13. Holy shit

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Harry's POV

I still can't believe Louis asked me to be his boyfriend. I know we're soulmates but that isn't like a guarantee that you'll get together. Most people do though. But still, I was so surprised and excited.

That was a few weeks ago. It's the weekend at the moment. Thank god. I don't think I would've been able to handle another day of school and people trying to befriend me. It gets annoying when every day at least 5 people ask how you know someone.

When I told my mum, Gems and Niall they were just as excited as I was. They all made me call him right away to talk to him. Mum told him how happy she was for the Two of us. Niall and Gems gave him a long talk about what they'll do if he ever hurts me. They said at least 20 ways they would cut off his dick. It even scared me and it wasn't meant for me.

Louis just laughed though and said they have his full permission to do that it ne ever does actually hurt me. Which I hope he never ever does. I have no clue what I would do without him.

☆ ☆ ☆

"You know, Liam and Zayn will be back today." Louis said. We were currently laying on my bed and watching Criminal Minds. I was resting my head on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around me.

"Oh yeah? Will you meet up with them?" I asked curiously.

He scoffed. "No! Why the hell would l do that?" He asked me like l had gone mad.

"Come on, Lou. You can't stay mad at Zayn forever." I told him with a short giggle.

"Yes I can. Watch me." He said stubbornly with a cute pout. "He hasn't even apologized!" He added.

☆ ☆ ☆

"Hey, sweetie." My mum greeted me when she got home from work.

"Hi mummy!" I greeted her back. I rubbed my eyes with my sweater paws and she cooed at me. I just gave her a small smile.

I was really tired. I was just about to take a nap since Louis left and I was kinda tired.

"The three of us should do something together today. We haven't spent time as a family in a while." Mum offered.

"Oh yeah! That would be so fun! I miss you guys." I said with a pout. And it was true, I did miss them.

I have been spending so much time with Louis I haven't seen my family much.

"What do you suggest we do, Haz?" She asked me. I thought about it for a while.

"Maybe we could cook and bake something and then have a picnic in the garden? It's not too cold out today."

"That sounds great Hazza? Why don't you go find some recipes and I'll go give Gemma a call."

"Sure." I said, smiled and left to go to my room. There I began searching for something delicious but simple.

I found some interesting looking cookies and some other stuff.

I went back downstairs to show them to my mum. She agreed with my choices and soon we were on our way to the grocery store.

"Can you go find some milk, please? I'll go get the eggs." Mum said to me.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be right back." I said and left to fond the milk aisle. I found it rather quickly and picked out the kind I needed.

"Oh, hey Harry!" I heard someone say from behind me. It surprised me a lot so I jumped a bit and almost dropped the bottle.

I was met with two bright and wide smiles. "Hey Liam, hi Zayn." I said quietly.

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