24. We did it

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AN: Holy fucking shit. Over 50 people have added this book to their reading list and it has over 4000 reads.

Like whaaaat? You guys actually like this shit?

Thank you so much! I'm so grateful for every single one of you.

Btw if anyone ever needs/wants to talk to anyone you can always write me. It doesn't matter when you're reading this, my messages are always open.

And I love making new friends.

"Oh my god, Niall! Can you believe it? We're actually graduating today!!!" I asked him excitedly.

We were getting ready together at his house. His family was all home for the first time in a really long time so he was really happy.

"It's so surreal. Holy shit I can't believe that we've been through hell for four years already. I'm so ready to get out of that shit hole though."

"Me too." I said with a laugh.

I'm so ready to finish high school. Finally. It feels like it's been forever since we started. I remember my first day so well. I was so nervous.

Thankfully I had Niall. I don't think I would've survived without my best friend always by my side supporting me.

"Are you ready, Haz?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, I am. Let's go down." I answered with a smile.

Niall took my hand and we headed downstairs to the living room together. 

"Aww you boys look so good. God you've grown up so quick. I remember the day Niall came home from kindergarten saying he made a friend and look at you 2 now. I'm so proud of both of you." Niall's mum, Maura, said while she wiped away a tear.

"Thanks mum." Niall said and hugged her. I said thanks as well and also hugged her.

"I'm proud of you boys." Niall's dad, Bobby, said.

"Thank you." Niall and I said at the same time. We both hugged him as well.

"Good job, baby brother. You too, Haz. I'm proud of you both." Niall's brother, Greg, said.

(I just realized that I haven't even mentioned anyone but Maura from Niall's family yet)

We both thanked him and hugged him.

The same process repeated with my mum and Gemma as well.

Louis, Liam and Zayn weren't here at the moment. They were gonna come to the graduation though. And we were all supposed to celebrate together after that.

"Are we meeting your soulmates there?" Mum asked me once we made our way to the front door.

"Yeah, we're gonna meet in front of the school building. God people are gonna go crazy seeing all three of them." I giggled at the thought.

I always forget that they're actual celebrities. None of them ever act any different. Well the only difference between them and regular people are that they always insist on paying for everything.

It annoys me a lot. It always makes me feel guilty. I don't want people to think that Niall and I are gold diggers. We're most certainly not.

"We'll meet you there!" Maura called out and our families got into separate cars. We wouldn't have all fit into one.

"So how are you feeling about today, baby?" Mum asked me.

"Excited. Nervous. Really ready to finish high school." I answered.

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