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"Hey, Olivia," Adam exclaimed as he approached me, he hugged me gently, and this time I was prepared for it, before sitting down opposite me.

"Have you ordered already?"He asked, flicking through the menu. I sipped on my mojito, letting him decide for himself whether I had ordered or not. He rolled his eyes in response before ordering a Bloody Mary for himself.

"I like your outfit." I spoke after an awkward silence settled between us. He cocked his head to the side, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "What I do!" I responded, defensively. He was wearing flared jean trousers, a white top paired with a leather jacket. A pair of sunglasses sat on the bridge of his nose, shielding his eyes from the sun.He was a handsome man, I'd give him that.His dark hair looked luscious and smooth skin glistened in the sun. I had invited him out to a local restaurant because I was bored, Liyah was still in Brighton and I wanted to get to know him. I didn't trust him enough to invite him into my house, though he already been there, but I was proud of myself for taking the first step to becoming more open. And, though I hated to admit it, there was also the slight ulterior motive of trying to find out more about Elias.

"So, how've you been?" He asked.

"Good, I guess. My grandparents come home soon and I'm so relieved."

"Relieved?" He questioned, taking off his glasses and setting them on the table. "Why would you be relieved?" I opened my mouth and closed it again, not sure what to answer. His question was strange, why wouldn't I be relieved?

"They're my grandparents, Adam, of course, I want them to come home safe." I put out blatantly, he stared at me a bit longer before taking a sip of his drink.

"Yes, I know. But, it just sounded as if something happened." He played with straw nonchalantly, eyeing me through the corner of his eye. I remained quiet, not quite sure how he would want me to reply. "It's Elias isn't it?"He exclaimed suddenly, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him. "Did he do something to you?" I pulled my arm free from his grasp.

"No, Adam, he didn't. Besides, isn't he your friend. Why would you think so badly of him?" He eyed me up and down, his eyes clearly telling me that he didn't believe me but at the same time contemplating my words. He shrugged lightly before he took another sip of his drink

"He can get moody sometimes." He mumbled scrolling through his phone. I watched him silently, deliberating within myself whether I should tell him about Elias' mistrust of me. I guessed he probably knew already seeing as their friends and all.

"Actually, I don't think he likes me very much." I began and Adam smirked, setting down his phone, giving me all his attention. "I don't like him either though, like at all. In fact, he's a bit of an ass."

"Well, all of the greatest love stories started like that." Adam interrupted and I rolled my eyes in response. I really had to stop doing that.

"No, it's not like that. Elias, he just kind of scares me. I don't know who he is and yet I always find myself in his presence. He is dangerous, I know he is, he even admitted this to me. I just don't know what to do."I was careful with what I shared with Adam, I hated deceiving him but I needed him to see me as a hopeless innocent girl as I knew the odds of him reporting to Elias were high.

"Elias? He wouldn't hurt a fly." Adam joked nervously.

"Well, I think he could hurt me. He is after all the leader of the most feared gang in London" I quoted Elias' words quietly, playing with the straw in my drink. Adam's smile dropped and his eyes widened in shock and perhaps even fear.

"Olivia, how do you know that? Please, Olivia, he doesn't trust you so be careful." Adam warned. His honesty killed me as all I was doing was using him.

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