7. Spill the tea

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"Baby, you need to wake up. You have to go to school." I was woken up by sweet little kisses placed all over my face and Louis' raspy morning voice in my ear.

I groaned and rubbed my face but opened my eyes nonetheless. I was met with the most perfect sight. My soulmate.

"Good morning, little one. How did you sleep?" Louis asked me.

"Like a baby." I answered truthfully. He smiled at me.

"Well it makes sense because you are a baby. My baby." He said sweetly. This man sure knows how to make me blush.

"Shut up. I'm not a baby." I said while covering my face so he wouldn't see my blush. He chuckled but didn't say anything else about it.

"Come on, up now. I'll make us some breakfast so come down to the kitchen." He said and got out of the bed.

"Wait." I stopped him before he could leave the room.

"Could you please maybe carry me?" I asked really quietly and blushed again.

"What was that, little one? I didn't quite catch it." He asked.

"I asked if you could carry me downstairs." I said a bit louder this time, still blushing immensely.

"Of course baby." Louis answered with a grin. He walked back towards the bed. He reached down to pick me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed my head and started to walk downstairs.

I decided to enjoy the moment so I took a huge breath in to smell his addictive scent. I could feel Louis do the same. The thought of it made me smile.

We reached the kitchen too fast for my liking. He set me down on one of the chairs and went to the cupboards.

"Are pancakes okay?" He asked while searching through the cupboards.

"Yeah, of course." I answered him. He gave me a quick smile and started to work on the batter.

"So, I was thinking. Maybe you could come over to my house for dinner tonight so you could meet my mum and Gemma. I know they're both home today." I suggested.

"Oh yeah? I would love that actually. The sooner the better so I wouldn't have time to get too nervous."

"You have absolutely nothing to be nervous about. They will adore you, I'm sure." I reassured him.

"I'm glad you think so. I really hope it's true."

"I guess we could go see my family this weekend then too. They live in Doncaster so it would be a bit of a drive."

"Yeah, sure. I'm sure my mum would be fine with it."

                      ☆      ☆      ☆

After we ate the pancakes he made, which were delicious, he gave me some more of his clothes and took me to school.

After I kissed his cheek and hugged him goodbye I left the car and went to my locker.

There were quite a few people waiting around it. I shrugged it off and opened my locker. When people noticed me their faces lit up. What is going on?

"Hey, Harry! So....How do you know Louis Tomlinson?" A random girl from my biology class asked.

So this was what this was about. Of course. I should've known people would ask.

I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't know if Louis was okay with me telling people we are soulmates. Thankfully I didn't have to answer because Niall came to my rescue.

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