Chapter Twenty-One

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"
"Black speech"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Twenty-One:

"Glorfindel?" Elrond asked, a sweet smile plastered on his face.

The Balrog slayer looked up from his book, took one glance at the look on his lords face, before jumping up and contemplating jumping off the balcony in an effort to get away.

Nothing good ever comes from that look on Elrond.

"I need a favour."

The reborn elf made a sound reminiscent of a cat being strangled.

"Celebrian and I are going for a picnic and the twins and Arwen are out riding."  Elrond began, ignoring the golden-haired Ellon. "We need someone to watch Narvana while we're gone."

He leaned around the door and turned back with the small elfling in his arms, her green eyes widening in glee as she caught sight of Glorfindel and a few giggles escaping her mouth.

If Glorfindel was anyone else, he would've just melted into a pile of goo on the floor at the child.

Eru was she cute.

Elrond crowded in front of Glorfindel until he was forced to move back, ending up on the wooden chair behind him with a resounding "oof."

The Lord of Imladris promptly placed the elfling in the Balrog-Slayer's lap, before rushing out of the room, leaving a flabbergasted Glorfindel and a softly cooing baby.

Glorfindel had looked down at her, lips twitching when she caught his eyes and began waving her arms around, laughing and bouncing.

"Hello?" He asked nervously.

She had frowned, cocking her head in a rather uncanny imitation of Elrond which caused the Captain to do a double take.

Then she babbled, and he sighed softly, manoeuvring as he stood so that she was sat on his hip.

Thinking about finding a story or something to read to her, Glorfindel stepped into the hallway and began making his way to the library, before his eyebrows creased when he realised that she was very quiet.

Almost nervously, he looked at her out of his periphery.

She was chewing his hair.

Erestor had snorted several times when he explained that she just wouldn't stop eating his hair! And had offered absolutely no help, so Glorfindel was resigned to placing her down while he tied his hair up and out of the way, grumbling all the while.

Those were simpler times. Times of more joy and laughter, but they were lost, now: lost to the decay of time, and living only in memories.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

Orbs of light appeared in the darkness, floating around the fellowship as they all ensured that everyone was accounted for.

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