17. We're really proud of you

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Harry's POV

"Good morning, little one. How do you feel." Was the first thing I heard as I woke up.

I was still laying on Louis' chest and he was playing with my curls. I smiled at the feeling.

"Morning, Boo. I feel better I guess. My head still hurts a lot though."

"It will unfortunately hurt for a while. But it will get better soon."

"Yeah. When can I go home?" I asked him.

"I don't know baby. I'm sure the doctor will come soon to tell us." And he was right. The doctor came about half an hour later.

"Hello, Harry. I'm Dr. Grimshaw. It's really nice to finally meet you when you're awake." The doctor said with a friendly smile.

"Hi!" I said back shyly. I don't like new people.

"How's your head?" Dr. Grimshaw asked.

"It hurts."

"I'll give you medicine for that. You'll stay here for a few more hours and you'll be home for lunch."

He turned on the IV drip again. It stayed in my arm for the night. They had to wake me up every couple of hours and on one of these they turned it off.

"Okay, thank you doctor."

"No problem, kid." He smiled and left the room.

I turned towards Louis again. "Can you please get me some food? I'm hungry." I asked him with a blush. I didn't like bothering him.

He just smiled though. "Yeah, of course, little one. What would you like?"

"Anything is fine." I said. He said he'll be right back and got out if the bed. He smiled at me again and then left the room.

I let out a sigh. I was wondering if I had to go to school the next day. Knowing my mum and Louis probably not but I was still nervous and a bit scared. I didn't want to see the 3 boys who put me in this hospital.

Louis returned like 5 minutes later with a sandwich and some juice. I thanked him and started eating.

"Will you take me home later or will my mum come to get me?" I asked with my mouth full. I know, I'm so rude. I covered my mouth though.

"Actually I was thinking that you could stay at my house until your head gets better. Me and Anne discussed it yesterday and she agreed. I'll have more time than her so I can take care of you better." He offered.

"Really? That sounds great!" I answered immediately with a happy smile, my dimples showing. I didn't even need to think about it.

"Oh I haven't seen these in a while." Louis said with a grin and poked at my dimples, making me laugh.

"So you're sure you wanna stay with me, little one? It would take weeks." Louis asked.

"Yeah, of course. You don't even have to ask."

☆  ☆  ☆

"Hey kiddo, you ready to go home?" Dr. Grimshaw asked as he walked into the room.

"Yeah." I answered with a shy smile.

"Are you taking him home Mr. Tomlinson?" He asked Louis.

"Yes, I am."

"Great! You're gonna need to fill out the discharge forms." The doctor said and handed Louis a few papers.

He filled those out and paid the bill before we left. It felt great to get some fresh air.

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