodded his head before heading towards the door, he gave me one last glance before disappearing into the hallway. I rushed into my bathroom and got ready to go out. I made sure I didn't take too long, partially scared that Adam would get impatient and leave and also scared he'd walk in and see all the bruises and scars that littered my skin. By the time I was fully dressed and ready to go out only thirty minutes had passed and I walked down the stairs triumphantly.

"Alexia, just call it off. Tell, Elias I'm not going through with it!" I stopped at the sound of Adam's voice, the loud sound scaring me. I was still getting used to the idea that not every man was out to get me and that not every angry voice was directed towards me but it was still hard. Living with Luca, enduring years of angry, hurtful and violent words left me broken and weak, a broken china doll slowly gluing itself back together. "I don't care Alexia, we'll do it another day. I am not going through with it, not today." He spoke again, bringing me out of my thoughts. His tone was final and I took this as an opportunity to enter the room. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw me and a slight wave of panic covered his face.

"Something wrong?" I asked timidly, as I put on my shoes. Adam stared at me a small smile on his face as he shook his head.

"No, no, everything's perfect." He said softly, "You look better." He remarked as he stared at me. I felt my face heat up, causing me to turn and head towards the door.

"Are we going or what?"I asked as I opened it and stepped out the door.


"So, what I'm hearing is, you've basically never left New York?" Adam joked, his eyes barely leaving the road. We had been driving for about thirty-minutes and we still had around an hour to go.

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