4. It was amazing

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Wow. Just wow. Louis Tomlinson is my soulmate. Who would've known. He looked at me with so many emotions in his eyes. We looked each other up and down and I blushed when I felt his eyes on me.

I was so lost in him that I somehow managed to trip over my own feet. Before I could fall I felt strong arms around my waist.

"Oops!" I said, feeling embarrassed. He just chuckled.

"Hi!" He said but still didn't let me go. I wrapped my arms around him as well so it was now a hug.

He squeezed me so hard I was afraid I would break in half. But I hugged him back just as tightly. I was afraid that if I let go of him he would disappear, that it was just a dream.

"Hi." I whispered back in his ear. He held me even tighter. The hug lasted for another half a minute before he pulled away.

After he pulled away he just looked at me with a bright smile. His smile looked like a literal sunshine. It was beautiful. I promised myself I will always make him smile like that.

"I have waited so long for you little one." He said, the smile not leaving his face. I blushed at his words, especially the nickname.

"What's going on?" I heard Niall ask and that pulled us both out of our own little world.

"I just found my soulmate." Louis answered for me. Niall gasped at the new information.

"Really? Oh my God! I'm so happy for the two of you!" He exclaimed loudly.

"Thanks. I'm happy too. What's your name little one?" He answered Niall and then asked me.

"Harry." I answered really shortly.

"I assume you already know my name. But still, I'm Louis." He said with a chuckle.

There was a knock on the door. One of the puff guys came in. "The time is almost up. Two more minutes." He said and left the room.

"Listen, I don't think I could leave at the moment but after I'm done with this I would love to see you again. Do you live here?"

"No. We came here from London. We're staying in a hotel."

"Oh, great! I live in London as well. Here, give me your number. I'll call you when I'm done to come pick you up. If you want that of course." He said handing me his phone.

"Yeah, I would really like that." I put my number in and he smiled. I smiled as well, my dimples coming out. Louis gasped.

"No way! You have dimples??!!" He asked loudly and started poking my dimples. That made smile even wider.

"Time's up." The security guard said coming into the room again. Louis frowned slightly before shaking his head and then smiling again. Both me and Niall hugged Louis again and then we left.

"Well shit, Haz. Louis fricking Tomlinson is your soulmate! Can you believe that?" He started freaking out when we got outside.

"No. It's so surreal. And I don't care that he's famous or anything, I'm just so surprised that I found my soulmate. He seemed really nice." I said with a soft smile.

"He better be nice to you! If he's not I swear to God I will cut off his balls and feed them to him! I don't care that he's a big popstar, nobody hurts my baby!"

"Calm down, Ni. He hasn't done anything. We just met for christ's sake. And I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" He asked, clearly confused.

"I know how much you like him and I was with him the whole time. You couldn't really even talk to him." I explained. Niall bursted out laughing, which made me pout.

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