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"Is this your granddaughter?" Susan asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this beauty?" My grandmother laughed at the words of the sixth woman she had introduced me to this evening and nudged me to do the same. I gave her a smile, my cheeks hurting from doing so all evening, before excusing myself from their company. I walked over to the bar and thanked Europe for their low-drinking age before ordering a glass of red wine.

"Want to get out of here?" Grandpa asked, sitting next to me and I laughed as I sipped my drink.

"It's kind of your event, I think they'll notice your absence."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, "I laughed, "I think they will." We sat in a comfortable silence as we watched the party unfold, both of us enjoying each other's company.

"We've managed to get four of the authors deals with big publishing companies." He said and I looked at him with awe and pride.

"That's amazing, Grandpa, you should be so proud. I know Grandma certainly is." He smiled before his attention was stolen by someone in the crowd.

"I better get going, your grandmother is trying to get me to talk to all these people." He chugged down the rest of his drink before disappearing into the crowd. My grandfather was much like my father, both weren't a fan of social gatherings or socializing at all. If it was left to them, everyday would just be a cozy day indoors, a trait I both admired but also could not understand.

"Olivia!" Aaliyah exclaimed as she approached me. "I haven't seen you in so long."

"I know, I'm so sorry. It's been a rough few days." I responded and she nodded in understanding. "Wait, how'd you get here?" I asked confused, I had been meaning to invite her but it completely slipped my mind.

"Your grandmother invited us." She responded casually as she ordered a cola.

"Us? Wait, does that mean your bro-" Before I could finish my question the answer walked through the door. Elias stood there, a smirk on his face, knowing all eyes were on him. He was wearing a red suit that complemented him perfectly, he looked dangerous and I knew without a doubt that that was what he was going for. Accompanying him was James, Sander, Adam, and Alexia all dressed dapperly in an array of suits, Alexia included. While James,Sander and Alexia had opted for a safe black option. Adam followed the lead of his boss and wore a floral pattern that made him stand out within the dull mix of black and blue colours.

"He sure does know how to make an entrance." Liyah , remarked sipping on her drink. Elias' eyes searched the room and stopped when he met mine and his smirk grew larger if that was even humanly possibly. Next to him, Adam offered me a small smile, however I rolled my eyes in response.

"I need to go use the bathroom." I announced to Aaliyah, who was already busy talking with her friends and would hardly miss my presence. I walked away, drinking the rest of my wine before placing it one of the waiter's tray. I entered the bathroom, leaning over the sink as I tried to gather my thoughts. Why were they here? What did they want? Did Elias still not trust me? Were few of the various questions that raced through my mind, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, the confidence when I first wore this dress returning. Whatever their reason was for being here didn't matter. I wouldn't let them ruin my new night. As I left the the bathroom, Adam stepped into view, blocking my path.

"Can I help you?" I asked, crossing my arms as I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I mean yes. Olivia, look, I need to talk to you."

"We're talking aren't we?" I quipped and Adam sighed, nervously racking his hand through his hair.

"Olivia, I never meant for any of the stuff that happened that night to happen. Yes, there was mission but when I came to your house and saw how upset you were I just wanted to make you feel better. I genuinely thought that they wouldn't go through with the plan but I was wrong. I'm so sorry for putting you in danger, it was never my attention."

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