Twenty Five

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"Why can't I go with you guys?" Aaliyah whined as we put the last of our things into the boot of Elias' car.

"Aaliyah, we've already talked about this. You can't come with us, you've got school and best believe I'll be calling Mrs and Mr Gray everyday to make sure you're actually going to school. "

"Elias, please." Liyah rolled her eyes and gave him a smirk, the same one that Elias always had on. Seemed like it ran in the family. "Liv's grandparents love me. It was probably a dumb idea getting them to babysit."

"Well, " Elias closed the boot of the car with a loud bang before turning to give his younger sister his full attention. "You better not give me a reason to call someone else, or better yet, send you boarding to school." I couldn't help a small smile forming on my face as I watched the way the two interacted with each other. The Elias I was seeing now compared to the Elias that I saw last night were two drastically different people and I prayed that I would get to see more of this side of him. He gave her one last one hug before she waved me goodbye and rather sadly made her way next door, to my grandparent's home where should be staying until we came back, if we came back. I tried not to think negatively but it was only now occurring to me just how many things could go wrong.

"Are you ready to go, love?" I felt his hand on the small of my back as he opened the car door for me. A stupid smile formed on my face as my body grew excited by his touch and I felt my stomach twist itself into a knot. With each passing day that I got to see more into the complex mind that belonged to Elias Van Dyke, my feelings towards him became more and more conflicted. I was slowly letting go of the grudge I had against him and instead found myself deeply enthralled by him, wanting him. I already knew that this was a sentiment that I couldn't allow myself to indulge in as deep down I knew that no matter how much I tried to hide it, the truth would eventually come out, leaving us both broken hearted.

The drive to base though long, seemed short due to the fact that I had slept through most of it. But as we began too approach the familiar scenery I felt my anxiety grow and suddenly I was having second thoughts. Instead of parking in the middle of a forest like he had last time, Elias drove further to a small opening that was hidden by the leaves of weeping willow trees that were conveniently placed around it. My jaw dropped as we suddenly entered a large garage or should hangar that was filled with many cars such as SUV, Jeeps and Range Rovers but also sports cars such as Ferrari and Lamborghini. At the far end of the hangar was a large plane, I could see James, Alexia, Adam and Sander already waiting for us with their suitcases . Elias and I quickly got our things and rushed over to them, not wanting to delay things any further.

"Liv, just go round back. Jon will take your things and place them in the jet." I frowned at Elias' words not really knowing why I couldn't just take my bag with me on the plane, it's not like I had a lot, they had told me to pack lightly and who was Jon anyway? Deciding not argue, I took my duffel bag and went round back where, to my surprise, Jonathon, my driver, was standing there loading material in to the jet. He was wearing short sleeves, so unlike the long sleeve black shirt he always wore while working, his arm were fully visible, meaning I could see the many tattoos I didn't know adorned his body.

"Jonathon?" I let out in a surprised gasp and he stared back at me with surprised eyes.

"Miss Gray? What, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I walked over to him and he sheepishly took my bag from me and put it into the jet.

"I work for Mr Van Dyke, always have."

"Did he ask you to spy on me?" I asked, crossing me arms s I gave him a pointed stare. I felt betrayed at the fact that Elias never told me that my own driver was part of this gang. But like always, I remembered that I was the walking epitome of a hypocrite and had no right to complain as every waking moment I spent with Elias, with everyone here, I was lying to their faces.

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