Chapter Twenty-Six

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"
"Black speech"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter Twenty-Six:

Flames licked the sky, devouring elves and light and hope; screams reverberated throughout the city and lands beyond; and Gondolin was lost.

Glorfindel ushered the group of survivors away, his fine armour stained with blood and tears as his golden hair streamed behind him. The Lord's heart was heavier than it ever had been, and the echoes of Ecthelion's dying scream and cry tormented him. The path was narrow and treacherous, but they were getting closer-

And then there was an enraged roar from behind them; elves screamed, Idril and Tuor shuddered, but Glorfindel simply closed his eyes in resignation.

He knew what he had to do.

When he opened the eyes, for a second, they seemed to glow; but the Gonolindrim elves had no time to dwell on it for he was rapidly turning, with one last parting nod to the armoured elleth leading their group, and charging to his destiny.

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"I'm just saying," Gimli rolled his eyes, "if you had tied your ruddy hair up, Glorfy, you mighta' survived."

The Lord shrugged as he checked the saddle on Asfaloth.

He was saved from responding by Aragorn, who clapped Gimli genially on the shoulder and ushered him away.

Glorfindel nodded in thanks - his heart was too heavy that day to think of Gondolin.

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A group consisting of Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Glorfindel, Narvana, Éomer, Théoden and a few other soldiers and Rohirrim made the journey towards Isengard the following day, intent on dealing with the issue of Saruman.

It escaped none of their notice (except Narvana's) that Éomer showed great interest in the elleth and chose to ride near her. She, thinking he was simply being friendly, humoured him and regaled him with stories.

"I find it hard to believe that an elleth such as yourself should find herself without a partner!" He laughed, and Aragorn actually turned around with a raised eyebrow.

She smiled, though it was slightly cold. "There is more to life than romance. I do not need a partner to live a successful life, nor does my self worth depend on my romantic life."

Glorfindel, who had been particularly sullen, smirked from where he rode next to Gandalf at her sharp response.

Éomer backtracked so quickly, they were surprised he didn't fall off his horse. "Of course! That is not what I meant- I never hoped to insult- I apologise, my Lady." He bowed his head solemnly.

She laughed softly, and Glorfindel swallowed and closed his eyes momentarily at the sound.

"Forget about it. And call me Narvana, please."

"Of course, Narvana." He responded with a smile lighting up his visage.

Glorfindel inhaled shakily, angling his head to look at the sky and valiantly suppressing the jealousy and disappointment which arose. He had no right to her, she was more than allowed to flirt with whoever she pleased. And if she wanted to get her heartbroken when the king's nephew inevitably died, then that was on her.

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