3. I felt alive

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The day both me and Niall have been waiting so impatiently for is finally here.

It's finally Friday, the day we start driving to Doncaster.

Niall figured that since we're already going to Doncaster we might as well stay for the weekend.

So we're going there today and we'll start driving back Sunday night.

I would never admit to Niall how excited I actually am. I've never been to a concert before so I'm over the moon.

And since there is going to be a lot of people there, there is a chance I'll finally meet my soulmate.

A lot of people around our age have already found their soulmate. Both me and Niall haven't though.

"Do you have everything you need?" My mum asked for the millionth time.

"Yes, mum. I have already told you this at least ten times. I won't need much for 2 days anyway."

"Sorry, honey. I'm just worried. You haven't really been away from home before."

"Don't worry Anne, I'll take care of him. You know you can trust me." Niall said barging into my room.

I really shouldn't be surprised anymore. He does this all the time. He even has the key to our house. I have his key as well though.

"Ready to go Haz?" He asked me with a big smile.

"Yeah, I think so. Bye mum! I'll miss you!" I said and hugged her tightly.

"I'll miss you too sweetie! Have fun and be careful! And call me when you get there."

"I will." I reassured her.

Finally we got on the road. The first thing Niall did was putting on Louis' music. Well obviously.

We were talking about totally random stuff. Like we always do.

"Where are our seats in the venue? I'm curious." I asked him when we had drove for about an hour.

"Oh, right, we haven't talked about this yet. They're at the first row actually. And they include the meet and greet as well." He said and grinned widely.

"What? Really? How?" I asked with my mouth hanging open. The tickets must have cost a fortune.

"Well, what can I say? My parents love me." He answered.

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We finally made it to the hotel after a long and tiring drive. It looks really pretty and is probably really expensive.

We went to the receptionist to check in.

"Hello. Reservation under Horan." Niall said simply and professionally.

"Hello. Of course, just a second. I'll just have to check it." She said and typed something on her computer before looking up again and smiling.

"Here are your keys. It's room number 132." She said and handed both of us a key.

"Have a nice stay!" She said before we walked away towards the lift. Thank god she was professional and didn't try to flirt with Niall. It happens a lot.

Niall tells me that 'people always flirt with me, but I'm too oblivious to notice it' all the time.

I think that he's wrong. People are just nice to me.

Anyway, we rode the lift to the third floor and got out. We found our room rather quickly, which I was happy about. I was really tired.

It was already pretty late. Well late for me. It was 10 o'clock. That's around the time I usually go to sleep.

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