Twenty One

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"Olivia, would you mind telling me why Elias Van Dyke from next door is down stairs having breakfast with us?" Grandma asked as she entered my room, my head snapped towards her, surprise expressed on my face.

"He's here? Already?"

"Yes, Olivia, I just said that. But why, is what I want to know." I shrugged not really knowing what to say her. I couldn't exactly straight up tell her that I was going to help Elias sell drugs or steal or whatever it is that he did. "Olivia, where are you going?"

"He's taking me job hunting." I lied, I hadn't told her about the job at the bar yet so it was a lie that would eventually lead to a truth, it cancels out right?

"Ok but be careful." She eyed me suspiciously before stepping out the way allowing me to exit my room and race down the stairs, eager to get this over and done with. Having heard my footsteps, Elias stood up and made his way to the door, politely bidding my grandparents goodbye.

"Good morning," He greeted as we entered his car but instead of replying I chose simply to smile at him, not quite sure how to act around him anymore since the kiss we shared last night. I was scared, his actions leaving me confused. He went from hating, to tolerating me and then to confessing his admiration for me. Not a word was shared between us as he began driving, biting his lips while he concentrated on the road. My gaze remained on his lips, reminding me of the way ours fit together perfectly and they way his touch made me melt inside. I shook my head, placing my attention elsewhere willing myself not to get distracted by him. Involuntarily, I let out a yawn, resting my head against the window as sleep threatened to take over. It was quite early in the morning and the moving landscape did nothing but lull me to sleep.

"You can sleep if you want, it's a two hour drive to London and then another hour to the base." Elias suggested and I glanced at him wearily, not wanting to be left so vulnerable but then I figured if Elias really wanted to harm me, he could do so now or when I was awake and I still would be powerless against him.

"Ok." I mumbled my eyes already closed.

"You're a pretty little thing aren't you?" Don Marchesi whispered as he stroked my cheek gently. I recoiled at his touch, pushing myself further into bed's headboard. I stared at the door, fervently praying that Luca had changed his mind and would burst in, coming to save me. He never came.

"Please," I begged. "Please, please just let me go." The Don laughed, taking off his suit jacket and shoes, placing them aside neatly. He rolled up his sleeves and I could do nothing but stare at him wearily, anticipating the pain that was to come.

"Now tell me, Bella, why would I do that? Your boyfriend and his father agreed that this was necessary to maintain peace between the families. In fact, you should feel very flattered." He got on to the bed, trapping me between himself and the headboard. He grabbed my leg, pulling me under him. My chest rose and fell rapidly, breathing incoherent as my eyes wildly searched the room for a way to protect myself. He grabbed jaw roughly, forcing me to look into his harsh, unforgiving eyes.

"Don Marchesi, please." I cried quietly, tears freely streaming down my face. He released my jaw as he wiped some of the tears. He brought his head down next to my ear and whispered:

"Now, now piccola, don't cry. Be a good girl for me like you are for Barletta. And, call me Massimo." There was a sudden intake of breath when he abruptly placed his cold hand up dress. I sobbed thumping his chest with my fists as I tried to get him off me. In a desperate plea to be freed, I kneed him in the crotch causing him to jump off me, doubling over with pain. I didn't waste a second and rushed over to the door, which to my luck, was locked.

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