6. Good night Lou

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Why does time always seem to slow down when you're excited and waiting for something?

It seems like I have been staring at the clock in the classroom for an hour when in reality it's only been like 2 minutes.

I'm in my last period. Just about to get out of school and finally see my soulmate again. I have missed him like crazy.

Right now all I want to do is just take my things and run outside into Louis' arms.

The hour hands on the clock seem to be mocking me with their slow movements.

Five more minutes.

I was nervously looking at the time probably every 10 seconds as we all listened to the teacher's boring lecture.

I didn't understand anything she was saying. Not that I tried very hard.

Finally the bell put me out of my misery and rang. I packed up all my things and was out of the class before the teacher even stopped talking.

I practically ran out of the school building and saw Louis standing by his car with a lot of students and even a few of the staff surrounding him.

Sometimes I forget that he's famous. He's just Louis to me.

He looked up from signing someone's book and saw me. His small and polite smile was replaced with a wide and genuine one and he started walking towards me.

I speed walked towards him as well and when we met half way I jumped into his waiting arms.

He was holding me so tightly that it was hard for me to breathe. I'm sure i held him just as tight. I took a huge breath in and his smell was so overwhelming that I started to cry silently.

Louis noticed though so he pulled back. "What's wrong, little one? Did I hurt you?" He asked me as he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"No, of course not. I'm sorry. I just really missed you." I explained and blushed.

"Aww baby. I missed you too. So much. I'm so happy to see you." He said and hugged me again.

"Me too." I told him with a peaceful smile. I heard people 'aww'ing around us and only then I noticed that we had audience. I blushed like crazy while Louis just laughed.

"Come on little one, let's go to my place. We can just cuddle the whole day if you want to."

"Yeah, okay." I took his hand and he led me to the passenger side of his car. He opened the door for me and closed it once I got in. What a gentleman. I didn't think there were men like this in the world anymore.

He got in the car as well and started driving. He took my arm into his and placed them on the gear shift. I smiled and blushed at the action.

The ride was mostly quiet, we were just enjoying each other's company. The ride wasn't that long so we got there soon enough.

He again opened the car door for me so I thanked him. I took a good look at the house. And wow. It was huge. And obviously very pretty.

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