15. Spill the tea

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"Good morning, little one." Louis greeted me when I got downstairs. I had woken up alone in a cold bed so I went to look for him. I wasn't in the greatest mood.

"Morning." I greeted back and straddled his lap without saying anything else. Like I said, I wasn't in a very good mood and I needed him.

He chuckled but wrapped his arms around me nevertheless and pulled me closer to him.

"Is my baby in a bad mood?" He asked me softly.

"Mhm." I mumbled. I didn't really feel like talking.

"Why, my sweet little boy? What happened?"

"I woke up alone. I was cold and you weren't there." I explained grumpily. He chuckled again.

"Oh, little one, I promise I'll make it up to you." He promised.

"How?" I asked curiously and looked up for the first time.

"How about a long cuddle and kisses after we have breakfast? Does that sound good?" He asked and I nodded eagerly.

"I'll make some pancakes. Or at least I'll try to. Want to help me?"

"Sure." I agreed so we could be done sooner and I could have my cuddles.

☆  ☆  ☆

I ended up making the breakfast by myself. I took over the cooking once Louis completely burned the first ones.

I tried to eat as quickly as I could and Louis was constantly laughing at my messiness. Which is totally unfair since he's the messiest person ever.

After a finished, to my torture, Louis cleaned the table and did the dishes. He's so mean.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asked when he was done with all the cleaning.

"Yes please." I answered. He picked me up like a baby and I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

It always seems like I weigh absolutely nothing to him, when in reality he's just really strong.

He placed me on the bed gently and lay down as well. He instantly pulled me as close to him as possible. I smiled at the gesture.

As promised, he also gave me a lot of kisses. It was the best way to start the day.

☆  ☆  ☆

"I'm nervous, Boo." I admitted in the car ride on the way to the meeting with his management.

"Why? You have nothing to be nervous about. They will all love you, I can assure you."

"Are you sure? Maybe they will all hate me and make us break up." I asked sadly. That thought was terrifying.

"I can 100 percent promise you that they won't do that. And if they even think about it I'll just leave them. It's not really that hard to find a new management."

(AN: I know absolutely nothing about how these things work so don't come at me. I just made it all up)


A few minutes later we arrived in front of a huge building. It looked really pretty and modern.

I waited for Louis to open the door for me and we headed in while holding hands. I was squeezing his tightly from nerves. He rubbed his thumb on my hand to try and calm me a bit. It was working.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson. Glad to see you again. How are you?" The receptionist greeted him politely.

"Hello! I'm good, thank you. Is Simon ready?"

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