8. Don't worry baby

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"Hey Haz!" Niall greeted me when I got into his car so he could drive us both to school.

"Good morning Ni!" I greeted him back enthusiastically.

"So how was last night? How did the dinner go?" He asked me while turning the radio down.

"It was really good. Mum and Gemma loved him, just like I knew they would. They all got along well. Mum said she's happy I found him."

"That's great baby. I'm happy for you too. But if he ever hurts you in any way you need to tell me immediately, okay?"

"Of course, Ni. But he won't hurt me."

"Let's hope so for his sake." Niall said and I giggled. His protectiveness over me is kinda cute actually. I really do appreciate him.

Soon we arrived in the school's parking lot. Niall parked his car in the free spot closest to the building. We're lazy like that.

We both walked towards our lockers, which were next to each other. A girl walked up to me as I was putting my books away.

"Hey Harry!" She greeted me with a huge smile, showing her white teeth.

"Um hi?" I said, a bit confused. I didn't even know who that girl was.

"So we all saw you with Louis the other day. How do you know him?" She asked.

"Oh! That's what this is about. He's my um soulmate actually." I said shyly and with a small smile. My cheeks got red from the thought of Louis.

"Really?! Oh my god!! Are you serious?!" She practically yelled out.

"Yeah, I'm serious. Why would I lie about something so important?" I asked with a frown.

She blushed and literally ran away. She was a bit weird. Did she not believe me? Would people think I'm making this up? Well I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

"Hey Haz? I have football practice after school today. Will you wait for me or will you call someone to pick you up?"

"I think I'll walk. It's a really nice weather outside today. Why not enjoy it? Besides, it's not that far."

"Okay Hazza. Come on now or we'll be late."

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I felt everyone's eyes on me as I was walking towards our usual lunch table.

Everyone was whispering while pointing at me and it was making me feel really uncomfortable.

"Ni, why is everyone looking at me?" I asked Niall when I had sat down.

"The girl you talked to in the morning told everyone that your Louis' soulmate and that is kind of a big news, you know?" He explained to me.

"Oh." Is all that I could answer. I didn't really know what to say.

"Hi Harry!" I heard someone say so I looked up and saw 2 girls.

"Hello? Do I know you?" I asked them.

"No, not yet! We want to be your friends!" One of them said and giggled.

"Why?" I asked them skeptically.

"Back off! Get lost!" Niall told them quite rudely. The girls left in a hurry.

"That was rude, Ni." I told him and frowned.

"Oh, Harry. You sweet, naive little baby. They only want to be your friends because of Louis."

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