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"Grandma, I'll be fine. Go, have fun." I gave her a smile, putting the last suitcase in the car.

"Oh honey, are you sure? We can stay if you want." She asked for the thousandth time. I playfully rolled my eyes and gently pushed her into the car.

"Yes, I am. Jonathon, get them out of here. Have fun. I love you." I closed the door, waving at them as they drove off. As soon as they were out of sight, I sighed, letting out a breath of air. I looked down at Arie, who cocked his head towards me. "So, what do we do now? A whole week to ourselves." Arie barked as if responding to my question. I laughed, running my hand through his fur before retreating into the house with Arie hot on my tail. It was silent, too silent for my liking. I glanced at my phone on the table, it laid there abandoned. I hadn't used it since my arrival besides for music. Reluctantly, I picked the device up. I had changed my number, so the lack of missed calls and unread messages did not surprise. I made my way to the living room and sat down on the floor cross-legged as Arie made himself comfortable between my thighs. I scrolled through Instagram, laughing quietly at some of my friend's post. Sadness tugged at my heart as I looked at the selfies they took together on holiday. I should be with them,vacationing and enjoying life to the fullest. Instead here I sat; halfway across the world, running away from a man I once loved. I moved to turn off my phone but a post caught my eye. It was a throwback, a picture of me lounging in my backyard. I looked at the caption; We miss you Olivia, come home soon. I felt my breath stop as I looked at who posted it, Matteo Valentino.

"Where is he?" I asked, and Matteo groaned, rolling his eyes in the process.

"I told you already, the boss wanted him and Lorenzo to do something for him." The boss, I knew who that was. Mr Barletta,otherwise known as Dante Barletta, the most feared man in New York. Luca's father. Though he was my boyfriend's father I knew very little of him. I saw him once in a blue moon and Luca forbade me to talk to him unless I was spoken to. I didn't understand the Barletta family business and how they came to be so rich, powerful and feared.I tried asking Luca but he said he'd tell me in time, I asked Matteo and he told me they owned several vineyards and winerys in Italy. However that didn't make sense, that was enough to make them rich but not billionaire rich. As for Lorenzo, whenever I asked him anything or even approached him he'd give me an ugly look before walking away. But I had to learn to live with it, Lorenzo and Matteo were like brothers to Luca. Nothing could come in between their friendship, not even me.

"I just don't get it, where is he going? Why did he lock me up with you?" I complained, pacing about the room. Matteo laughed, resting his head on the wall he was standing next to and watched me.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad of company." I shot him a glare, heading to the door and trying for the tenth time to open it.

"Principessa, stop. The door won't open until Luca, Lorenzo or I decide to open it." He grabbed my arms, easily lifting me up, and brought me to the bed, forcing me to sit down.

"Well if it was left to Lorenzo, he'd leave me here to die." I muttered, earning a laugh from Matteo.

"Matteo, what is going on? What is he hiding from me? What does he do for his father?" I questioned but he ignored me. Instead staring ahead,avoiding my gaze. "Why did he ask me to come here, if he was just going to lock me up anyway? Fucking bastard." I fumed under my breath but Matteo heard it regardless. His eyes snapped over towards me and he grabbed me by arm, lifting me from the bed.

"What did you say?" He seethed, staring angrily into my eyes. I gulped and lowered my gaze, deciding to remain silent. I should have known better, Matteo was Luca's best friend. Matteo and Luca together with Lorenzo Buccilli made the unholy trinity, the three were inseparable, always having each other's back. They'd literally take a a bullet for each other and for all I knew they already had. "What did you say?" He asked again. Frightened, I lifted my head to answer him.

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