9. I'm fine

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Someone woke me up from my really interesting dream by kissing my cheek and whispering "Wakey wakey baby" in my ear.

I opened one eye and saw, of course, Louis. He smiled at me sweetly. I turned my head to look at the clock and when I saw it was only 10 am I groaned and buried my head in the pillows.

Louis chuckled at my childishness. He rubbed his hand on my shoulder. "Come on up now baby. Breakfast is ready."

"But I wanna sleep." I whined, my head still buried in the pillows.

"Awww baby. You're so cute. But you still need to wake up." He told me, shaking me a bit to get me up.

"Whyyy?" I asked. Or more like whined again.

He chuckled again. "Well after we all eat breakfast I was thinking that you and the girls could go shopping. To get to know each other, you know? Only if you want to of course." He explained.

"Ugh fine. That does sound good." I said grumpily and sat up on the bed.

"There's my good baby." Louis cooed. I'm sure I looked worse than a tomato at that moment.

"Do you want me to carry you down?" He asked. I was about to say yes when I remembered that his family is here as well.

"No, I'll walk." I said and got out of the bed.

"Such a disappointment. I really wanted to carry you." Louis said and pouted. I giggled at his silliness.

His family was already at the kitchen table when we got downstairs. Suddenly I was really glad I decided to walk.

"Good morning!" I greeted all of them. They all looked up and smiled.

"Hi Harry!" Daisy and Phoebe said at the same time.

"Morning Harry." Both Lottie and Mark said.

Louis and I sat down as well. It was a really peaceful meal and no one really talked. Which is understandable since me and the girls were all half asleep.

After we finished I helped Mark clean the dishes.

"So girls, what do you think about going shopping with Harry?" Louis asked his sisters.

"Will you be paying?" Lottie asked with a smirk.

"You know I will." Louis said and rolled his eyes.

"Then I'm down." Lottie answered the original question.

"What about you two?" He asked the twins. They both just smiled and nodded excitedly.

"Great. All 4 of you be down in 20." He said and we all hurried to our rooms.

I just dressed casually and brushed my teeth and stuff. I was ready in 10 minutes. I decided to go downstairs anyway.

Louis was there sitting on the couch, talking with Mark.

"I'm really happy for you Lou. Harry is great. He's good for you." Mark told him.

I blushed. I coughed to make my presence known. Louis immediately looked up and smiled. He pulled me down to sit on his lap and I blushed again.

Mark chuckled and left the room. "Hi baby." Louis said and hugged me to his chest.

"Hi Boo." I said back. I didn't notice the nickname slipping out until I saw Louis' sunshine smile.

"Boo?" He asked. I blushed once again. I really need to learn how to control my blushing around him.

"Yeah, it's my nickname for you. Do you not like it? Cause I can come up with something else-"

"- Baby relax. Don't worry, I love it." Louis' calming voice interrupted me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smiled.

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