Forty Nine

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Thank you @Nalbi_Rain, Nalbi_Rain for voting on my chapters, your support means the world to me. Now, remember guys, just because the next chapter is the last, doesn't mean you can't win a dedication on previous chapter so keep voting, I see all of you!

Pounding, my head was pounding and I didn't want to open my eyes. I groaned in my slumber, thinking I was in bed, thinking I was safe when all the memories came rushing back to me and I sat up abruptly, giving myself whiplash. I didn't know where I was but wherever it was, it wasn't home. I was in a room, a room that was stripped bare the only thing giving light being the window on my far right, a window. It didn't take long for me to process what that meant before I rushed towards it, ignoring the pain in the back of my head as I tried to reach for it but just my luck, it was too high up, and there was nothing, absolutely nothing in the room that could help me up. I looked around desperately until my eyes landed on the door, I moved from the window towards it, foolishly reaching for the door handle, hoping it would although knowing it would not, it was locked.

"Luca!" I screamed, "You filthy bastard, let me out! Face me like a fucking man!" I banged my fists on the door and screamed until my voice was hoarse and hands were black and blue, eventually I gave and curled up in a ball in the corner of my room and just sobbed, sobbed until I could no more.

"Elias, Elias please come find me." I begged, it was foolish to put all on my hope on one man, I had made the same mistake before and look where that landed me, however, if I didn't cling on to the only hope I had, which happened to be Elias coming, I would succumb to the nightmare that could come walking through that door any minute from now.

My eyes hurt from crying and my mouth was dry, I had been in the same position on the floor for perhaps hours and I was pretty sure Luca was doing this just to torture me. I didn't bother yelling at the door anymore, he would come when he wanted to and, it gave me the time to think about what to do when he does finally decide to come. I couldn't run or attack him, that would get me nowhere as I didn't know where I was and besides, Elias had said he had all kinds of supports from other Mafia branches, not to mention the Volkovs who were more than happy to see me killed. I had no option but to play along, stay alive and stay put long enough for Elias to find me. Just as I reached this conclusion, the door was opened, introducing a bright light that my eyes needed to adjust to. I held my breath, hands trembling as a silhouette appeared at the door, large and threatening and I felt that fear, a fear I hadn't felt in a long time, return as quickly as it left.

Call it fortune or misfortune, Luca wasn't the one at the door, it was Lorenzo although I wasn't sure if that was all that better seeing as he never liked me.

"It's been awhile Olivia." He laughed, casually walking closer to me with his hands in his pockets as if he hadn't just kidnapped me. I moved as far away as possible from him, my back hitting the wall and I brought my knees to my chest as a method of protection. My eyes glanced between Lorenzo, who hadn't changed a bit since the last time I saw him except he had longer hair now, and the open door, debating whether I should still make a run for it. Lorenzo noticed this and he shook his head with a chuckle, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, as much as I hate you and think you're the worst thing that could have happened to Luca, I would hate to see you die a horrid and senseless death." He said with a pout, mocking me as he bent down so we were now our level. I glared at him, refusing to appear weak.

"What and you think kidnapping me, in doing so risking your life, all because I left you're master isn't senseless? You're all pathetic, honestly, following him around like a lap dog. " I shot back bravely, feeling a sudden surge of courage, one that was short lived. A flash of anger overcame Lorenzo and he grabbed my harshly by the arm, pulling me up before holding me against the wall with his hand firmly on my chin.

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