Chapter One

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The Lady Of The Flame

The prophecy:

"When darkness is seemingly prevailing,
And shadows all consuming,
When the light is weakening and failing,
A warrior will rise, unassuming.
Christened 'I Héri -o I runya',
The Lady of the Flame.
Reborn from the ashes of a dissatisfying life,
Reborn with the power to save the world from strife.
Tasked with a mission.
The embodiment of all that is light.
She will be revered.
Known by many a name.
But a warrior she shall be.
Reborn, The Lady of the Flame."

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"This is speech"
'This is thoughts'
"This is telepathy"

All art belongs to their respective owners, I found them all on Pinterest and claim no ownership over any.

I Héri -o I runya
(The lady of the flame)
Chapter One:

Azalea Potter had resigned herself to the fact that no, she was certainly not normal. At all.
Normally she would shrug it off with a casual "normal is boring anyway", but if she was being honest with herself, then she would acknowledge that she wanted just one part of her life to have some sort of a semblance of normality. Most of the time, she just wanted to blend in and slink away into the shadows.

Alas, it was not meant to be.

No matter what she wanted, she would forever be Azalea Lily Potter, The Girl who Lived, The Girl who Lies (however briefly), the Chosen One, The Woman Who Won, youngest woman to receive Order of Merlin first class, and a multitude of other titles that she picked up along the way... Ron's personal favourite being The Recluse, from a period of time where she avoided crowds like the plague.

However, there were titles that she was actually  proud of, such as: Head Auror Potter (for four years before she tired of the paper work), Auror Potter (25 years before the promotion), Healer Potter (27 years), DADA teacher Potter (41 years), Unspeakable Potter (52 years), Curse Breaker Potter (12 years) youngest person to obtain a mastery in DADA ever at the age of eighteen, as well as several other masteries which she obtained throughout periods of boredom later on in life, she was also known as the pioneer for pro-creature legislation and a reformation of the Wizengamot -where muggleborns were actually allowed seats (the discovery of that particular law led to a lot of angry rants with several friends and a more civilised -but no less meaningful- speech in the Wizengamot one fine afternoon.)

She took up the mantles of Lady Potter, Peverell and Slytherin (through right of conquest) a few years after the war. She briefly became Lady Black just so that she could annul marriages between Lestranges and reinstate Teddy and Andromeda, before the latter was given the title.

After the war, she (to put it mildly) was lost. There were so many deaths, so much survivors guilt, a newborn baby (her godson, Teddy), and  she had to somehow figure out how to pick up the pieces of an old life when everything had changed... when she had changed.

With the horcrux in her scar gone, her poor eyesight was somewhat miraculously cured, her temper became more easily controlled (though she was still a Potter with Evans blood), she lost her parseltongue abilities, but also discovered that the horcrux was blocking her core from achieving its full power. Meaning that it took a while before she could cast magic, as a levitation charm could result in a hole in the roof (Ron laughed for 15 minutes straight). But wandless and wordless magic became easier, and her core felt unburdened. She could feel the magic thrumming in her veins, it was warm, and when she was not holding her power in, her body seem to glow a beautiful pure golden, and her mother's eyes seemed to glow an even brighter emerald green than ever before.

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